By Kelleigh Nelson

January 31, 2023

It doesn’t matter what rights you have under the Constitution of the U.S., if the govt can punish you for exercising those rights. And it doesn’t matter what limits the Constitution puts on government officials’ power, if they can exceed those limits without any adverse consequences. —Thomas Sowell

People get what they deserve. Regardless of political party, if people support candidates who promote the Vaccine Holocaust, there will be 200 million dead Americans by 2030. If they support candidates who promote the supply chain crisis, there will be no diesel oil to transport food from the farms to the grocery stores. And if people support candidates who supply billions of dollars to the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion thugs and terrorists in Ukraine, you will enjoy World War III when Putin has had enough. It doesn’t matter who you vote for if your candidate is a global genocidal maniac. —Steven Fishman

Love your country, but never trust its government. —Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) American writer

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.  —Voltaire, French writer

The Bolshevists were a far-left, revolutionary Marxist faction founded by Vladimir Lenin that split with the Mensheviks from the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, a revolutionary socialist political party formed in 1898.  In 1917, two Revolutions occurred in the Russian Empire.  The first overthrew the imperial monarchy and the second placed the Bolsheviks in power following a bloody civil war.

Fascism dominated many parts of Europe between 1919 and 1945.  NAZI means National Socialist German Worker’s Party.  Nazis are not right wingers, they are far leftists, but calling them far-right persists because of fools and amateurs who wish to label anyone right of center as a fascist.  They did this to Donald Trump, and fraudulent as it was, the repetitious lie took hold.  (Shades of Joseph Goebbels) Trump is many things, but fascist is not one of them.

Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao were unrivaled in murdering their own people and the people of Europe, albeit there were others who were just as cruel and deliberate in their extinction of millions.  Would 100 million people be a close figure of the murdered?  Perhaps, but I’d bet it’s far more.

Now there are worldwide totalitarians eager to enslave the survivors of their latest depopulation slaughter.  The annihilation of God’s creation has always been the goal of those possessed by evil. Their excuse has always been that the population would overrun the food production.  However, advances throughout time have proven this false.  The goals today are both depopulation and food scarcity, and they’re seeing to both in order to make their aspirations and predictions come true.

World Economic Forum

There is no normalcy within those who are drawn to world conquest and world revolution.  Sympathizers are drawn to the ordinary members, building their ranks.  Think of those in the Republican Party who are members of the World Economic Forum.  Want me to name a few?  Elise Stefanik, Dan Crenshaw, Darrell Issa, Debra Fischer, Eric Holcomb, Michael McCaul, Pat Toomey, Roger Wicker and more.  Kevin McCarthy, who never should have been made Speaker, attends every WEF meeting and has had dinner with Klaus Schwab.  Numerous Stalinist Democrat Party politicians are also WEF members.  They are traitors to their country and traitors to their oaths of office.

Schwab and his top advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, are the two men who are now leading the nation states into their world of complete dystopian domination over the masses.  They’ve infiltrated every government and succeeded in bringing government leaders into the WEF fold.  The Malthusian economics of Schwab and Harari are straight out of Maurice Strong’s depopulation playbook. Strong, father of global warming and United Nations Agenda 21, arguably the most significant and most secretive plan for global transformation, was Klaus Schwab’s friend and mentor.

Sustainability and smart growth cities are everywhere in the U.S. now.  But there are bigger plans.  American Billionaire Marc Lore has set out to build a city of the future that embodies equity, diversity, and inclusion. Telosa City is planned to be built in a dessert region of USA, likely Utah, and it is estimated to cost $400 billion.  Yep, same old plan, pack us all into an urban area to live together in what they believe is utopia. Here’s the plan:

In this article, Mastering the Future: The Megalomaniacal Ambitions of the WEF, Michael Rectenwald writes, “Lest we imagine that the WEF and its meetings merely represent the grandiose delusions of some ineffectual clowns, it should be noted that the WEF’s ‘stakeholder capitalism’—introduced in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, the WEF founder and chair, in Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering—has been embraced by the UN, by most central banks, as well as by the world’s leading corporations, commercial banks, and asset managers. Stakeholder capitalism is now considered to be the modus operandi of the world economic system.”

Agriculture, climate change, sustainability, the food crisis, water supplies, economic crises, natural disasters, viruses and everything else Strong laid out in his UN Agenda 21 tome are part of the WEF plan for dominance over the world and her people.

