by Lynne M Taylor

September 15, 2023

SDG 16: “Back the Blue” Decoded

APC’s good friend, Lynne Taylor, the Common Core Diva, has written an important new article and I’m pleased to share it with you.  —Tom DeWeese, President

Warning bells should be going off all around us, these days. If they aren’t already, it’s my hope that by the time you finish this article, you’ll hear them distinctly! If you’re not familiar with the history of the police forces in the US, please read this. If you’re not sure where the boundaries of police powers should be for America, read this article on how we can urge our States to go back to their Constitutional roots.

The First Bell:

Recently, my local newspaper published an article celebrating the fact that the local police department had become nationally accredited. Sounds great on the surface, right?! As in any media, articles like this are presented to help build a sense of support and protection in communities. However, as a researcher and the wife of a former correctional officer, I know, what’s said is one thing, it’s what’s NOT said that must be brought to light!

Just what does ‘nationally accredited’ mean when it comes to law enforcement? To find out I looked into the private entity which awarded this distinction to the local police. CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc). That’s right, a PRIVATE entity giving a PUBLIC agency a blanket of cover for all types of benefits. Here are the 3 most troubling to ‘We the People’ and our First Amendment Rights.

Benefitting Police-Not Citizens (The Second Bell):

1) “Stronger defense against lawsuits and citizens complaints: Accredited agencies are better able to defend themselves against lawsuits and citizen complaints. Many agencies report a decline in legal actions once they become accredited.”

Well of course a decline in cases would be seen, the voice of the people in the community just got a huge ‘mute’ button!

Does this mean that ALL complaints are taken seriously or large scale dismissal? We the People know that corruption exists in ALL government services and as such are given the right to report it! Accrediting in this instance sounds very suspect.

2) “Staunch support from government officials: Accreditation provides objective evidence of an agency’s commitment to excellence in leadership, resource management and service-delivery. Thus, government officials are more confident in the agency’s ability to operate efficiently and meet community needs.”

So are we to think that because the police got a ‘thumbs up’ from a private entity we can feel more secure and protected? Since we know that public private partnerships are fascist, are we supposed to trust that the government will have our best interests become as staunchly supported? This aspect of accreditation drips of more ‘good ole boy’ networking as seen in “Robin Hood”.

3) “Increases community advocacy: Accreditation embodies the precepts of community-oriented policing. It creates a forum in which police and citizens work together to prevent and control crime. This partnership helps citizens understand the challenges confronting law enforcement and gives a clear direction about community expectations.”

Don’t you feel better knowing that a police officer who swears to uphold the U.S. Constitution as well as the Constitution of your State, just went ‘globally woke’ on your family? Wait, Lynne, I didn’t see any ‘globally woke’ language!

Third Bell: Globalism:

It’s hiding in plain sight. Written into “Voices of Culture” A 2021 Report by the Goethe Institut (Belgium), culture shifts for society are best handled when there’s ‘group effort’.

This falls directly under Sustainable Development Goals #16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Organizations), a partnership between police and the citizens is required. It’s a form of co-dependency on a United Nations level! (*Note 1: The United Nations has devoted much time and resources to color coding the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. Blue, is the color for SDG #16, which is “Peace, Justice & Strong Organizations”. According to marketing psychology, blue is to bring us a sense of dependability and strength and promote a state of mind of trust. Think about that next time you hear someone say “Back the Blue” or when you see the UN’s symbol. Ask yourselves “What are they really promoting?”)

CALEA uses international standards (governance and data), as well as ‘best practices’ for public safety. Supposedly, all this alignment means ‘better delivery of police services’. My question here, and probably yours, there: Why ‘international standards and practices’ at local levels? As you can see this absolutely aligns with SDG 16, but also with SDG #17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

CALEA works directly with APCO, ITU, IEEE, 3GPP and others connected to each of these entities.

APCO (Association of Public Safety Communications Officers) APCO has 60 client groups from corporations to international political and business groups aiding them. Chief among them: B20 (Business Group of 20, part of the G20) WEF (World Economic Forum) and AMA (American Medical Association)
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)

Among the things all these entities share, it’s an adherence to the SGDs. ITU IS, after all, the UN’s technology arm!

Using Law Enforcement to Change Culture:

Above, I mentioned “Voices of Culture”. The Report I have is well over 100 pages, but within those pages are lots of bells AND whistles! This article, by another source, also echoes the use of police and other law enforcers to implement the SDGs via culture. The Report focused on SDGs 4, 8, 11 and 13 (education, work, sustainable cities, and climate). The one thing all 4 have in common? CULTURE! How do you BEST change culture? Shift attitudes, values and beliefs!

