By Lex Greene

January 4, 2024

Since America’s first fraudulent presidential candidate in 2008, Kenyan-born Democrat Barack Hussein Obama, each presidential election cycle has had other fraudulent candidates enter the race and not one single Secretary of State, State Supreme Court, or even the US Supreme Court has ever attempted to remove factually ineligible candidates from the presidential primaries or general election ballot.

Both political parties have put forth blatantly ineligible foreign-at-birth candidates and no one has ever tried to block their ballot access or hold them accountable after the fact.

Above all other laws in the United States, only one tiny little Constitutional phrase found in Article II protects the White House from foreign occupation, the natural born Citizen clause.

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;”

This one phrase is the only thing in the Constitution that prevents foreign enemies with foreign, dual, or divided loyalties from occupying the Oval Office. That’s it…there’s nothing else.

This makes knowing what a natural born Citizen is, very important. It also makes it necessary for the American People to make certain that this requirement for high office is enforced, especially when political parties and government officials refuse to do so.

To date, there is no authenticated document proof of who Barack Hussein Obama really is, or where he really came from. According to his family in Kenya and official Kenyan documents, he was born in Kenya to a Kenyan Father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

According to his youth records, he was adopted at a young age by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia, making him a legal citizen of Indonesia. Three distinct and different Hawaiian “Certification of Live Birth” documents offered by Obama as proof of US citizenship, have all been proven fraudulent documents, of course. No one has three different birth records, and the “Certification of Live Birth” document was used by Hawaii for any person living in Hawaii who otherwise had no birth records.

This started the new trend of running ineligible candidates for President of the United States and that trend continues today in the 2024 Presidential race.

In the 2008 race, the GOP nominated Sen. John McCain to run against democrat Barack Obama. McCain’s eligibility for the office was challenged by a group of former military officers who had every reason in the world to not support McCain. Despite being the son of a well-known Navy Commander stationed in Panama at the time of John’s birth, the group challenged his eligibility for office on the basis of “he wasn’t born on American soil,” but rather in Panama.

There were two big problems with their claim…

  1. McCain’s Father was stationed in Panama on the business of the nation in the US Navy. That made the Navy Base in Panama a “US Territory.”
  2. “Jus Soli” or “The right of nationality or citizenship acquired by being born in said place;” isn’t even a true natural born Citizen requirement, according to well-known and globally acknowledged ancient Laws of Nature.

But their hatred for John McCain took priority over any truthful or honest effort to disqualify the truly ineligible candidate at the time, Barack Hussein Obama.

The US Senate quickly passed a Resolution declaring McCain a “natural born Citizen” of the USA eligible for the office in response. That ended that…but no such Resolution was ever considered for Barack Hussein Obama, whose eligibility was also being challenged at the time. I can’t help but wonder why? Is it because there was no way for Obama to meet the same conditions in the McCain Resolution?

2012 – Mitt Romney was also challenged on the same requirement basis, having been born in Mexico. But again, no one wanted to talk about Obama. My research says that Romney, also a highly undesirable candidate, was indeed born in Mexico, but to parents who remained legal citizens of the USA, making him eligible for the office. But what about Kenyan Barack Obama?

2016 – saw three ineligible candidates enter the GOP primaries….

Ted Cruz – Born in Canada a legal citizen of Canada, and according to Ted, never naturalized to the USA
Marco Rubio – Born in the USA to legal citizens of Cuba (anchor baby under the 14th)
Bobby Jindal – Born in the USA to legal citizens of India (anchor baby under the 14th)

Again, despite The People challenging their eligibility on legitimate grounds, no one tried to keep any of them off the ballot.

2020 – Despite Joe Biden being a well-known career political criminal and chronic liar, he is none the less a natural born American. But his running mate, Kamala Harris was born in the USA to legal citizens of Jamaica and India. The 12th Amendment to the Constitution applies all requirements for President to the office of Vice President, of course, otherwise the Vice President could not advance to President in the Constitutional Line of Succession to the Oval Office.

So, as of today, Barack Hussein Obama was allowed to serve out two full terms as an ineligible occupant of the office and Kamala Harris has been allowed to serve the past three years as Vice President, despite also being ineligible for the office.

That brings us to 2024

As of today, there are at best, only four serious GOP candidates in the 2024 primary race, Trump, DeSantis, Haley and Ramaswamy. The rest are so far back in the polls and so unpopular with GOP voters that they aren’t really even in the race at all.

Trump – a natural born Citizen of the USA eligible for the office and a former US President
DeSantis – a natural born Citizen of the USA eligible for the office and Governor of Florida
Haley – born in the USA to legal citizens of India (anchor baby under the 14th) ineligible
Ramaswamy – born in the USA to legal citizens of India (anchor baby under the 14th) ineligible


First, to properly understand what a natural born Citizen (aka True Citizen) really is, you first have to understand what it isn’t…

The USA has no laws pertaining to “natural born Citizen” other than the requirement for office in Article II and that is the only political office in the USA with this requirement. That makes what is and is not a natural born Citizen very important.

The term natural born Citizen is a Natural Law term, as-in, The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, endowed by our Creator. In other words, it’s not something that can be created by legislative process, nor can it be eliminated by any legislative or judicial process. It’s a condition that exists in and due to nature alone, which is inalienable by any governmental body or act of man.

In modern terms of understanding, just as a child naturally inherits all Rights of the Father at birth, so does that child become a legal member of society at birth, by tacit consent, via the citizenship of the natural birth Father. If the birth Father is a Citizen of the USA, then so is the child at birth. This is the true meaning of “birthright citizenship” in contrast to modern bastardizations of the 14th Amendment in our British Common Law courts.

In sum, if one acquires legal citizenship via any manmade legislative process, amendments, or statutes, they are a “naturalized” citizen, the opposite of a natural born Citizen. US citizenship codes only define how someone who is not a natural born Citizen, can acquire legal citizenship via manmade statutes.

Simply stated in the international treatise used by our Founders to place the requirement in Article II of the Constitution…

  • “As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.
  • “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.”
  • “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”
  • By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); the place of birth produces no change in this particular,”
  • “We have observed above (§ 212), that they have a right to enter into the society of which their fathers were members.”

The entire world understands and adheres to this most fundamental Natural Right of every child to be born a “True Citizen” of the same country to which their birth Father is a member. Only the USA has been misguided on the subject, with specific political agendas causing it.

Yet, this is the one thing in all of our Founding documents and laws, that prevents foreign enemy occupation of the People’s White House. There is nothing more important to enforce than this one simple Natural Law. Without enforcing it, in a nation being flooded with millions of illegal invaders right now, our country will soon cease to exist.

Now, I’m well aware of all the folks who have been trying to sell their “three-legged stool” theory since McCain in 2008…Father, Mother and Born on Soil. I’m well aware of the fact that some women think that the Natural Law focus on the father alone, is some kind of slight to the mothers. I’m also well aware that those who believe these things will continue to lack the moral courage to self-correct so that we can enforce this clause and protect our White House from foreign occupation.

I’m well informed on how even our legal system has worked to completely undermine the term to make it unenforceable and obsolete.

If Americans continue to allow these things to happen, the term in Article II, natural born Citizen, remains unenforceable because there is no common enforceable definition of the term.

At that point, anyone from anywhere can occupy the White House.

Election Fraud is bad no matter who does it, or how they do it. It must be stopped or there is no way to save our Republic. It simply won’t be possible.


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