By Frosty Wooldridge

November 21, 2022

Last Saturday night in Colorado Springs, a city where I once worked, a 22-year-old kid, Anderson Aldrich, killed five and injured 25 LGBTQ patrons at a gay bar.

Last summer, in New York City, a guy followed a mother with her child in a stroller down the street…and shot her in the back of the head. Killed her instantly and made the child an instant orphan.

Two years ago, a Muslim immigrant in Boulder, Colorado’s King Soopers on Table Mesa, a place where I used to shop, killed 13 in a madhouse killing spree.

In Idaho, some nut-job knifed three college girls and one guy to death in their own home, in their own beds, with two other roommates sleeping in the same house.

Last Christmas, a crazy guy with a crazy history, ran down six people and injured a score of others in a Christmas parade in Wisconsin. He told countless people of his intentions, but police let him go.

Each weekend in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, New Orleans, St. Louis, LA and San Francisco—dozens of crazy men kill or injure other citizens as they walk along the streets of their cities.  As of this column being written on Sunday afternoon, 11/20/22, Chicago registered 12 killed and 45 wounded last weekend.  The count goes on to 12 midnight…so there will be more death and mayhem in the streets of Chicago.

On Sunday night in Denver, my wife Sandi and I are going to see the Pentatonix singing group in Denver because the leader singer, Scott Hoying has been a friend of ours since he was a little kid. His father, Rick Hoying, got us front row tickets. I actually motorcycled to Alaska with Scott Hoying when he was 12 years old as he rode with his father.  We’re hoping we don’t get shot going to the concert.  Because the reality is…we could get shot.

In our small town of Golden, Colorado, every Christmas, we accompany four thousand residents carrying candles and singing, “We wish you a Merry Christmas….” We walk down the hill on Washington Avenue along with Santa and Mrs. Claus. At the end of the street, we have always enjoyed all the lights being lit up along the river.  But this year, we seriously will not attend the parade because there could be a nutcase with a gun shooting at random.

In other words, something is fundamentally going wrong in America.

Our D.A.’s, judges and other people in power are not prosecuting criminals. We are seeing intellectual nut-cases advocate for “defunding the police” in the face of exploding crime. A criminal is released back onto the streets within hours of being caught via cashless bail.  Most murders are NOT solved.  There are just no consequences to crime in 2022.

We’re seeing kids learning how to commit violence with video games. We’re seeing millions of fatherless children acting out their own frustrations with violence.  We’re seeing sociopaths being born and developed in our inner cities.  We’re seeing homeless drug addicts by the tens of thousands plying our city streets. There are 10,000 in Denver.

In 2021, we lost 107,000 Americans to fentanyl, heroin, meth and other drugs while our own president of the United States facilitated massive drug importation at our southern border.  Mexico’s president is in on the drug deal. Our president invites those drugs into our country.  The police can’t keep up with it. And, very emotionally disturbed American children are taking drugs by the millions.  We can expect another 107,000 or more drug deaths in 2022.

One guy, a high roller, Samuel Bankman Fried, defrauded 4.0 billions of dollars from investors at FTX, the new crypto or Bitcoin currency.  He funneled donations into the billions to democrat candidates he wanted elected. In other words, money buys our elections and money elects our candidates.  We’re talking corruption, cheating, liars galore and sheer undermining of our Constitution at every level.

As of the weekend report, criminals stole or destroyed an estimated $94.1 billion in 2022, thus far.  (Source:

Our founders based the success of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights on the premise that most if not all of our citizens contribute to their country via educated, moral, ethical, personal accountability and personal responsibility as the mainstay of our laws.

Obviously, that ain’t happening!

On Saturday night, I spoke with one of my longtime Army buddies. He said, “The way things are going, we’ve crossed the Rubicon…and we’re not going to get this country back.”

If we citizens fail to elect representatives, judges, police chiefs and others to enforce our laws, we could lose our own lives at any moment.  If we elect pathetic, incompetent/corrupt figures like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson, Hank Johnson, Alvin Bragg, Kim Foxx, Joe Biden, George Gascon, Lori Lightfoot and many others like them…well, we deserve our lawless society.

As it keeps getting worse, every one of us could end up getting shot and/or killed.

From our household, please God…protect us and all good citizens of America.  May each of you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving and may your family and friends be safe from harm.

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