Klaus Schwab explains The Great Reset Agenda in 15 minutes.

Rectenwald ends his article with this statement, “In short, with the Davos agenda, we are confronted with a concerted, coordinat­ed campaign to dismantle the productive capabil­ities in energy, manufacturing, and farming. This project, driven by elites and accruing to their benefit, is amounting to the largest Great Leap Backward in recorded history. If it is not stopped and reversed, it will lead to economic disaster, including dramatical­ly reduced consumption and living standards. And it will almost certainly result in more hunger in the developed world and famines in the developing world. WEF chairman Schwab may out­do Chairman Mao. If we let him.”

Those who sit on the board of this towering tyrannical abomination and what they have planned for us are the same players who have been at it for decades.

The Nazi Party Plan

The history of the Nazi Party can be told in terms of new formations within the movement, each becoming more vicious and cruel. Think about the New World Order, which became United Nations Agenda 21/30 and now has become the Great Reset. All the goals are the same, but changing the names for different generations keeps the people from understanding that whatever the moniker, we are facing the same diabolical evil and with each change, the genocidal maniacs grow more maniacal.  Mix in the tenets of Marxism and fascism and you’ll have a clear picture of what humanity is facing.

Hannah Arendt explains in her book, The Origins of Totalitarianism, page 368:

“Another advantage of the totalitarian pattern is that it can be repeated indefinitely and keeps the organization in a state of fluidity which permits it constantly to include new layers and define new degrees of militancy.

“The SA, the stormtroopers, (founded in 1922), were the first Nazi formation which was supposed to be more militant than the party itself; in 1926 the SS was founded as the elite formation of the SA; after three years the SS was separated from the SA and put under Himmler’s command; it took Himmler only a few more years to repeat the same game within the SS.”

Each more militant than the last; first came the Shock Troops, then the Death Head units (guard units for the concentration camps) which later merged to form the Waffen-SS, finally the executive arm of the “negative population policy” and their office of questions of Race and Resettlement.  Soldiers of Destruction – SS Death Head Division, written by Charles Sydnor, Jr., gives the reader a clear picture of the atrocities and evil perpetrated by the Death Head Division.

Worldwide evil confronts us with another new title and menace, and this time, the majority of governments are in on it, including the United States.

So is Ukraine’s Zelensky.

Volodymyr Zelensky

Prior to becoming President of Ukraine, Zelensky was a comedian.  He is shown in a video wearing high heels and doing an erotic gay dance with three other men.  And in case you’ve forgotten this, here is Volodymyr Zelensky with a friend, pretending he is playing the piano with his penis.

Presidential material?  I think not.

Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit recently reported, Ukrainian Officials Blew $100 Billion in US Uniparty Dollars on Sports Cars, Mansions, Luxury Vacations, etc. Our tax dollars at work.  Actually, it’s worthless paper with no backing whatsoever.  So our illegitimate president feels he can just keep printing worthless dollars and Americans will pay with exorbitant inflation.

America has sent over $100 billion to Ukraine, as well as tons of military equipment through Biden’s revival of WWII’s Lend Lease Act.  During WWII, Marxist Harry Hopkins, referred to as the co-president of FDR, lived in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House.  He was in charge of the Lend Lease program to Russia.

(From Diana West’s book, American Betrayal, Chapter 5:  “Victor Kravchenko was a Soviet official who defected to America.  He had been at the Soviet headquarters of Lend Lease in Washington.  After the war, he testified before Congress that the Soviet Lend Lease operation he defected from and that was located only three blocks from the White House, was the Soviet spying, thieving and ransacking Commission.  They succeeded in stealing as many industrial and military secrets as possible.”)  Link

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock bluntly stated in fresh remarks that Western allies are fighting a war against Russia.  America and Germany said they would send tanks to Ukraine; Germany is also sending three B2 bombers.

In December, Volodymyr Zelensky became the first foreign wartime leader since Winston Churchill in December 1942 to address a joint session of the US Congress.  At least Sir Winston showed up in a suit, Zelensky wore his sweats.  Perhaps he doesn’t own a suit, since he showed up for his speech at Davos in a tee shirt.  Pelosi bestowed a kiss on the fascist’s cheek.

Ukraine has replaced COVID.  It is a country of fascist corruption and the Bidens and his buddies, including Republicans, are taking home the spoils.

