Repeal Uniform Monday Holiday Act

February 22, 2016, is the 284th anniversary of the birth of George Washington in 1732. He should be honored on his actual birthday: February 22, not another day for the three-day holiday convenience of alleged “public servants” in government employment. Nor should Washington be lumped in with other, less deserving presidents in a concocted “Presidents Day.”

I believe George Washington, the “Father Of His [Our] Country,” to be the greatest of all Americans. He set an enduring example of fidelity to God and Country. He should be known, remembered, and honored, by Americans of this and and future generations, as he was by his contemporaries in the generation of the Founding Fathers at the genesis of America.

Therefore, I urge support for the proposition that the holiday now known as “Presidents Day,” and observed on the third Monday of February, as a result of the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act” of 1971, be repealed, and the holiday known as “Washington’s Birthday” honoring George Washington be reinstated and observed on February 22, the actual date of his birth.

In support, I submit for your consideration the following comments, annual February 22 of renown author and patriot William J. Federer on his which provides information and evidence of who George Washington was, and what he believed, in Washington’s own words, as well as international praise of him in his era.

George Washington was the most admired American by the Americans of the Founding Generation who created the free, democratic republic of America: “First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen,” as Washington was described by Revolutionary War hero Henry (“Light Horse Harry”) Lee.

Washington set an enduring example by his conduct as Commanding General of the American Revolutionary Army in the War of Independence, 1776-1883, and in following years when he was elected president of the Constitutional Convention and thereafter the First President of United States.

He set perhaps an even greater example by walking away from power and returning home to Virginia as a private citizen after his second term, refusing offers that he be president for life.

His act of humbly declining power as President and returning home stunned the world, in which the United States was then the only republic in a world of monarchs and potentates. He was hailed as a (then) modern “Cincinnatus,” the Roman general who walked away from imperial power when Rome ruled the world. When others grasped for power—then and now—George Washington, singularly, relinquished power, setting an unprecedented example of duty, honor, country, first.

After his death on Dec. 14, 1799, George Washington was hailed in the western world as “the greatest man of his age.” Even Napoleon, who had no small estimation of his own greatness, deferred to Washington, saying (on Feb. 9, 1800) : “This great man fought against tyranny; he established the liberty of his country. His memory will always be dear to the French people, as it will be to all freemen of the two worlds.”

Americans once believed those words. George Washington was the first American to be honored with a federal holiday. “Washington’s Birthday” was established by Act of Congress in 1879. The “Washington’s Birthday” holiday was observed on the anniversary of Washington’s birthday, February 22, until Congress, putting the care, comfort and convenience government employees first, adopted the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act,” which became effective on Jan. 1, 1971.

That Act effectively subordinated remembrance of the example of George Washington’s life, and maintaining or inculcating those virtues in the national character, especially of the young, and immigrants who would be Americans, for the higher purpose of insuring that federal and other government employees will have nice three-day weekend holidays, while the rest of the country goes to work.

“Washington’s Birthday” holiday was in effect abolished from national consciousness in the 1980’s, when the the holiday was renamed “President’s Day,” submerging America’s greatest president, George Washington, into an undifferentiated mass of competent men and con men, the good, the bad, the ugly, the avaricious, meretricious, and salacious, who have managed, often by hook and crook, and lying through their teeth, to get themselves elected President.

For example of why Washington should not be lumped with others, excuse me for possible political incorrectness or insult to socialists, communists, Black Lies Matter adherents, or other haters of America seeking to take it over, in stating that in my opinion, it is a very long road from George Washington to Barack Hussein Obama, and all down hill.

Concisely stated: It is the singular, unprecedented virtues, character, and example of George Washington which ought to be remembered and honored singularly, on his actual birthday, February 22.

Therefore, let us Americans of this generation demand that Congress restore the “Washington’s Birthday Holiday to be observed on February 22, annually, the actual birth date of George Washington, no matter the lamentations of government bureaucrats and employees who may suffer the oppression of one less three-day weekend holiday.

2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

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