Mike Heath
As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance. — 1 Peter 1:14
I joined twenty Christians last night on the roads and pathways leading to the baseball stadium in Hickory North Carolina. Franklin Graham filled the sporting arena. We were there to invite the crusade attendees to join us in our Equal Justice Tour. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has fine tuned a message that describes the “passions of your former ignorance.” Their description of moral failings is resolved with an altar call and decision to be saved by Jesus Christ.
Many millions of people around the world have turned their back on moral failings as a result of attending one of these events, or watching a Billy or Franklin Graham sermon in the media. Praise God for that.
Our purpose in being there was to invite Americans to join with us in living out the following two verses, “but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” Holiness is being set apart. I felt set apart handing out Equal Justice Tour cards while wearing a T-Shirt emblazoned with the slogan “Crooked Hillary” and “Lock ‘Er Up.”
Some folks refused the cards saying, “This is not the place for politics.” Most people accepted the cards. Understandably nobody stopped to talk as they rushed into the stadium to get a seat.
I am not saying that we were holy and the crusade attendees were not. I am saying that turning your back on the passions of your former ignorance includes being set apart for good works in Jesus Christ. Those good works begin with a decision to follow the teachings of the gospel. That decision is only a beginning.
We continue on as obedient children, thankful for the daily gift of life that God gives to us. We soon realize that choosing not to be conformed to the passions of former ignorance means taking a stand for righteousness. A civilization is built by people who don’t simply walk away from their own past mistakes. It is built by people who go on to confront the forces of evil that exploit and manipulate debased passions.
A nation is not sustained by personal conversions only. A nation is built and sustained by the rule of law. Without equal justice it is only a matter of time before the nation collapses.
The man who led us to Hickory last night is Coach Dave Daubenmire. He started the Equal Justice Tour by travelling to Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York this spring. He recorded a Facebook Live video on the street in front of her house. He was moved to make the journey by a visit to his home just days before by the FBI.
Dave has a daily show on the internet called “Coach Dave Live.” The FBI visited to inquire about whether he was promoting violence on his show. The show is mostly a Bible Study about how to live as a Christian in our decaying culture. The Coach’s style is manly and he is prone to rant about the passions of former ignorance. Unlike many Christians he names names and takes no prisoners.
Hillary Clinton violated the law while serving in public office. She was not prosecuted. America is not a monarchy. Politicians are nothing special. Under our system of government they work for the people and they don’t have more rights than the people. As Dave mulled over the visit from the FBI he became furious about the visit.
While a Christian Coach is viewed as a potential threat to his neighbors by his own government rich, powerful and politically correct criminals go unpunished for their crimes. This cannot be sustained, obviously. A nation that creates this sort of unjust system is not long for this world. It is only a matter of time before God sends judgment.
We went to the Franklin Graham event to do our duty for God and Country. While the Church works to nurture righteousness in individual people it must confront evildoers.
We pointedly confronted the sins of baby murder and sodomy on some of our signs. These are grievous popular sins of passion that the Church enables by avoiding confrontation. We refuse to even imagine a society where these grievous sins exist only in the darkest closets. Instead of creating and nurturing a nation that publicly punishes these evils we enable them in our legal system while turning away from them personally in order to be saved.
It would be better for sodomy and baby murder to be punished harshly for the purpose of encouraging people never to go there than for these heinous acts to be the focus of popular political movements.
A man with the influence of Franklin Graham could rally the American people to demand a Christian justice system. As Coach likes to say the Christian Church could end abortion in one day. All they would have to do is choose one Sunday and hold their worship service at the local abortion mill. That number of people on the streets would bring an end to the killing.
If we really loved our neighbors would we be putting up with drag queens in libraries, no fault divorce and abortion. I think not.
© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org