By Kat Stansell
September 6, 2024
Ike Warned Us, But Even HE Couldn’t Have Known The Depth Of The Depravity Today
Controlling our elections is a very important move in the Globalists’ playbook. You see, the freedom of choice – embodied by our vote – builds the capacity to form resistance, and galvanize it against a ruling body with which we disagree. Therefore, election fraud is the sine qua non of their survival.
As he was leaving office in 1961, President Dwight David Eisenhower warned the country and the world of the “military industrial complex” which he saw forming. As Commander of the Allied Forces during WWII, he had seen the might of American industry, tooled up for war.
As POTUS, he saw that this massive industry was NOT returning to pre-war production, but was becoming a permanent fixture. Instead of producing for us, they became a “permanent armaments industry of vast proportions”, the beginning of the America of never-ending wars. which eat away at our human and monetary capital.
He was quite right in warning of this danger, and the societal and political imbalance it was creating.
Soon, those being regulated would own the regulators, as does Big Pharma, and Haliburton, JP Morgan and all the rest. It is another step in the progression of the One World Order, and one that takes a huge toll on society.
While members of this Complex are making us sick, both mentally and physically, with drugs designed to addict, control and kill; or destroying our moral base by pushing infanticide or transgenderism, billions of dollars change hands, from industry to government., and find their way deep into the pockets of our “elected representatives”. The nation-killing game is a real money-maker for the traitors involved. Ever notice just how immoral are every one of their big pushes? Morals are OUR guideposts, not theirs.
“Regulation”? Ha.
The more they can obfuscate the issues, confuse you as to their intent, the better they do. Remember, this is 5th generation warfare, which is based on not just pushing false narratives, but on mixing truth and lies. The most effective strategies mix truth with action, and act to increase confusion and disorder. (Think fake voter guides…)
Confusion and disorder are key to their agenda.
As our industrial production moved into the Globalist mode from WW II to the present, producing product to destroy us rather than help us, another huge industry has formed to steal people’s right to free and fair elections.
Call it the Election Industrial Complex. Machines and criminal minds are the basis for this industry, but it’s intent is the same. To control.
Control of our vote is a MUST for the Deep State/Globalists to keep their power. because our vote is our voice, and they must keep it from being heard.
The Election Industrial Complex (EIC) now has the look of a military operation, says Joe Hoft, full of initiatives, connections, “non-profits” and publicly-traded companies which prevent obtaining information from FOIA requests required of the government itself. He reports on the dark side of the EIC just this past week. This was the last of a three-part series; recommend you read them all.
This complex works like 5th Generation Warfare, says Dr. Robert Malone.
It is an extension of Asymmetric and Insurgent Warfare strategies and tactics, whereby both conventional and unconventional military tactics and weapons are incorporated and deployed, including exploitation of political, religious and social causes. This new gradient of warfare uses the internet, social media and the 24-hour news cycle to change cognitive biases of individuals and/or organizations.
The nature of the attack is concealed. The goal is to disrupt and defeat opponents by creating new cognitive biases.
We are fighting back against this today, and Americans are beginning to see the light.
Election 2024 is a direct battle between the choice of the people and the choice of the government.
In this election – where nobody got to vote for the ticket running against Donald Trump – we MUST understand what is going down.
The Left was afraid to hold an honest primary. They don’t care about the votes of the people anyway, but they chose not to take the chance…
The Democrat ticket of Harris/Walz was installed, not elected by the party. They threw out Biden because he was too far gone, and they didn’t want him to lose them votes; i.e., control. He still had enough fans (believe it or not) to worry them. No one actually got to vote for their choice of candidates to head the Democrat Party. Did those behind the black curtain not care because they already had it “in the bag”? Makes me wonder.
The Republican candidate, nominated by a large margin of the US electorate is their target – because he represents populism. Donald Trump represents the American people vs. the Globalist power monger, and they will fight to the death against us and him, as we have already seen. Stay tuned…
The enemy cripples our free speech, so they can use it. They control the media and the internet to convince us that we want what they’re selling; that we want what they tell us we want. What WE say we want, is banned; “disinformation”, meaning not what THEY want us to hear.
