The Communist Chinese are spying on us and conducting a plethora of other direct activities to destroy us as a prelude to world domination. These activities deserve separate and special treatment and will be explored in future articles. This article focuses more on general Chinese activities internationally and China’s return to its former hard Communist character.
Internationally, the presence, tentacles, and influence of the Red Chinese are expanding according to long-term plans without any tangible or serious opposition.

The program being pursued in Nepal has become the model of how Communist China is methodically advancing its interests all over the world. The methodology involves China’s offer to build/rebuild infrastructure in a country in exchange for greater access to that country’s markets–as well as political allegiance, if not outright alliance. Turkey and Sri Lanka are two countries taking advantage of this initiative, and many others that are strapped for cash are seriously considering China’s blandishments. In the case of Sri Lanka, the government of that debt-ridden country has been compelled to sign over most of its rights to a major southern seaport, Hambentota, as well as adjacent private land to the Chinese in exchange for a substantial amount of debt forgiveness. This port, on the major east-west shipping lane from the Suez Canal to Singapore and the Far East,.gives China unprecedented access to one of the world’s major commercial sea routes as well as a potential military vantage point over the entire Indian Ocean; and the Chinese, flush with cash, is proving much more than willing to dole out supposedly no-strings attached financial aid to many countries causing these countries to set aside their worries over China’s true motives and to begin questioning their alignment with the West.
The “Belt and Road” project(literally “One Belt, One Road” in Chinese), of which China’s Sri Lanka’s activities are only a small part, was launched by Chinese President and General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping in 2013. It is nothing less than a modern re-creation of the ancient land and sea trading routes that linked China with the rest of the world–a sort of 21st Century Silk Road. This initiative coincides with a very significant Chinese military buildup and a dramatic rise in Chinese Communist subversion abroad, in places as distant as South Africa.
For nations caught in the Chinese Communist net, the results are increasingly worrisome. Nepal’s communists have outlawed Christian missionary activity there, made charitable activity by any Christian affiliated organizations illegal, and have curtailed the right of Nepalese citizens to criticize the government.
In China itself, the Communist Party is undoing several decades of market reforms and is discouraging the taste for Western music and media. There is a slow but steady movement back to the totalitarian communist past. Crackdowns, arrests, and imprisonments are soaring in the name of anti-corruption campaigns, targeting everyone from street vendors to critics of the government. Dissidents are “disappearing”–but worse abuses are on the way. Xi has removed the two-term limit on his rule and is now leader for life. His “anti-corruption” campaigns are morphing into transforming China into a panopticon state. A network of cameras watches Chinese citizens everywhere they walk or drive, while government sponsored software compiles data on tens of millions of them, assigning each one a number similar to a credit score–except that these scores reflect a citizen’s loyalty to the Party, obedience to the state, and general sense of civic duty. Points are deducted for jaywalking, late bill payments, criticizing the government, buying too much alcohol, etc. If a citizen’s score drops too low, they will be denied the right to air and rail travel, refused access to social networks, and kept from gainful employment. Still under consideration are additional “social infractions” such as playing too many video games, spending money wastefully, and making too many posts on social media. By 2020, next year, the Chinese government expects to have all of China’s 1.4 billion people under 24/7 surveillance—this is Orwell on steroids. Not only that, China’s major corporations, such as Alibaba and Huawei, are allowed to operate only on condition that they use their resources to enhance the government’s surveillance powers both at home and abroad.
Chinese law mandates that foreign firms in most fields must be partnered with a domestic Chinese firm, a partnership wherein the Chinese firm must control 51% of the combined entity–an imposition that many foreign companies are coming to realize is a cynical ploy, whereby Chinese firms avail themselves of Western intellectual property, only to kick the Westerners out once their usefulness has been exhausted. Indeed, the Chinese government is increasingly harassing Western firms, and in some cases forcing them to relocate to remote areas because the Chinese had decided to build something more to their liking on the site without offering the Western firms any compensation for the ouster and relocation. Sometimes the Western firms had already poured millions of dollars into developing their sites.
