By Pastor Roger Anghis
December 25, 2022
Benjamin Franklin, when asked what type of government the Constitutional Convention gave us, he said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Any type of government can be a disaster for the people, as most are, but a republic can be slowly taken away without a lot of fanfare. The freedoms we once had we no longer have. Think about it. At the turn of the 1900s we didn’t have to ask the government permission to buy property, fish, hunt, but a gun, build a home, start a business, and a whole slew of other things that we can’t do now without the government’s approval. Most of these rights were taken from us without our approval, they were just taken. We the people did nothing to stop it either. Government saw a way to slowly gain control and have been doing so for the last hundred-twenty five years.
Franklin also described what a politician’s job was and his pay for that job: “They are of the people and return again to mix with the people, having no more durable preeminence than the different grains of sand in an hourglass. Such an assembly cannot easily become dangerous to liberty. They are the servants of the people, sent together to do the people’s business, and promote the public welfare; their powers must be sufficient, or their duties cannot be performed. They have no profitable appointments, but a mere payment of daily wages, such as are scarcely equivalent to their expenses; so that, having no chance for great places, and enormous salaries or pensions, as in some countries, there is no triguing or bribing for elections.” Notice that their only pay is a daily wage. Today’s politicians get elected and then become millionaires. Both parties are guilty. I knew an aid to Senator Everett Dirksen and he told me that he was in politics from 1933 to 1969 and was worth $250,000 when he began his political carrier and was worth $250,000 when he died in 1969. I don’t believe that there is one politician today that can say that. Trump lost a billion dollars while in office and took no pay either. That is a statesman not a politician.
What we have today in DC and even in local positions are people that get rich passing laws that benefit corporations instead of the American people. They get insider information and trade stocks and make millions like what Nancy Pelosi has done. Been in Congress for thirty-five years and is worth around $120 million. The first female Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi has a net worth of $120 million. Pelosi’s drastic growth, from an initial $21.7 million in 2009, is attributed to stock gains and smart investments. Her husband reported raking in $1 million to $5 million in 2010 from a sale of Apple stocks. The couple also has a commercial property in San Francisco and a home in St. Helena, California, each valued between $5 million and $25 million. She also has a stake in some valuable residential real estate in Sacramento.[1] Notice that she’s increased her wealth $100,000 mostly through stock trades. Her husband also has the exclusive contract to sell any government building that the government wants sold. Why is that allowed? Are they the only ones? No. A bipartisan group of legislators violated a federal law aimed at preventing Congressional representatives from using inside information to enrich themselves.
Under the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012, members of Congress are required to report financial trades worth more than $1,000 that they, their spouses or their dependent children made within 30 to 45 days of the transactions.
However, 71 members of Congress failed to properly report their trades, in violation of the STOCK Act, Business Insider reported on Monday.
“Congress passed the law a decade ago to combat insider trading and conflicts of interest among their own members and force lawmakers to be more transparent about their personal financial dealings,” according to Business Insider.
“But many members of Congress have not fully complied with the law. They offer excuses including ignorance of the law, clerical errors and mistakes by an accountant.” [2] There’s just as many Republicans as Democrats that have violated this law.
They are doing things our Founders never would have allowed. One of the Founders biggest objections to Britain was the press could only publish what the Crown allowed. The Founders demanded a free and fair press. We got it in 1776 but we don’t have it any more. Richard Nixon did some suppression of speech concerning Watergate but the Biden administration is suppressing speech on several fronts. They arrest parents for voicing concerns over the inappropriate material being taught at schools, the oppress the truth about COVI-19 and the remedies available for it. They’ve even threatened to take the licenses away from doctors who expose what they’re doing. Attorney Jenin Younes, whom I interviewed on episode #1947 of the Tom Woods Show, discussed a lawsuit today in which her firm is representing prominent lockdown critics Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford), Martin Kulldorff (Harvard), and others who were victims of censorship campaigns at the direction of the federal government.
“Thousands of pages of documents have exposed a censorship campaign both unprecedented and formerly unimagined in scale and in scope,” said Younes.
We also heard today from the attorney general of Missouri; an excerpt follows:
In May, we filed a landmark lawsuit against top ranking Biden Administration officials for colluding with social media companies to censor free speech. We have already received documents that show their cozy relationship, and now we’re demanding more.
In July of 2022, MO and LA served discovery requests and third-party subpoenas, demanding documents from top-ranking Biden Administration officials and social media companies over their alleged collusion to suppress freedom of speech.[3]
We are slowly on the path to a dictatorship thanks to the Democrat party efforts and the Republican party not doing anything about it. The Biden administration is lock step with the World Economic Forum who want capitalism destroyed, single family homes eliminated, pets to be euthanized, businesses shut down and 90% of the ‘useless eaters’ eliminated. That’s why we are subjected to the so-called vaccines. Deaths worldwide are up over 30% since the introduction of the vaccine. Remember Bill Gates, who is in with the WEF, wants to use vaccines for population control. That’s why I refused the vaccine and will never take one for anything.
Our politicians should be protecting us against these actions but they are in the middle of forcing it on us. It is long past the time to vet our politicians. We need people who will enforce the Constitution and put America first. If we don’t get those people in office, we won’t have a nation left. We’ll be no better than a third world country instead of the greatest nation in the world.
Ronald Reagan stated: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” It is our time to act.
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