By Andrew Wallace

April 8, 2023

Working people are paying income taxes to unconstitutionally support the indolent and thugs in Communist  inner-city plantations.

These Communists include the thugs in Antifa and BLM who riot, burn, loot and kill for the Democratic party and are protected by the faux government. Their motto seems to be if they are old enough to bleed, they are old enough to breed; half of their babies are of course aborted like good Democrat Communists.

It must be stated that these people are victims of a corrupt system that brainwashed them with fake media, inadequate schools, and employment.

With government welfare handouts, and without moral and ethical education by families and churches, these outcomes were predictable.

All of this is possible because of the “Enemy of the People”, wealthy families known as the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).

They have usurped and perverted our government into a “Big Dictatorial Blood- Sucking Machine”.

They are unconstitutionally taking income taxes from working people all over the United States, and using it to support their indolent Communists.

This includes the Democratic thugs in Antifa and BLM and other able-bodied people who refuse to work in the Communist cities and elsewhere.

This unconstitutional process is administered by one or more of the  faux unlawful departments that were conjured up out of thin air and are part of the “Huge Dictatorial Blood- Sucking Machine” that has replaced our Republic.

 These departments are fake, without any Constitutional backing: Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development. All of these faux departments represent usurped state functions (see the Enumerated Powers in the Federal Constitution).

People in the working (Red) states have been enraged for years over this Democrat practice.

In a few words, the Democrats have been using income taxes and faux government departments and laws as a means to support the indolent, thugs, and “victims” in the Communist cities. I repeat, the taxes are from working Americans. Remember Communism works until it runs out of other people’s money. You must give the Communists credit for being able to concentrate power, by constructing fake and unlawful departments out of thin air, funded with our taxes, that were accepted as legitimate by the public. And of course our elected whores said nothing.

Expenditure of federal funds in the cities using faux departments and laws is unconstitutional, as are most government expenditures.

States have the Constitutional Power to nullify all unconstitutional federal departments, agencies, and laws…unless the governors are bribed or cowards.

 So far only Tennessee has plans to do so. The states could also secede from the nonexistent Union, but that would not be a good choice. Elected officials could sit on their hands and wait for citizens to bring about change, but this would not be an optimal choice either.

Most economists will tell you that we will soon be in a period of severe Economic Depression. It has already started.

Resources required to live will be in short supply, if at all. It is at this point when normally compliant people are enraged and turn against  government and those responsible for the suffering. It is also the time when Democrat thugs will loot and burn, as they have in the past.

Seceding from the government could be fatal because it would separate you from the Constitution, which I don’t think could be duplicated today.

Even though we are effectively ruled by the barrel of a gun and not our Constitution, it is still the supreme law of the land and the only lawful authority!

Part of the ultimate solution is to replace the income tax (which is unconstitutional in its manner of application) with tariffs, which we used until 1913. At this point, states would perform their lawful Constitutional functions in place of the usurping federal government.

I must point out again that most federal government expenditures are unconstitutional.

A few examples are foreign aid, welfare, medical care, education (state functions), wars without declaration of war by Congress, support of illegal invaders, support of wars between other countries, etc, etc, etc.

A Huge Blood-Sucking Machine was built with the fake unlawful departments using fake laws by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families.

This “Machine” and all its supporters and beneficiaries are enemies of the people and guilty of treason and corruption, may they burn in hell. Retribution may be slow, but it will be certain.

When I see most elected officials and bureaucrats of both parties in the dock for treason, misfeasance, malfeasance, incompetence, and cowardice, I will think it is a good start.

May God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

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