by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

August 9, 2022

The Associated Press (AP) has once again reported on “conclusive” evidence that Covid-19 occurred naturally in nature with the epicenter being the Wuhan fish market rather than being leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab in China. Apparently, it hasn’t occurred to them that someone from the lab could have leaked it in the Wuhan fish market. Even Wuhan’s Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi when the outbreak first occurred said she thought someone in the lab practicing poor sanitation accidentally transported the virus to the fish market. Do you think the AP is welcome by the always censoring Communist Chinese dictators in Beijing who have been constantly propagandizing against the lab leak theory?.

The biggest problem I have with people concerning Covid-19 is that they think the vaccines prevent infection like previous vaccines (e.g., polio vaccine). They don’t understand that the current vaccines do NOT prevent anyone from getting Covid-19 or from giving it to others. The result is that vaccinated people basically feel fine and go about their normal life, potentially becoming superspreaders if not masked!

According to “The Covid-19 Statistical Report” (a weekly report on Covid-19 published by Public Health of Scotland), the number of Covid-19 cases between last September 18 and October 25 were not-vaccinated 32,217, partly vaccinated 3971, and fully-vaccinated 37,992. This means that fully-vaccinated people accounted for 56% of the Covid-19 cases.

The new Omicron subvariant BA.5 accounts for more than half of the new Covid-19 cases in the U.S., and as of June, it has caused hospitalizations to slowly trend higher because it evades immunity. This immunity evasion could be why President Biden had a Covid-19 “rebound” after taking Paxlovid. In July, for the first time since May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicted that the number of hospitalizations would continue to increase (currently about 6000 people are hospitalized each day). Of course, one really can’t completely trust the CDC. According to Grady McGregor in “New data suggests the CDC’s COVID guidance to isolate for 5 days after testing positive is wrong” (FORTUNE, July 27, 2022), one reads that “Scientists have questioned the scientific rationale behind the 5-day quarantine policy since the CDC introduced it last December….In two new preprints, scientists found that people infected with Covid-19 remained infectious after five days….Extending the isolation period from five to ten days could be more safe, according to the study at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.”

In June of this year, Dr. Anthony Fauci tested positive for Covid-19, and on July 22, White House Covid-19 response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said, “This virus is going to be with us forever.” Can you imagine the population control elitists’ response to this? For months before CBS News announced the success of breast cancer drug Sabizabulin in treating Covid-19, I was promoting it in an article which the press refused to publish. The same is true for my promoting Allocetra and EXO-CD24, which clinical trials in Israel have demonstrated can help even severely or critically ill Covid-19 patients. Why do you think the press/media refuse to let the public know of the success of these new treatments? For months, they also refused to print my promotion of hyperbaric oxygen therapy as reversing the signs of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, even though clinical trials in Israel have also proven its effectiveness?.

Another serious problem is at the hospital level. If you look at this, you will see that the FDA announced as far back as October 22, 2020 that regarding Veklury (Remdesivir), one needs to pay particular attention to low blood oxygen levels. A friend of mine, Jay Johnson, had Covid-19 and was in Rex/UNCHealthcare hospital with a doctor who kept giving him Remdesivir, saying it was “Protocol,” despite the fact that his blood oxygen level had declined to a life-threatening level of 50, and he had shortness of breath. Then due to his wife’s research of the FDA’s announcement, he refused to take any more Remdesivir, and his blood oxygen level increased miraculously the next day to 90. He and his nurses were amazed and thankful. To see his story, go to You Tube videos and search “Tragedy, Triumph and an Angel named BREAKTHROUGH.”

So, what is next? According to David Axe in “Scientists Fear We’re Not Ready for Nightmare New COVID Variant” (August 7, 2022): “…The SARS-CoV-2 virus is almost certainly here to stay. Another wave is all but inevitable as new variants and subvariants mutate, compete for dominance, and find new transmission pathways. How fast that wave comes, and how bad it gets, probably comes down to a genetic competition between different mutations of the novel coronavirus. If we get lucky, a mild form of the virus wins out—and buys us time to prepare for a worse form of the virus that’s almost certainly coming.”

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