By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

October 11, 2023

The press is focusing the public’s attention on the October 7 Hamas attack upon Israel as just something that happened. This is because they and most of you have not read my book The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, in which one can see that groups like Hezbollah and Hamas still use the Nazi salute (page 71 and 72 in my book). Hezbollah and Hamas have often acted as surrogates for Iran, which has at least twelve combat models of drones, noticeably absent in the October 7th attack on Israel. Switchblade drones (mentioned before in one of my NewsWithViews columns) can fly faster than the eye can see. And as I’ve mentioned in another of my NewsWithViews columns, what’s to stop a barge at night from launching combat drones at Tel Aviv? Perhaps such drone attacks are planned to come!

Concerning the relevance of all this to the secret Nazi plan, Nazi party chief Martin Bormann instructed his SS agents around the world to include Jews in the organization of the corporations they took over (750) by the end of WWII. That’s  because he knew they would send money toward the establishment of Israel, which he wanted to encourage Jews from around the world to immigrate to. If you were a Nazi at the time of fulfillment of their plan (today), would want to go to every hamlet in the world tracking down Jews to kill? Or would you want the Jews of the world coming to one small nation (Israel) surrounded by their sworn enemies (Hamas, etc.) where the Nazis could just sit back and watch the Jews (Israel) and Hamas, etc. kill each other?

How did the current situation arise? The Power Elite (PE) puts leaders into office and takes them out. At the time we put Ghadaffi into power in Libya, we brought the people of the National Front (Ghadaffi’s opponents) to just outside Langley, VA (CIA headquarters) to train them for about twenty years to overthrow Ghadaffi, which they did. The first thing one does when overthrowing a nation is to secure its weapons. In the case of Libya this did not happen on purpose. The small arms went south to help the newly formed Boco Haram to stir up things in the Sagreb region (Niger, Cameroon, etc.) of mid-Africa.

However, the anti-tank weapons went across Egypt to Hamas to use against Israel’s attack upon them led by tanks. This occurred because the person in charge of border security for the new Libyan government was a member of Al Qaeda. Many members of the Muslim Brotherhood and former Egyptian government (e.g., Anwar Sadat) had been pro-Nazi. The “Arab Spring,” which brought the Muslim Brotherhood to power were promoted by George Soros’ The Tides foundation via his agents Weathermen terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who called for a revolution against the Egyptian military dictatorship. Soros as a child had happily delivered messages for the Nazis. Because of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ruthless tactics, they have been replaced by the even worse tyrant, General el-Sisi.

The secret Nazi plan gets closer to fulfillment with the current attack upon Israel by Hamas—Jews and Muslims killing each other while the Nazis (unrecognizable) watch with delight.

As mentioned earlier, the secret Nazi plan is coming to fulfillment today. You may wonder why people do not see it unfolding. That’s because the Nazis, when taking over a company or corporation, would do it by purchasing 51% of the patents, stocks, trademarks, copyrights, etc. via a country’s citizen (front man) so nobody would be suspicious. There would be no sign (swastikas, Nazi salutes, etc.) to identify who was in control. The front man would be an ordinary looking American or Argentine or Brazilian, etc. person so that no one would suspect what was happening. Who would be suspicious since many American firms (e.g., TransAmerica, almost all of the recording industry, etc.) are already known to be foreign-owned. Money is the key, because the secret Nazi plan involved losing WWII militarily after Pearl Harbor while putting their best men into a plan economically to control the world!

[Hitler did not die in the bunker at the end of WWII as everyone has been told. Hitler’s supposed skull fragments were actually those of a woman in her 30s according to DNA samples taken by Connecticut archeologist and bone specialist Nick Ballantoni in 2009—see The Guardian, September 27, 2009.]

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