By Lex Greene

April 4, 2024

After reviewing numerous demographic reports regarding recent elections, 2016-2022, honestly, the math simply doesn’t add up to the alleged 2020 outcome, for starters. But there are some constants in these reports, so I’ll focus on those in this piece. But before I do…

Since the 1960s, voting has trended towards single-issue voting, which is what has divided the electorate against itself. Based upon decades of election data, those who currently control the USA elections might not be who you think.


  1. FEMALE VOTERS – representing approximately 53% of eligible voters in the USA (47% male), they vote democrat in every election cycle at a rate of 57% on the basis of one emotion-driven issue, abortion. Even though most never have and never will use abortion themselves, they still vote for abortion, an alleged right of mothers to kill their own children in the womb.
  2. NEW YOUNG VOTERS – raised on anti-American Marxist principles and values via government-controlled education in K-12 classrooms and especially on college campuses, they attempt to vote themselves taxpayer-funded gifts from the treasury via social spending, dumping their college loans on taxpayers and hoping they will never have to actually work for a living.
  3. RETIREE VOTERS – now dependent upon government benefits they paid into all their lives and believing the democrat false propaganda about “republicans killing social security” when in reality, democrats pilfered the social security (distrust) fund years ago, leaving the system $175 trillion underfunded as of today. They tend to vote democrat as well, on this single issue. (It’s not republicans who have pushed granny down the stairwell!)

Combined, these three voting blocs control modern elections in the USA. While most want to discuss voting trends based upon race or religion, the reality is, these three single-issue voting groups are responsible for the global Marxist shift in American voting trends, for years now.

In each of these three cases, they are all victims of a grand scheme to con or bribe them out of their votes by focusing these voters narrowly upon their own selfish pet issues, at the expense of the country as a whole. They have no concern at all for what their votes have done and will do to a once great nation. They are only focused tightly on their own self-interests, and at everyone else’s expense.


They will fail to protect their self-interests unless they save America’s freedom and liberty first.

When freedom and liberty fail, they fail for everyone, not just some group your cancel-culture- clutch doesn’t like. Once you cancel freedom and liberty for others, you will have cancelled your own as well. Fools thought the current “cancel culture” was a grand idea, until they started finding themselves cancelled too.

The thing about Marxism is…it’s only designed to serve the elite ruling class, not the people. A perfect current example is Marxist House Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who had a personal net worth of -$8499 before being elected to Congress. She was dead broke and $8500 in debt when she was elected to Congress to “help the poor people” through her Marxist principles and values. Just five years later, AOC is worth more than $13-million, but how much richer are her constituents in Brooklyn, New York, now drowning in democrat caused inflation and a mass foreign invasion of their city?

This is exactly how Marxism works… they steal from the rich, stuff it in their own pockets, and create a society where no one but the ruling elites can succeed in life. AOC is a prime example, even though she’s not smart enough to know it, or honest enough to admit it.

Government has become the greatest “get-rich-quick” scheme in America, as demonstrated repeatedly by the number of politicians who enter the game broke and leave multi-millionaires, like Obama and Biden.

Obama was broke when he was elected to the US Senate. Just a few years in the US Senate later, Obama’s net worth had risen to an estimated $3,665,505, and by the time he left the Oval Office in January 2017, his net worth had ballooned to an estimated $12.2-million. Today, Obama’s wealth is estimated at over $40-million and growing.

Joe Biden’s financial story is very similar… Despite a 40-year political career and eight-years as VP under Obama, Biden was still only worth an estimated $2.5-million at the end of the Obama terms. He needed a little help from his friends…

However, in the four years he spent out of office (2017-2021), he and babysitter wife Jill, managed to rake in a cool $16.7-million combined, doing what? And after just three disastrous years in the people’s White House, Joe’s net worth has skyrocketed to an estimated $58-million.

Party of the little people? More like, a party on the backs of the little people! While they drove your net worth and buying power into the toilet, they became richer than their wildest dreams!


The fact is, no matter what you think your partisan leanings are, government isn’t a friend to anyone but itself. While they preach Marxist principles to you, they themselves…enjoy capitalism at its corrupt worst!


The ONLY single-issue worthy of anyone’s vote is a vote for freedom, liberty, equal justice under the laws (not corrupt lawfare), equal opportunity, free, fair elections, real government transparency and accountability, personal and national sovereignty, security and prosperity for all, and peace through the strength of the American electorate, sick and tired of watching politicians get richer and more powerful, while the people scrape pennies to survive.

THIS is the ONLY single-issue worthy of every American’s vote.

Understand, no matter what you think of Trump, he made his fortune building things, producing things, profiting from the work he spent a lifetime doing. His political opponents have all become wealthy and powerful on the backs of American taxpayers, while working around the clock to destroy the very foundations of freedom and drive every Citizen into bankruptcy.

Go research it all for yourself. Don’t take my word for it. Verify everything I’m telling you here!

If you do, you will agree that no matter what your personal pet issue might be, it isn’t as important as freedom and liberty itself, without which no one can work to advance their own goals.

As my old Marine buddy says…hear me lookin at you?

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