By Andrew Wallace

March 15, 2025

It is absolutely impossible to have a Constitutional Republic funded with federal income taxes. Period.

This is a simple fact because the income tax reverses the roles of the federal establishment and the states. The income tax sucks up all the money, leaving the states almost destitute. This allows the federal establishment to usurp (blackmail) state functions. This concentrates all power in DC, contrary to the Constitution (Enumerated Powers) and funds Communism in cities.

As long as the federal income tax exists, the Constitutional Republic can exist in name only.

It is wrong to refer to the federal establishment as a government because it is but a creature of the states, lacking the sovereign powers of a government such as police powers (public health, safety, and welfare). But, the federal establishment has usurped Constitutional state powers by blackmail, contrary to Organic Law (Constitution). This is nothing less than an overthrow of the government, a Coup. In short, the federal establishment is mostly a criminal enterprise with no legal support for its existence. None, whatsoever.

Remember there was no income tax established in our original Constitution because it would reverse the roles of the states and the federal establishment, making the Constitutional Republic impossible. Present circumstances verify this statement.

The income tax was engineered by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), which consists of the wealthy who control banks and corporations by stock ownership. The corporations direct and bribe Congress and the bureaucrats to do their bidding.

The PSRRC owns major news outlets and the federal establishment pays off others on an international basis to support their narrative. (DOGE is exposing this!)

Let me make this clear. All federal expenditures to states for whatever reason are unconstitutional blackmail, concentrating all power in the federal establishment.

The federal establishment is therefore funding Communism in the blue cities, which will fail when it runs out of working people’s money (taxes). Federal funding of communism must be terminated; the alternative is civil war when the economy tanks.

All foreign aid is unconstitutional and rife with fraud, waste, and kickbacks. Its only purpose is to blackmail and bribe governments.

The CIA and other establishment departments are guilty of spending taxpayer money to overthrow countless governments. This only causes wars and well-deserved hatred of the United States. There is nothing in the Constitution to support these actions which must stop, and those involved departments terminated.

Not only is the FBI the most expensive and corrupt police organization, it is also the most ineffective and criminal. It allowed , promoted and collaborated in criminal prosecutions of innocents while protecting criminals in the establishment. It has been this way since its inception, and certainly since my days in law enforcement 65 years ago. Public relations (propaganda) was the only thing the FBI did to perfection.

The illegal invaders must be deported before the next census in 2030, otherwise the number of federal representatives will be increased in favor of the Democrats/Communists. Deportation will be costly but much less than allowing them to remain (they already destroyed Europe!). Invaders must be deported (on sight) and any employers severely sanctioned. Invaders don’t speak English, have little education, no skills, and many are criminals. They bring us only disease, crime, and welfare fraud while destroying cities.

Our Constitution states that giving aid and comfort to invaders is TREASON.

People must realize that when the Federal Reserve Bank prints money without a corresponding increase in goods and services, the result is inflation, etc. This in turn results in all kinds of negative things, such as decline in the dollar’s value which is causing a destruction of the economy (Great Depression). This is the almost universal opinion of responsible Economists.

I should also point out that money printed to pay government employees and for welfare is inflationary if it doesn’t produce comparable goods or services.

In round numbers, the estimated income of the federal establishment is $5 trillion, expenses are $7 trillion. I estimate that at least 50% of establishment employees would have to be terminated along with all foreign aid and all of our military in 150 countries.

Note: We can’t be invaded. We can only be defeated in a nuclear war or from within. Our troops on foreign soil serve no national security purpose and are like canaries in a coal mine.

We have been in 30 conflicts in 80 years to benefit the PSRRC (military industrial complex). We had 105,000 military dead. We lost every “war”. None involved national security. Contrary to the Constitution, there was not one single Declaration of War!

As is my wont to increase readership and understanding, this article covers only a small part of the issues facing us, but they are the most important. Dangerous possibilities do exist from criminal invaders and Communist gangs, so don’t forget to have emergency food, an AR 15 or 12 gauge and plenty of ammunition!

If you agree with me please send this article to establishment officials and others.
God bless you and the Republic

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