By Frosty Wooldridge

January 11, 2024

What did our Founding Fathers George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abigail Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere, and Ben Franklin possess in common?  Answer: they took action.  They changed the course of history by their efforts on the battlefield.  As they sat at Constitution Hall, they hammered out the U.S. Constitution. Each man and woman took action to form the greatest country ever created on the face of the Earth.

Their actions gave rise to a system that gave every man, woman and child the right to work for “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The U.S. Constitution gave future generations the ability to correct problems within this country.  Slavery was abolished.  Women gained the right to vote.  Equal rights were mandated.  Eight-hour days for working folks became the law.  Every citizen enjoyed free expression as to religion, song, dance, dress, choice of a mate, and choice of a job.

Citizens enjoyed full protection of the rule of law.

That’s changed in the past 36 months under the current administration.  The rule of law no longer applies to our sovereignty as a nation. Joe Biden has opened our borders to drug cartels, terrorists, criminals, sex traffickers, child traffickers, MS-13 gangs, Islamic terrorists, shoplifters, welfare fraud and worse.  As of January 10, 2024, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated that we now see an added 9.6 million illegal aliens operating within our borders at a cost of $163,000,000,000.00 (billion) to our tax burden.  That’s on top of the 40 million illegal aliens shown in the first part of this series.

The long-term ramifications of this invasion will prove a disaster to our welfare systems, financial systems, economy, housing, schools, quality of life and sustainability.

So, who is your hero?  Is it Amelia Earhart, Jane Goodall, Molly Brown, Simone Biles, or any of dozens of women who stood up during their time?   Is your hero John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, General Patton or Derek Jeter?   What did they all possess in common?  Answer:  they took action.

Today in 2024, you’re seeing America being changed from a sovereign country to a permanent travel destination for the world’s refugees.  Instead of fixing their own countries, they flood America with all their commensurate problems, poverty, crime, illiteracy, rapes, drugs, anchor babies, religious chaos and multicultural violence.

As reported in Part 1 of this series, there’s no way we will survive the numbers, the environmental damage, the ethnic violence, the religious terror coming, and the loss of quality of life.  Our major cities have become terror hotbeds of crime, killings, broken schools, shoplifting, and lots of crazy homeless people.

Worse, we remain on course to add 100,000,000 of those legal and illegal immigrants and their children to our country within 25 years. At the same time, we’re $33,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in national debt.  We’ve got over 500,000 homeless Americans.  We’ve got $105 billion in shoplifting annually. We’ve got 100,000 drug overdose deaths annually.

How will any of that improve? How much worse will it be with another 100 million foreigners within our country?

What can you do?  Will your actions make a difference?  Answer: if coupled with tens of thousands of fellow citizens, you will make a difference. If enough Americans flood 60 Minutes, NPR, PBS, Face the Nation, Meet the Press, Norah O’Donnell, David Muir, Lester Holt,  Tucker Carlson, Anderson Cooper, Jesse Watters, everyone on Facebook or LinkedIn—we might force those organizations and talking heads to address the fact that our country cannot survive another 100 million people added, net gain, to our limited country.

This is a template letter than you can change to your liking as you send to all the outlets:

Dear (network’s name or individual):

In 2024, at current rates of legal and illegal immigration, the United States gallops toward adding a projected 80 to 100 million people to our country by mid-century.  Yet, here in 2024, we see acute water shortages in Florida, Nevada, Arizona and California.  We see acceleration of “catastrophic climate destabilization” driven by adding millions of people who burn energy to live.  We see air pollution rates off the charts. We see water, energy and resources being exhausted.  We’re seeing our oceans turned to plastic. We see species die-off rates accelerating as the “Sixth Extinction Session.”  We see 84,000 chemicals invading every area of our water, land and air—24/7.

As a network professional, please interview these top demographic experts in America as to our water, energy and resource calamities.

Dr. Jack Alpert at ; Christopher O. Clugston author of Blip: Humanity’s Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism;  Roy Beck, population expert at ;  Richard Heinberg , resources expert, Peak Everything, ; Phil Cafaro, How Many Is Too Many?; Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature ; America on the Brink: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge,

We either take action for our survival, or Mother Nature will take action against us.

Thank you,

Your name

Send your emails or letters to:

Jesse Waters:
60 Minutes:  (Face the Nation)

Post your letters on:

Meet the Press
Face the Nation
Tucker Carlson
Anderson Cooper
Erin Burnett
Wolf Blitzer
Christine Amanpour
David Axelrod
National Public Radio
David Muir
Norah O’Donnell
Lester Holt
Scott Simon on NPR

Send this template letter to all your friends so they can do their part.  You may find more radio programs to send posts. You may send letters every week or every month. As American citizens, we must take action for our country’s future.  If we fail to stop this invasion, our kids will face horrific consequences as our civilization falls into the dustbin of history.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “We must prevent human tragedy rather than run around trying to save ourselves after an event has already occurred.  Unfortunately, history clearly shows that we arrive at catastrophe by failing to meet the situation, by failing to act when we should have acted. The opportunity passes us by, and the next disaster is always more difficult and compounded than the last one.”

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