By Lex Greene

January 8, 2025

As I log in to write my first piece of 2025, news of yet another woke Marxist resignation in Canada unfolds, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes the worldwide headlines. Meanwhile, Congress convenes to certify Donald J. Trump as the incoming President of the United States.

Citizens of Germany, France, the UK and numerous other nations destroyed by woke policies, work to toss their woke politicians from power and reclaim their lands and governments. Ukraine announces that they expect an end to their war the minute Trump takes office, because it was never their war to begin with, but rather O’Biden’s war on national sovereignty and security against Putin, nearly identical to their war on Trump and his supporters around the globe.

Parents everywhere are fed up with watching their children’s childhood and future stolen by woke Marxist and Communist politicians, and they are finally standing up to protect their kids and grandkids from evil totalitarian rulers.

Contrary to the warmongering rhetoric of the global left in D.C., “white supremacy” isn’t the greatest threat to freedom and liberty, the leftist woke politicians and their insane policies are, and everyone with an IQ above their shoe size can see it now. What the extreme left calls “white supremacy” is in reality, a burgeoning new American patriotism by all citizens who demand to be proud to be an American again, and these patriots come from every walk of life and every ethnicity!

They are AMERICA FIRST Americans, period!

It turns out sane people don’t want grown men in their little girls public restrooms, men beating the hell out of their little girls in women’s sports, ANTIFA and BLM looting and burning their cities, illegal aliens raping and murdering their families, or scumbag politicians lining their own pockets via international taxpayer money laundering, while those politicians work around the clock to bankrupt every taxpayer! They aren’t impressed by men in dresses or women with surgical penises…

They don’t like their daughters being raped and murdered while jogging on a college campus, or being set on fire on a NYC subway, by illegal aliens that have no right to be in our country at all. They know that if democrats had not spent the past fifty years committing national genocide via abortion, democrats wouldn’t be trying to import millions of illegals from every 3rd world toilet on earth just to have workers.

American patriots sure as hell don’t like O’Biden rushing to protect known rapists, murderers and terrorists, or releasing Middle East terrorists back to the streets from Club Gitmo.

But no, these woke dirtbags will not go quietly into the night. Instead, they are busy setting up powder kegs across the country and around the world to derail any effort by the incoming administration to save the USA and all freedom lovers everywhere. They are handing out what used to be the most prestigious awards in the country to the biggest treasonous scumbags in our country, like Hillary (Benghazi) Clinton and globetrotting nazi nation-wrecker, George Soros.

We have to face the sickening reality that despite the absolute worst White House record since the Great Depression, approximately 75-million Americans actually voted for the worst Presidential ticket in 248-years of American history, Harris-Walz. The threat to the USA isn’t just the corrupt cabal in D.C. or the current extreme anti-American democrat party, it’s 75-million American voters who either don’t know any better or are as evil as their political heroes.

For the record, the reelection of Trump in 2024 was the greatest landslide victory of any presidential candidate in history. Trump received over 3-million more votes in 2024 than in 2020, and about 15-million more votes than in 2016. Meanwhile, Harris-Walz received over 6-million fewer votes than Biden allegedly received in 2020. Trump won all swing states, at least 30 of 50 states, and almost 90% of all counties across the country. In a nation allegedly more divided than ever, it was an absolute landslide victory for the Make America Great Again Team, and an absolute massive rejection of America’s extreme left totalitarian lunacy and anti-American democrats!

But still, Obama’s anti-American network of corrupt traitors and terrorists remain the greatest threat to USA freedom and liberty, and his 75-million sycophants may be the biggest problem of all. Every Harris voter falls into one of two categories, a) a completely indoctrinated fool; or b) as evil anti-American as their political heroes.

There’s so much this group fails to grasp, from the reality that every socialist and communist country has failed throughout history, to it’s their own party that has already weaponized our entire government against their political opponents, not Trump.

But the biggest message they are missing today is this…

  1. Being pro-America First doesn’t mean anti-anyone. It means doing what every American is called to do in the preservation of freedom and liberty for all.
  2. The MAGA movement grew from the patriotic grassroots citizens up, not from Trump down.
  3. The movement to reinstate the foundations of freedom is global, not just here in the USA. Leftist governments are being removed from power all over the world right now, because the policies of the left have failed freedom-loving people everywhere.

Our Founding three documents stand as the Charters of Freedom. But the foundations of freedom and liberty are Faith, Family, and Country first. They always have been, and they always will be. It isn’t just Trump voters celebrating the Trump victory, but freedom-loving citizens all over the globe.

So, out with the woke insanity and in with the foundations of freedom. Out with the global destruction of the USA…and in with the USA returning to the beacon of freedom and liberty for the entire world.

Out with fearmongering, gaslighting, false propaganda, and government-controlled censorship…and in with truth, justice and the American way.

For those who refuse to understand this, or get on board this freedom train…understand, it’s on the bus, or under the bus!

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