By Coach Dave Daubenmire

October 24, 2024

In a bit of self-reflection, I dug into my archives this week to get a tempo of just how accurate I have been doing over the past 20 years in my evaluation of the evolution of the American culture.  I was pleasantly surprised at how accurate my assessments have been…if you forgive me for patting myself on the back.

You can go HERE to see a list of my commentaries…going back to 2004…when, on a whim, I summitted my first commentary to Paul Walter at  Since that initial post CHURCHES ARE SPREADING MAD-COW DISEASE, I have been a nearly weekly contributor on NWV.

I don’t get paid.  It is a hobby…and I never dreamed that anyone would be interested in what I had to say…but my no-sacred-cows-approach to “calling them like I see them” has carved out a niche for me across the web.  Thanks to all of you who take the time to tell me how much you love…or hate…what I have to say.  The haters inspire me and the agree-ers encourage me.

So, I would like to share with you today another brief expose’ of how the Marxist-atheistic-Christ-hating-Left uses lies and deception to try to destroy any semblance of TRUTH in the world.

The Bible tells us that they “are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

But Coach Dave, I thought we were all God’s children?”

Nope…. lied to again.  The Devil has kids and they are in more positions of authority than you have ever been taught to believe.

Heck, even Bob Dylan sang to us that “you gotta serve somebody.”  Most Americans don’t have any idea how many people are serving the Devil.  Been on the internet lately?  Watched the entertainment on TV?  Watch most elected officials spew their lies simply to advance “their father’s” work?   Look around.  Oh yeah baby…the Devil has lot’s of kids.

I was struck this week in particular about the made up words that the Devil’s kids…. especially in the media…use to try and masquerade their real father’s agenda.  I thought maybe I would take a whack at opening your eyes a bit to how effective the Devil’s kids are with their use of words.

(When you finish this commentary you should make time to go back and read Change the Words: Change the World which I wrote in 2009.)

(I’m sorry…enough patting my self on the back already.  But you do know, don’t you that you could wake up some of your friends by sharing what I write?  Especially with the weenie pastor standing in your pulpit!  Oh, they’ll love hearing from me…er…you.)

I addressed this Monday on my daily podcast.  Give it a listenWarning…addicting…high testosterone levels.

In a nutshell, here is how the Luciferians play the game.  They change the meaning of words…or make up new words…to control the way people think.  Their Three Favorite Stooges aren’t Larry, Curly, and Moe, but rather, their made-up cousins Mis, Dis and Mal.   Permit me to explain.

Information is a stand-alone noun.  Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, which I love to use because it was written before the word-manipulators had the chance to do their dirty work, defines information as “to instruct; to tell to; to acquaint; to communicate knowledge to.”  Information, by itself, is neutral.  I could tell you the leaves are green, but personal investigation would prove the information true or false.  The information is neutral.

But the word-changers on the Luciferian Left do not want you doing your own investigation, so they poison the well up front by adding the prefix mis, mal, or dis.  OUR job is to investigate the credibility of the information presented to us, and not take the reporters evaluation as “truth.”

But the Devil’s children in the media don’t want you to do your own research so they poison the well in the beginning by classifying the info for you…hence dis…mis…mal…Three Stooges for the Stooges.

But the average public-school student, past and present, is so dumbed down and lazy because they have been told WHAT to think and not HOW to think so that they do not understand the scam.  WHO says it is dis, mis, or mal makes all the difference.  The last thing the Devil wants you to do is think for yourself.  That may cause you to stumble upon the Devil’s nemesis Mr. Truth.

So please consider these three stooges Dis…Mis…and Mal when you read your next article or listen to the next Satanic media broadcast.

According to Miriam-Webster Online DIS is a prefix that is added on to the bigging of a word. Sooooo DIS information is “to treat with disrespect or contempt.”  In other words, info that they disrespect.  It could be true…they just don’t like nor respect it.

Mis…information is information that is “bad, unfavorable, suspicious, or opposite of.”  So, if the Devil’s reporters see the information as “unfavorable or bad” they simply ignore it.

Mal information is information that is “bad, abnormal, or inadequate.”  Bad for who?  Perhaps the Devil’s kids and their Popa’s agenda…?

Please note:  None of the Three Stooges Dis, Mis, or Mal indicate TRUE or FALSE…but rather express the way the information makes the reporter FEEL   If they don’t like the info they simply ignore it and tell us to do the same.

The Bible warns us “ Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

The Devil is a liar.  The Devil has kids, and THEY are liars.  Unfortunately, the Devil’s kids are running America…Mis…Dis…and Mal.  So much of what the tell us simply is not true.

No wonder they lie to us about the separation between the church and the state.  The Devil hates THE TRUTH.

It seems to me that classifies as MAL-practice!!

© 2024 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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