By Lex Greene
April 25, 2024
You can shoot the messenger here if you want, but it won’t change these facts! Single female voters are the single largest problem in the USA electorate as 70% of them are single issue voters, seeking a protected right to kill their own children in the womb…abortion!
I firmly believe that given the chance, 70% of single American women would vote for Stalin, Mao, or Hitler, and the total destruction of our country, if these leaders promised to protect their right to kill their own children in the womb. Their voting history confirms it!
For the record, this isn’t an attempt to drive divisions even deeper, our government is the expert at that. This is a desperate attempt to shake voters awake before they destroy everything.
Voting Trends by Contrast
- Over 59% of married men vote GOP
- Over 56% of married women also vote GOP
- Even 52% of single men vote GOP
- But only 30% of single women vote GOP
In other words, responsible pro-family Americans overwhelmingly vote GOP in every election, by at least a 60-40 margin, with a majority of single men voting GOP as well.
But approximately 70% of single female voters vote against everyone else, none more so than their own children in the womb. So long as this remains the case, the entire country is doomed, as whole generations of Natural Born American Citizens are exterminated by their own mothers.
I wish I were just making this up or taking it from some far-right propaganda survey, because I’d rather these facts not be true in my country. But no, this data is taken from a report written by AEI Distinguished Senior Fellow Emeritus Karlyn Bowman.
For years now, I have somewhat jokingly said, mostly to my wife of many years, that “women have been a problem since Eve in the garden.” Look no further for proof than the voting trends of “anti-life” single female voters, their friends, or their anti-American elected female lunatics, like Michigan Governor Whitmer and three-time loser Killary Clinton.
Sure, I know what I’m reporting here will offend many single female voters. But everyone else should be deeply offended by the voting trends of women who can’t even be trusted to protect their own offspring.
It’s an obvious question that most Americans are scared to ask, and yet, it must be asked…for the sake of freedom and liberty for all.
Can voters who can’t be trusted to even protect the life of their own children, be trusted with the future of our country?
We don’t allow mentally ill people to vote, because their mental illness could jeopardize the entire nation. Same goes for felons already proven to make horrible decisions in their lives.
But we’re talking about voters who kill their own children here, and vote in every election to secure some insane right to do so. Thousands occupy a prison cell for taking the life of an innocent, but these folks parade around like they deserve some kind of participation trophy for killing their own children or protecting the so-called “right” of other women to kill theirs. They don’t just do it, they celebrate it!
Before you mention it, I’m not referring to the less than 1% of all abortions which may in truth involve rape or incest. This argument is like saying 1% of the food in your refrigerator has gone bad, so you think it justifies throwing out 100% of the food. It’s a foundationally flawed debate jingle, nothing more.
These are voters we can trust with the future of our children and grandchildren… Really? Ya think? These same voters are responsible for boys in your daughter’s locker rooms, men in your women’s bathrooms, pedophiles in your neighborhoods and gender-confused people reading gay books in your kid’s kindergarten class.
Would you even allow someone who believes in a right to kill their own children, to babysit your children, or grandchildren? I don’t think so…
Now look… all the way back in the 1970s, a wife filed a suit asking the court if her husband had the legal power to force her to have a baby or abort a baby, against her will, and the court said NO…that was Roe v. Wade.
Despite the court ruling, Jane Roe (aka Norma McCorvey) never aborted any of her three babies, and prior to her passing in 2017, she was a staunch anti-abortion advocate, feeling responsible for the death of over 70-million innocent American children in the womb.
In September 2021, her daughter gave an interview to the left-wing magazine The Atlantic.
“Norma could be salty and fun, but she was also self-absorbed and dishonest, and she remained, until her death in 2017, at the age of 69, fundamentally unhappy.”
“Norma’s personal life was complex. She had casual affairs with men, and one brief marriage at age 16. She bore three children, each of them placed for adoption. But she slept far more often with women, and worked in lesbian bars.”
Sadly, our government (including the courts, and the mass media) saw an opportunity in Roe v. Wade, a chance to “reduce unwanted population” (mostly in the black community) via the ruling authored by Justice Harry Blackmun who stated that “the criminalization of abortion did not have roots in the English common-law tradition.” — One of many reasons why the USA is supposed to function on Constitutional Law, not British Common Law.
Under USA Constitutional Law, every American (born and unborn) has an inalienable protected Right to LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
However, British Common Law does not recognize any fundamental inalienable Rights of the People at all. Instead, it is based upon precedents established by previous court decisions, customs, and legal principles developed over time. The doctrine of binding precedent, whereby courts follow and apply the principles declared in previous cases decided by more senior courts, is also known by the Latin expression “stare decisis,” a legal principle that obligates judges to respect and follow the precedent established by prior decisions.
In other words, the judges are entirely free to determine what Rights you have and don’t have, by the mere court opinion of unelected and totally unaccountable lifetime partisan-political appointees.
In the end, this means that the good people of the United States do not have any “constitutional” courts today. Instead, we currently have British Common Law courts and every attorney who graduated law school in the past century is not only indoctrinated into British Common Law, instead of Constitutional Law, they are sworn by the American Bar Association to act upon those customs and practices to maintain their license. If that’s not bad enough, we now have The 65 Project targeting lawyers who don’t comply.
It also means that female voters in the USA have been lied to on the matter of abortion, since Roe v. Wade in the 1970s, 50-years ago now. So, over 70% of single females vote against their own children and our country in every election cycle, plain as that!
It isn’t just single female voters though, as some 44% of married females and 40% of males also vote for today’s death cult democrats, in support of the single female vote.
I will ask another unpopular but critical question for the future of our once great nation…including all you go-along to get-along folks…
What good can possibly come in a country wherein the electorate will decide the future of the country on the basis of some evil “right” to murder their own children in the womb?
I submit to you, that such a people, like the people of Rome before the fall, cannot survive themselves.
Prove me wrong!
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