By Cliff Kincaid

July 6, 2024

Vladimir Putin’s partner in crime, the communist family-run dungeon known as North Korea, is sending bags of poop to South Korea. Seriously.  Bags of excrement, rubbish and propaganda leaflets are attached to balloons and sent to the anti-communist south.

Dropping feces seems to be a new low, even for a communist dictatorship. They don’t do that kind of thing here, in the great United States. Instead, poop is packaged as “news” emanating from the Biden White House and regurgitated by the “mainstream media.” But one of the bags has exploded in their face. Biden stands exposed as a corpse, a cadaver, masquerading as president.  And his enablers in the media have it all over their faces, rather than egg.

One of the greatest books of all time is Medical Cover-Ups in the White House, originally published in 1987. Obviously, it must be updated to examine the case of Joseph R. Biden.

In this case, we have a lot to examine. His personal physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, described Biden in 2019 as a “healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old male who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency to include those as chief executive, head of state, and commander in chief.”

At the time, Politico reported that “Biden is so confident of his fitness he challenged an Iowa farmer two weeks ago to a contest of pushups, running or an IQ test after the man said Biden was ‘too damn old.’”

That Iowa farmer was right.

O’Connor issued medical statements on Biden in 2023 and 2024, declaring he was “fit for duty.” But there were no references to an IQ test.

Now we know the truth.

In unraveling the cover-up, we must start with his medical exams.

O’Connor was the physician to Vice President Biden from 2009 to 2017 and was named President Biden’s White House physician in 2021.

The latest Biden “health summary” was released on February 28 of this year. But there was no cognitive test.

The media believed whatever the doctor said, leading to these headlines:

  • White House doctor says Biden is ‘fit for duty’ after the president’s annual physical. (NBC News).
  • Biden remains “fit for duty,” doctor says after annual physical exam. (CBS News).
  • Biden Deemed ‘Healthy, Active, Robust’ During Annual Physical Exam. (Voice of America).
  • Biden’s annual physical shows “no new concerns”: White House doctor. (Axios).
  • Biden’s physical finds him ‘healthy, active, robust,’ says White House doctor. (Politico).
  • Biden’s Doctor Says He Is ‘Healthy’ and ‘Vigorous.’ (New York Times).

After the Special Counsel found Biden to be an old man with a bad memory, unable to stand trial for stealing classified documents, Rep. Ronny Jackson (TX-13) sent a letter to Joe Biden demanding that he take a cognitive exam. More than 80 colleagues joined him.

This was the fifth such letter.

The Special Counsel report by Robert Hur described Biden as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” and stated that, “He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended.”

The Jackson letter called on the Cabinet to “swiftly begin the process for invoking the 25th Amendment if President Biden is unwilling or unable to sit for an assessment.”

Well, that “assessment” came in the debate for all to see. The cover-up ended and the damage control began.

But America has already been damaged, as the wars in Europe and the Middle East rage under Biden’s “watch.”

Don’t forget he encouraged the Russian invasion of Ukraine by saying a minor “incursion” might be tolerated. At the time, the media called it a “gaffe.”

Was this a mistake caused by dementia? People with dementia can forget the meaning of words or they use the wrong word.

When it’s a president, dementia can have earth-shattering repercussions and cause wars.

The result: By one estimate, Ukraine has suffered 124,500 to 131,000 casualties, with as many as 17,500 killed in action. Total deaths and injuries are estimated to approach 500,000.

Meanwhile, the establishment journal Foreign Affairs is warning of a “looming  crisis” involving a Communist Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The authors noted, “Over two days, Chinese forces engaged in air and maritime operations encircling Taiwan and some of its outlying islands. This drill allowed the Chinese military and coast guard to experiment and rehearse coordinated operations. Chinese media showed computer-generated footage of Chinese missile strikes against Taiwan, and the Chinese coast guard using water cannons and inspecting a vessel headed to Taiwan.”

Don’t think America’s young men and women will be spared from the carnage.

On top of what the media call “military recruitment challenges,” the Democratic Party wants to draft men and women into the Armed Forces. This comes as the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is scheduled to take place in a summit July 9-11 in Washington, D.C.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, White House reporters finally started asking some tough questions. ABC brought up Dr. O’Connor’s claim in February that Biden was a “healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.”

In this context, as noted by ABC News, Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was “asked directly about the president’s health records and whether anything is being hidden from the public eye” and that she replied, “Absolutely not.”

ABC News added that Jean-Pierre “was also asked repeatedly about whether Biden will release results from any mental acuity tests.” She replied, “The medical team said it is not warranted in this case. We have put forward a thorough, transparent, annual report on his health. So, they have said that is not warranted. It is not necessary. Again, we understand, we understand. We’re not taking away from what you all saw, what the American people saw. We understand, it was a bad night.”

The “medical team,” according to O’Connor, includes various specialists who “examined the president” and concurred with his “findings.”

If this is not a conspiracy of silence, what is?

Back in March, Jean-Pierre hung up the phone on a North Carolina radio host, WBT Charlotte’s Mark Garrison, after he asked about Biden’s dementia. WBT called it the dial tone heard around the country.

For his part, Dr. O’Connor has a lot to answer for.  A retired U.S. Army Colonel, he took an oath saying he would “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

How can he in good conscience give a clean bill of health to a president with serious mental problems? Isn’t that a violation of his oath?

What did he know and when did he know it?

An article about his job noted that “There is much more media attention on the President’s health as well, along with the global consequences associated with treating a world leader.”

What an understatement. Tell that to Ukraine.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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  • Cliff Kincaid is a president of America’s Survival, Inc.
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