by Lee Duigon

April 11, 2024

We have, for all practical purposes, history’s first global civilization. There’s nowhere you can go where it can’t reach out and bite you.

Once upon a time it was different. When the whole Bronze Age collapsed in the 12th century B.C., who in North or South America even noticed? The Indus Valley civilization went extinct without leaving the smallest hint of a cause.

Civilizations come and go. But ours is the whole world’s. If it goes belly-up, everybody goes.

What destroys a civilization?

Massive outbreaks of disease: bubonic plague very nearly wiped out Europe.

Invasions by people who won’t co-exist with the natives.

A series of natural disasters: earthquakes, droughts, the whole country turning into a desert.

Some unhappy combination of All of the Above.

Our civilization does a lot of things wrong—always a war or two going on somewhere, industrial pollution, new diseases escaping from the laboratory, and so on. But civilizations have always done those things, and some managed to keep on doing them for centuries on end. China’s still here. So is India. They are exceptions to the rule of history. Search in vain for Hittites, Babylonians, or Olmecs.

So what will do us in? Having the whole world in which to spread the effects of our worst ideas and most destructive mischief, what will it take to knock us over?

I’ve voting for gender insanity.

This is new. Our evil age invented it.

What would the, um, medical industry do, to corral vast multitudes of people as lifelong medical patients? “Gender-affirming care” has become an immensely profitable business. Okay, the Vatican has finally, and without much pleasure in it, cried “Enough!” But who’s listening?

Politicians like it because it’s a wedge issue that pits blocs of voters against each other: divide and rule, with abundant opportunity to manipulate public opinion. And they aren’t too particular about what they have to do to keep on ruling.

Teachers’ unions like it because it gives them leverage over families. Start the kiddies on puberty blockers in kindergarten, and they’re yours for life.

The entertainment industry likes it because they’re all a bunch of perverts anyway.

The nooze media like it because it’s new and exciting and it gets people all stirred up. Good ratings always spring from controversy.

Do any of these people honestly believe they’re providing “care”? Can it be that highly-credentialed Experts can actually say, without a ghost of hypocrisy or mendacity, “This boy is now a girl”? I find that very hard to swallow.

How many children can be irreversibly neutered before you crash the population? Why would we want to even risk that? How deranged does our very language have to get, before we lose the ability to communicate? How many preposterous lies do we have to pretend to believe, before we have to find some way to live without truth?

Under the pretense of “care,” whatever that means anymore, we are inching toward genocide. A whole new way to destroy a civilization!

This is evil and perverse, and it has to be stopped.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

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