The Chinese government is also interfering with company internet usage. A fundamental anxiety is that the government will want to see everything that flows in and out of the country via the internet. This could mean appropriating company intellectual property and trade secrets. Despite such egregious practices or attitudes, Western corporations continue to pour capital into China, afraid their competitors will wind up taking their place. Companies will perform all sorts of contortions and obeisances to ingratiate themselves to the ingrates–the increasingly autocratic Chinese authorities. Google, exhibiting the behavior communists like to point to as a characteristic of capitalists, i.e., doing anything for big bucks, is secretly working on a search engine for China that would censor access to the internet to comply with Communist Party dictates.
China’s willingness to let outside capital in is more than matched by its refusal to allow capital out–in any form.
It is virtually impossible to transfer money abroad via the usual methods ubiquitous elsewhere such as money wires, drafts, money-grams and other methods of currency transfer. Any money transfers which do occur are strictly monitored and controlled, and often rejected for arbitrary reasons. Access to foreign marketing sites such as and Facebook is strictly prohibited. Culturally, China has always seen itself as unique and set apart from the rest of the world, and that attitude continues.
Chinese economic and military achievements give the Chinese people feelings of assurance that they will never endure the humiliations of the past and will remain a great power. Asians typically never really forgive and forget past humiliations. They are willing to endure the curtailment of their freedoms as long as their country remains strong. It is a testament of their work ethic and resourcefulness that the Chinese can achieve so much in the face of daunting political and geographical obstacles. China is moving towards a sort of high-tech cultural revolution where education in general is highly prized. The Chinese are increasingly educated, wealthy, and accomplished and produce leaders in science, technology, and the arts; but the Communist government is adroit in channeling these virtues and resources for its own purposes. Despite a modicum of free enterprise, the Communist ideology is still paramount.
One factor driving China’s remarkable economic growth is the avoidance of debt and the reliance on savings. The Chinese avoid the market distortions of the business cycle and are mostly sealed off from the global banking system. China is a creditor and not a debtor nation which gives its leadership great leeway in commissioning grandiose building projects that often turn into flops with low occupancy, but these are inconsequential in the overall scheme of things. China has created the world’s largest and best high-speed railway system. It is almost a joke to compare this system with the American railway system. The “Bullet Train” project to connect Los Angeles to San Francisco is moving at a snail’s pace and large cost overruns are already projected resulting in at least a doubling of original cost estimates.
Another factor in China’s success is the Chinese work ethic, which is second to none. In most Southeast Asian countries, it is the “overseas Chinese” that powers economies from The Philippines to Malaysia. In the enclaves of Hong Cong, Taiwan and Singapore, the Chinese solely run the show and the record speaks for itself. The passion for business, ethnic pride and sense of national destiny characterize the Han Chinese.
A largely overlooked factor that powers the Chinese and helps assure their success is the strong will to preserve traditional families and civic virtues. The Chinese rejection of, and contrast with, Western decadence in the phenomena of premarital sex, drug use and trafficking, pregnancy out-of-wedlock, high crime rates, and low standards of morality is stark.It is assuredly not the productive and hard working Chinese who pose a threat to the West–It is the Communist regime of Beijing that is harnessing this unmatched energy, drive and capability that constitutes a mortal threat to the West. The West, presently in a state of steep cultural decline, is now weak and vulnerable enough to easily lose its hegemony over the areas of the world where it still maintains military or cultural dominance; and further, it is indeed subject to be overrun and conquered through subversion or military might by a superior civilizational force and/or even simply by a massive physical force via a huge invasion by Far Eastern humanity, even without a military component, exceeding anything known to history.
The naivete, greed and thoughtlessness of foreign governments, and multinational/Western corporations are serving the long sought cause of Communist world domination; and the Chinese with their vast population, have ample incentive to seek, by subversion or conquest, Lebensraum abroad.
Twenty-First century China is now morphing into an aggressive, expansionist power intent on challenging the might and dominance of the West across the Globe. With the complicity of rootless, soulless, greedy, and allegiance-less foreign corporations willing to be exploited in this design, China bids fair to accomplish its aims and purposes as perhaps the most powerful and dangerous regime the world has yet seen.
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