By Sidney Secular
April 13, 2024
The misuse of “gun grabber” terms is not to be glossed over. The gun grabbers and media blabbers twist language in hopes of creating panic amongst the populace while producing rallying-cry rhetoric for gun grabbing and attitude altering emotional evocations to shape perceptions about guns themselves. These enemies of public safety flood the political discourse with misleading terminology – or more precisely, “verminology” – and other falsehoods. The most commonly abused term is that of “assault weapon” chosen to make popular semi-automatic firearms sound especially dangerous and thus unsuitable for civilian possession. Legally, assault is a criminal offense and use of this term is meant to suggest that such a gun type must be suitable only for military use. This, in turn carries the unstated claim that such weapons in the hands of ordinary (that is stupid) citizens inevitably fall into the hands of criminals.
Anything that looks like a complex weapon is assumed to be some sort of “machine gun” that, if used by civilians will end in tragedy for all! This sort of scenario can only increase general public support for restrictions on these weapons, especially among the ignorant. The terms “large” and/or “high capacity magazines” are used by gun control proponents to describe magazines with capacities greater than 10-rounds. However, many popular handguns and rifles are in fact capable of holding more than 10 rounds. That is, that such magazines are not unusual or larger than ordinary, in fact, they’re just plain ordinary.
“Gun safety” is another term meant to deceive. After all, no sane person approves of firearm accidents and even when guns were normal in most American homes – back in the day! – “gun safety” was a prerequisite for using such a weapon. But this is not a large issue among gun owners as fatal gun accidents have fallen by nearly 90% since 1948 (from 1.55 fatal accidents per 100,000 persons then to 0.17 in 2021). This has occurred at about the same time that firearm ownership per capita increased by 264%, from 1948 to 2018, making concerns about gun safety far less of an issue. Indeed, the only entities actually promoting gun safety are pro-firearms groups. These do the job through firearms training courses, range safety officer instruction and the testimony of millions who take pride in handling firearms responsibly. It’s almost a given that that those co-opting the term “gun safety” have never used a gun and are fearful of even trying to use one. Indeed, their idea of “gun safety” is to have guns only in the hands of the government and that, my friend, is anything but “safe.”
Another term that works the same way on the psyche is “gun-violence” prevention. “Gun violence” is more than a misnomer. It is a legitimate attempt to limit the concept of “violence” to guns alone. Now it is true that violent criminals sometimes use guns, but all kinds of modalities are used to commit violence. We don’t use the term “auto violence” when cars are used to run someone down or when violence results from road rage. “Knife violence” has yet to be used to describe stabbings and such devices as are used to strangle a victim do not receive their own particular idiom. The phrase “gun violence” is a further attempt to condemn law-abiding gun owners for the unforgivable sin of owning guns! Similarly, frequent media use of the term “shooters” conflates citizens who engage in lawful gun sports with murderers and violent criminals using guns in their felonies. Then there is abuse of the term “mass shooting”. For a long time, “mass shooting” was defined as an incident where 4 or more victims were killed by gunfire. Then in 2021, the term was expanded to include incidents where 4 or more people were either killed or injured. By expanding the term, the number of shootings were also expanded, making it seem that this matter was suddenly rapidly increasing in frequency, requiring drastic measures to address the “sudden crisis.” The number of “school shootings” is similarly inflated to generate the greatest amount of fear among the public. Actually, nearly one-half of such events are efforts to commit what has been identified as “suicide by cop” in that the shooter arranges to have someone else end his life. Those whom he kills are more a matter of intended consequences than the true motive for the deed. The US Department of Education claimed there were 230 school shootings during the 2015-16 school year, but an investigation was able to confirm only 11 reported incidents.
Politicians play with terms to change realities and deceive constituents – an ongoing game in politics at large. One conspicuous example is the call for gun “buybacks”. The GovMint did not sell the firearms it wants turned in, so it would not really be buying them back. It may be a small point, but it is typical of the lies and exaggerations continually spouted by our “leaders.” And, of course, it is only a short step from voluntary “buybacks” to compulsory confiscations. No one who intends to use a gun for self-defense would be interested in having it bought back from them, except perhaps to acquire a better model in its place, which would be contrary to the alleged purpose of the program. Parenthetically, one must also wonder how many guns thus “turned in” were stolen from the real owner as I cannot believe that the government would be all the committed to matching the owner to the gun!
The gun grabbers refuse to see or understand why the number of gun owners keeps growing along with the number of guns they own. They simply won’t look at the stats and their views remain static as they give us static over the issue. For Biden and his fellow travelers and followers and those of a similar ilk, lying is a normal way of life and the result they want to achieve is justified by whatever they do to achieve it. As they obtained their positions via lying, just calling them out on their lies on this issue is of no avail. They don’t have what we would consider a conscience. Biden continually asserts that “gun manufacturers are the only industry that can’t be sued”, despite his fact checkers repeatedly telling him that that claim is false. But then, Biden seems to have reached a point at which he can publicly deny that the sky is blue (without clouds, of course)!
Even when the gun grabbers are bold enough to state their goal is the repeal of the Second Amendment, they don’t understand or appreciate that the right to armed self-defense is “endowed by their Creator” as stated in the Declaration of Independence, whether in the Constitution or Bill of Rights or not. However, we must also acknowledge that they deny that same Creator so we should not be surprised when they deny the rights He endows! When lefties can’t resort to reason to justify their positions – and they usually cannot – their fall back position is to vilify and demonize gun owners, basically characterizing them as potential killers. They blame the “deplorables” instead of inner city gangs for the “gun violence” usually perpetrated with their stolen guns. This cannot be admitted or brought forth because doing so gets into the “race ” issue, a matter avoided at all costs by the politicians and the media. As a result, the blame gets shifted to the blameless and practical (actual) solutions cannot even be considered at that point. Understanding the Lefts basic motivations, lack of principle, and paucity of moral integrity should deter honorable reformers from compromising basic rights in any attempts to appease them.
A necessary prerequisite to stopping the gun grabbers is to stop using their deceptive expressions and void their vernacular from your vocabulary. You have already lost the fight by fighting on their terms by using their terms. It is essential that we parry their deceptions with accurate descriptions and call them out to place them in morally indefensible positions which is the field they like to play in to make their points. You have to hit them where it hurts and derail their “loco motives” which are the feature of one-track minds.
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