by Lee Duigon
September 14, 2023
Have you a nose for nooze? Can you tell the chaff from the wheat?
We call our leaders “newsmakers” (not “noisemakers”—be polite) because most news stories are about them: they’re always on center stage.
Let’s see how well we understand them. I will provide a sample of three nooze stories—one of which, or maybe two, will be untrue. I have provided no links, so you’ll be on your own.
Which of the following news items is false, unfair, or exaggerated? Can you tell?
- “School officials” in Jefferson County, Alabama, suspended a six-year-old child for running around the playground pointing his finger at his friends and yelling “Bang, bang!” The assistant principal, who is getting blamed for this, acted promptly. Because, you see—or maybe you don’t see, because you’re not crazy—the six-year-old with his finger constituted “a threat of serious bodily harm” to children, staff, and anyone else who happened to be passing by. “School officials” intervened before anyone was shot by an imaginary bullet.
- The mayor of Burbank, California, took part last week in a Democrat fund raiser. The mayor, who describes himself as “a Marxist,” volunteered to receive a public spanking by a drag queen (an intensely perverted man done up as a caricature of a woman). With a wooden paddle, no less. The mayor and the event’s organizers said the display was perfectly acceptable because there were no children present. Which means… uh, that we should be content to be governed or represented by jidrools who do such things—as long as there were no children there? Like that makes it okay? But the mayor only grinned and snickered. “Jealous?” he quipped. No, Charlie, we are not jealous of you.
- A school district in Oklahoma—this happened in Oklahoma?—needed a new principal for one of its elementary schools; so they went out and hired some “educator” who moonlights as a drag queen… “when he’s not molding young minds,” says the advertisement. He also has a child pornography problem in his resume; but it seems the only thing a unionized public school teacher can do to lose his job is die. The community supposedly served by this school board was very much upset. Responding to the public outrage, the State Superintendent of Schools called the hiring “completely insane” and demanded that the new principal be terminated at once. We’ll have to wait and see whether “school officials” take this seriously.
There you have it—three news stories. Which one of them is fake news—a mean-spirited concoction brewed up solely to make our public officials look like imbeciles? Take your time deciding.
Question: Which is these items isn’t true?
Answer: None of them. They’re all true.
As for the schools, there are only two things that can be done to solve the problem.
One, abolish state and federal departments of education and return control of the schools to the communities they serve. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen. Democrats would never, in a thousand years, permit it.
Two, and this is one they can’t prevent, persuade millions of sane parents to pull their children out of public school. Ten million, twenty million—however many it takes to empty the classrooms and send the teachers’ unions packing.
As for Spanky the Mayor, recall him from office so fast, it makes his head spin.
Otherwise, we have another question, maybe the last one.
Where does this stuff finally stop—and what will be left of our country when these people get everything they want?
I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit; I won’t tell Teacher on you. My articles can also be found at .
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