The United States of America has had an amazing history of great achievements from her very beginning.  She was the first nation in history dedicated by men to God our creator.  It was partially through inspiration from God that the concept of Liberty and Justice for all was conceived.   When the Founding Fathers gave us documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers and others, they had to lean upon a common understanding of government, morality, law and proper social order.  That understanding sprang from what was a universal acceptance of what became known as the Judeo-Christian Ethic.  That is a system of social and moral values that originates in the Old and New Testaments of the word of God.

Whether or not every single one of the Founding Fathers was a Christian is not an important issue.  Their statements, their writings and their votes reveal that most of them embraced these greater principles as the basis for a free people and civilized republic.  The Founders firmly understood that no nation would remain strong if its families were in tatters.  In fact, it was my own Dad who told me that a nation is only as strong as her families.  Since the joining together of Adam and Eve, marriage has been recognized as a holy union between man and woman.  Then out of that union comes children born into a home with a father and a mother to instruct them on how to become healthy, productive, and responsible citizens.

The plan of God, nature, and common sense is a man and a woman producing children within the institution of marriage.  When that plan is lost “marriage” and “family” become meaningless, and a nation and its people will follow the road to ruin.  World history has proven it over and again.  Preserving the traditional family is vital to the future of any great nation.

Unfortunately, in recent decades there has been a concerted effort by those seeking to change our republic into a Godless amoral leftist oriented mobocracy.  The attack on the traditional Father and Mother headed household is unrelenting on many fronts.  The stabilizing traditional family was first undermined throughout the black American community.  One of the underlying reasons was to stop the forward economic and general positive progress blacks had been making in most sectors of society.

The leftist democrats do not like to see, especially black men in their proper role as heads of prosperous households. Black Dads leading their children in the good way they should go toward building a better life for themselves without the need for government handouts is not favorable to the cause of leftists.  If one observes the actions and the mission of leftists today they are a larger scale version of what they foisted upon the black community.  Long ago the KKK and others tried to force blacks to accept the lower rung of society and to walk away from their most worthy Christian beliefs.  We see similar goofy practices today. Consider the ANTIFA, BLM and other gumps who attack people like Charles Payne of FOX Business Network who don’t walk on their party line.

The strong underpinning to all this madness is the combined efforts of government school educators and university professors.  Their multi decade effort to literally deceive about and indoctrinate students against our exceptional nation way of life, American history, free market economics, the traditional family, critical thinking, Christianity, the Constitution, etc. is to do to America what has already been done to the black community.  A new University of Michigan textbook calls for doing away with Capitalism and replacing it with a socialist order with more regulations and funding for climate control.

Personally, I prefer the term Free Market economics, but I won’t quibble.  The bottom line is, if Americans do not know their real history, the future can become a bridled path that leads to literal doom.  That scenario can be avoided, if “We the People” are willing to stand and push back the deceptive darkness with the light of truth and seek Providential guidance.  God bless you, God bless America, and may America bless God.  Be blessed via The Ron Edwards Experience talk show every Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 3:00 PM CT, 4:00 PM ET on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv.,, and 12:00 AM Sundays on the TalkAmericaRadio network. Also nightly at 9:00 PM ET The Ron Edwards Experience tells it like it is on  The Edwards Notebook commentary Blows away the Myths and reveals the Truth increasingly throughout America including being featured during the Captains America talk show now on 80 stations emanating from flagship WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Florida and everyday throughout the day on  To respond to this or any of my columns or request me to speak at or Keynote your upcoming event simply go to

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