In education, it’s called SEL (social emotional learning), in law enforcement, it’s called ‘community services’!

For example, page 11 of the Report shared that 5 challenges face everyone in adhering to the SDGs. Digital tracking, cross-sector collaborations, non-formal learning infrastructures, access to and representation of all these, AND policy framework. Page 13 stated that ‘stakeholders’ at all levels are needed to grant access to ‘high quality education for ALL citizens. As such, communication MUST be re-shaped so that harmony can be achieved.

Part of culture shifting also includes the forced partnerships between governments and businesses (already exists) but combine both to apply coercion among citizens. See this ‘impact’ article and how it plays right into the UN’s plans.

Part of the language shift, I have found, not only in this document, but in the GMF (German Marshall Fund) Civic Information Handbook, pretty much sums it up: authorities over us will seek to control ALL communication for credibility. Think lies vs truth. Truth, in this case, becomes subjective to fit an agenda, not objective to serve We the People. Still not following me?

Re-read the law enforcement benefits of staunch government support above, or the attack on the 1st Amendment Rights for Free Speech. From a technology standpoint, free speech isn’t the only thing ‘We the People’ will lose. This article described how the collective efforts of ‘us vs them’ could very well be placed upon us sooner than we think.

Think, also about just HOW law enforcement surrounds you, as far as jobs, and you don’t know it. Think about how much of your city or town MUST change to bring about all the public policies and enforcements needed to BECOME a ‘sustainable city’, or a peaceful strong hub of a city.

Jobs Become Actions & Job Holders are Actors:

From John Douglas (former FBI legendary agent) and his book, Guide to Landing a Career in Law Enforcement (2004), here’s a list of local and state law enforcement jobs:
Examiners, experts, forensic scientists, coroner, medical examiner, sketch artists, polygraph examiners, probation or parole officers, criminal justice, patrol officers, traffic officers, detectives, correctional or detention officers, specialized units, some municipal and county officers, local police, local sheriff and deputies, state troopers, state patrols, public safety departments, and justice officers.

Federal level law enforcement jobs:
♦ US Dept of Vet Affairs Security and Law Enforcement Officers, US Dept of Agriculture’s USDA Forest Service Law Enforcement Officers and Investigators, US Dept of Defense’s Pentagon Force Protection, US Dept of Health/Human Services’ National Inst. of Health Police, US Dept of Homeland Security’s Border/Transportation, FEMA, Science & Technology, Infrastructure (includes all communications)
♦ US Dept of Interior’s National US Park Police and Park Rangers
♦ US Dept of Justice’s ATF and Explosives, Drug Enforcement, Federal Prisons, FBI/FBI Training Center, US Marshals, all Military Police forces in their various names and anything that includes international investigations and surveillance
♦ US Postal Service Inspectors
♦ US Dept of Treasury’s IRS Criminal Investigators and US Mint Police
♦ US Capitol Police
♦ US Dept of State’s Diplomatic Security

These jobs will be rebranded and offer re-skilling and become ‘actions’. Those holding the jobs, thus, are to be rebranded and re-skilled as ‘actors’. Actors, according to all the documents I’ve included here and have on hand, related; all use the scenario that local government will change from what we now know to a collective rule, where actors from government, business and citizens all rule together.

The UN’s Police Force:

When you visit the UN’s website for their police force, you’ll see a sea of blue. From the flags to the uniforms, it’s everywhere. Remember, ‘blue’ in color manipulation is to bring about a sense of trust. You should be ‘comforted’ to know that the UN Police are to bring international peace and security to every member-state, including the US. When called into action, they create FPUs (Formed Police Units) in groups of 140 each time. Read the language on the main page carefully and you’ll see the words ‘where mandated’. We also should ‘feel secure’ knowing that we are to think of the UN Police as our very own. Let’s remember that the International Court of Justice is the UN’s Court and can absolutely supersede any member-state’s law enforcement/criminal justice system. The USA’s is no exception. Why? Because the nation PAYS DUES to the Int’l Court just as it pays to belong to the many arms and legs of the UN.

According to the UN’s Office on Drugs and Crime, a police presence is mandatory.

SDG 3 will see police enforcing healthcare in prisons. SDG 4 will see police as ‘school resource officers’ as well as in prisons. SDG 5 will see police used in fighting corruption and in the criminal justice system. SDG 8 police and the rehabilitation of prisoners. SDG 10 Policing and human rights. SDG 15 police & wildlife crime. SDG 17 police and making all the SDGs a thing of reality.