Part of their plan to win the elections – other than the obvious fraud – is to convince the sheeple that what the government has to offer is theirs by “free choice”. They use the media and the internet to do so. And fake voter guides…among other things.
It was Donald Trump’s election, in 2016, that caused the US government to swing into high censorship mode. That was when elections become “critical infrastructure” under the Dept. of Homeland Security, and they placed Albert Sensors in every county election computer in the nation (to detect “foreign interference”…lol). Now, we are at the brink of losing our country, and the DHS has us all on their scope.
Getting the Globalist tools, both people and equipment, in office is their goal, from top to bottom. From the POTUS to the local dog catcher, they will insert their will into your options.
Brings me to Florida, and the recent county and state primaries. The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF), under Globalist leadership, has tried to disenfranchise other Republicans, and lie to the electorate about which candidates represent what and whom.
The RPOF set out this spring to cut away the MAGA conservatives from the state party. Suddenly any other group using the name, “Republican”, was to be shut down.
A key characteristic of 5th Gen warfare is that the nature of the attack is concealed. The goal is to disrupt and defeat opponents by creating new cognitive biases.
THIS, folks, describes the state Republican Party and the recent primaries in Florida pretty accurately.
The same group of MAGA conservatives was attacked during the August primaries, by the use of voter guides which lied about MAGA affiliations
But it’s not just Florida. GA, PA, AZ, CO, NC, are doing their One-World best to take away your freedom. It is all part of the same Complex.
PA, WI, and NC have refused to remove RFK,Jr. from the ballot, after they’d initially tried to tried to keep him off. Now, you see, RFK Jr., has become a populist and therefore, a danger to the Left. Even with that famous Democrat name, he has become their enemy overnight. He has chosen to represent the people. Horrors!
Georgia’s crooked governor and Secretary of State are trying to tell the Georgia Elections Board that they do NOT have the right to check for election fraud before certifying the totals. Former VA AG, Ken Kuccinelli has notified Kemp that, in his legal opinion, the Board does indeed have authority – even the responsibility – to verify election results before they are officially certified. This is a KEY to elections all over the country. Add to this, as we’d noted, if the SOS is the only one who knows the totals to be certified, how can we be certain of their accuracy? Or his/her honesty?
Now, the reason behind the big effort in Florida, to misrepresent candidates for local Republican offices, makes sense. It’s all part of the Election Industrial Complex.
From fake voter guides to fake endorsements to funding from developers who stand to profit from their elections, the RPOF has decided that RINO/Globalists must be in place to lead efforts for development, future medical mandates, choices for our children, and all the rest. Their higher-ups in the world Globalist community use them to get to you. State by State.
But, here’s a light note!
Greg Kelly of Newsmax is reporting that George Bush 43 has said he may come out in favor of Kammy the Kommie and Tampon Tim! What a bind THAT would be for the Florida Governor. Love to see him do one of his dog and pony shows to announce THAT! lol!
Then, of course, last but not least, in case we try to question an election, the EIC has plans for that, too. According to the American Military Press, The US DOJ just threatened anyone who dared to contest the 2024 election. Ah, the land of the free…
But, let’s face it.
What else expresses the will of the people better than elections?? In its purest form, free and fair elections are populism, the basis of our Constitutional free choice. – and the absolute enemy of the Left. That is what has their shorts in such a knot.
The enemy KNOWS that, without their massive interference, we would chose freedom.
Rising populism, says Mike Benz, the brilliant government analyst and whistleblower in his interview with Tucker Carlson 8/27/24, is the greatest threat to the Globalist’s power. And they are squirming. But a cornered beast is a dangerous one. The basis of this is to subvert democracy by changing its meaning from “will of the people” to the consensus of institutions. If the government thinks something is good for you, then that’s all you need. Your own thoughts? They have no place in their world.
I say we stand strong, and force them our of their perch in our houses of government. Do everything you can to make your local elections free and fair. It’s the only way.
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