By Lewis Brackett

September 22, 2023

In ancient times, the Earth was worshipped as a god. The trees, the grass, the creatures large and small all had spirit beings that had to be appeased for things to go well for mankind.

There was a god for every occasion. A god for the harvest, for love, for hate, for the sea and in the clouds for rain. Proper worship was required for rain and sun in equal measure to provide the harvest.

Today, the old gods have returned, demanding worship. There are priests and prophets, and always profits in the mantra of this new but strangely ancient faith. Doubters are chastised ridiculed, Ostracized and depersoned in this new climate of unquestionable “truth.” Many of us wonder when those of us refusing to worship these new gods will be drug into an arena and torn apart by wild beasts. One pagan leader had heretics covered in hot wax, then set on fire to light up and enliven his garden parties.

The divine prophets of this new golden age insist that stewardship of Mother Earth is the prime directive of the most sentient of Earth’s animal creatures.  All other creatures, great and small, must receive the homage of man.

This mantra must, is insisted to include the disassembling of the foundational moral code of centuries, of millennia, as the obvious prerequisite for inclusion into this new age. Any such hieratical notions are repugnant and divisive to the new sentience. Any opposition must be met with re-education before inclusion into our golden age can be achieved.

Only the induction of chaos into our world system can result in the purification of ourselves in the spirit of our divine destiny.

Our world is groaning under her tiresome load of barely sentient life. Somehow this immense burden must be lightened, the herd thinned out so the grass and trees can once again breathe free.

Mother Earth must regain her pristine glory shed of the over infestation of presumptive sentience.

*** In the name of the Darwin, the Freud, and the Marx ***

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