However, it’s SDG 16 which sees a massive amount of law enforcement overreaches:

♦ Bribery in law enforcement agencies
♦ The role of civil society (or the participation of society) in countering corruption
♦ Corruption and sustainable development
♦ The impact of corruption on human rights
♦ Corruption in sporting events
♦ Protection of whistle-blowers
♦ Access to information and corruption
♦ Corruption in the private sector
♦ Corruption and gender
♦ Corruption and poverty
♦ Violence against children
♦ Violence and poverty
♦ Discrimination in the criminal justice system
♦ Relations between police and young people
♦ Access to health care in prisons
♦ Access to education in prisons
♦ Rehabilitation of prisoners
♦ Alternatives to imprisonment
♦ Gender and the criminal justice system
♦ Measures to prevent violence against women
♦ Access to legal aid and pretrial detention
♦ New and emerging forms of organized crime
♦ Assistance to victims and protection of witnesses of organized crime
♦ Organized crime and terrorism
♦ International cooperation in the fight against organized crime
♦ Trafficking in cultural property
♦ Wildlife and forestry crime
♦ Money-laundering and organized crime
♦ Armed conflict and small arms proliferation
♦ Armed violence and security
♦ Arms embargoes
♦ Corruption and firearms flows
♦ The role of the media in the fight against corruption
♦ Diversion of arms
♦ Civil society participation and oversight of firearms control
♦ Destruction of confiscated and seized firearms
♦ Investigation and prosecution of firearms-related crimes
♦ The rights of smuggled migrants and victims of human trafficking
♦ Violence against smuggled migrants
♦ Measures to criminalize smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons
♦ The role of organized criminal groups in the smuggling of migrants
♦ Online sexual exploitation of children
♦ The use of the Internet for terrorist purposes
♦ Prevention of cybercrime and other illicit uses of the Internet
♦ The question of cyberbullying
♦ Cyber-enabled financial crimes
♦ Hacking and national security
♦ Hate speech and terrorism
♦ Human rights and counter-terrorism
♦ Protection of nuclear materials
♦ Online recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters
♦ Countering violent extremism
♦ The right to privacy and counter-terrorism
♦ Financing of terrorism
♦ Protection of victims of terrorism
♦ Prosecution of terrorism-related cases

According to the Global Initiative on Transnational Organized Crime, if you read enough documentation about the SDGs you may not see the words ‘police’ or ‘law enforcement’ used. However, re-read them and you can easily see that the presence of a controlling authority at local levels MUST be in place. Like an iron fist.

I can certainly attest to this fact. The book “Co-Creation for Sustainability: The UN SDGs and the Power of Local Partnerships” did just that. In the free e-book, you can search for the key words and phrases of your choice. Of the law enforcement phrases/words, only ‘officer’ came up with a single result.

Bring Us the Masses:

Woven into law enforcement is, of course immigration. How will a different approach to community wide partnership policing impact this? Will We the People become unintended consequently harmed?

Take into consideration that federal law enforcement covers:

Intelligence, crime, geocoding, child protection, tribal groups, co-operation at many levels, mutual agreements of all kinds, extradition and asset sharing. At any point, the UN could step in and ‘help’ the US with these activities. Would we be prepared for the confusion and chaos visited upon us in the name of ‘peace, justice and strong organizations’?

The Takeaways:

1) Know your 4th Amendment rights and teach them to your entire family and circles of influence. Choose a plan of protection that best suits your family that is within your means.

Use the law to fight back. It’s using ‘the government’s words’ against them.

To that end, be sure to read my article on law enforcement’s grasp on education under SDG 16. What will this mean for your students?

2) Know 18 US Code~241 (it’s protection against outside forces which seek to harm you)

3) Know 42 US Code~1983 (it’s a guide to when your rights have, or about to be, impeded)

4) If you’re not a part of APC’s Freedom Pods, now’s your golden opportunity!

5) If you’re concerned that the freedom of speech will be removed or even reduced by law enforcement or their connected agencies, consider joining the Citizens for Free Speech.

Be sure to check out their Local Activist page.

6) Work with those in your community who have remained committed to the US Constitution when it comes to local governance. It’s a lonely stance for them. Discuss with your local government and law enforcement the concerns you have as a result of this article. Do they understand there’s a global agenda? Do they know that our very freedoms are up for grabs?

You don’t know what they know or support until you seek them out. Use one of those community gatherings that SDG 16 says are needed, turn it on its head with citizen actions that are based on the God-given rights and freedoms you have!

© 2023 Lynne M Taylor – All Rights Reserved

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