Retirees from Ukraine who arrived in the U.S. after the outbreak of full-scale war will be able to receive the government’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) pension. This was reported by the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the US Department of Health and Human Services. SSI is a government pension paid to low-income people over age 65 and people with disabilities.  Link

Funding fascists while Americans suffer.  Where is the outrage?!

The fascist Azov Battalion was immediately put into Ukraine’s Army by Zelensky. In fact, he stated same in his interview some time back on Fox, but his statement was removed.  Apparently the media doesn’t want us to know that we’re funding direct descendants of Hitler’s Nazis to fight with Russia.

Zelensky is a member of WEF, and Ukraine already has a form of the social credit system. It was reported last year that he had followed China and combined government and business surveillance of citizens that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors.  This is in the works to operate in America.

Colonel Douglas MacGregor tells us Ukraine is currently staring annihilation in the face.

Our privacy is a thing of the past, the fourth amendment is shot to hell along with the first, and the second is a prime target.  The Bill of Rights is in tatters, but then of course, the newest judicial nominee by Biden, couldn’t name even one of our ten God-given Bill of rights.  Duh!

Putin’s Russia

Back in late August of 2022, Russia had detected more than 50 US-run biolabs near its borders, and it planned to present the evidence to the UN Office in Geneva in early September.

Remember Victoria Nuland?  She was the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and testified before a Senate Foreign Relation Committee hearing on Ukraine on March 08, 2022 in Washington, DC.  She stated, “Ukraine has ‘biological research facilities,’ worried Russia may seize them.”

The Pentagon admitted on Thursday, June 9th, 2022 that it has operated 46 biolabs in Ukraine handling dangerous pathogens, after previously dismissing the charges as Russian propaganda.


On September 22, 2022, Konstantin Kosachev, deputy speaker of the Federation Council said the Pentagon-run biolabs in Ukraine are pursuing military goals, proven by irrefutable evidence.

Putin is neither happy with those DoD bioweapons near his border, nor the fact that Zelensky wanted to join NATO who commits members to come to each other’s defense.

Vladimir Putin is no Zelensky.

On June 23, 2007, Der Spiegel published an interview with Alexandre Solzhenitsyn.  Alexandre had been offered a prize by Gorbachev in the past and then a prize by Yeltsin.  Both were turned down.  But when he was offered a prize by Vladimir Putin, he accepted.  Here is what he stated in that interview:

In accepting the award, I expressed the hope that the bitter Russian experience, which I have been studying and describing all my life, will be for us a lesson that keeps us from new disastrous breakdowns.

Vladimir Putin – yes, he was an officer of the intelligence services, but he was not a KGB investigator, nor was he the head of a camp in the gulag. As for service in foreign intelligence, that is not a negative in any country – sometimes it even draws praise. George Bush Sr. was not much criticized for being the ex-head of the CIA, for example.

Before Alexandre Solzhenitsyn died, Putin met with him and Solzhenitsyn told Putin what needed to be changed, more local control, less central control.

The Russian leader listened. Solzhenitsyn died on August 3, 2008; a few months short of his 90th birthday. Only two weeks later, it was announced that Moscow’s Great Communist Street (ulitsa Bolshaya Kommunisticheskaya) was to be re-named “Alexander Solzhenitsyn Street,” an honor bestowed by personal decree from President Putin.

Joseph Pearce writes the following in his article Solzhenitsyn and Putin:

In October 2010, it was announced that The Gulag Archipelago would become required reading for all Russian high school students. In a meeting with Solzhenitsyn’s widow, Putin described The Gulag Archipelago as “essential reading.” “Without the knowledge of that book, we would lack a full understanding of our country and it would be difficult for us to think about the future.”

What more need be said? In Vladimir Putin’s Russia, the greatest classic of anti-communist literature is now compulsory reading in all the high schools of the nation. If the same could be said of the high schools of the United States, we would not have the endemic historical and political ignorance that has led to the widespread sympathy for communism among young Americans. In the light of this, and in the light of Putin’s evident admiration for Solzhenitsyn, let’s not try to pretend that Russia is a communist nation. We don’t need to like Vladimir Putin. We don’t need to admire him. But we do need to acknowledge that Russia has moved on from the evils of socialism, even as we are in danger of embracing those very same evils.

And yet, our communist/fascist American politicians want to make him the enemy when we’re massively funding the real adversary.


In Part 2, we’ll look at the coming plans of the dystopian oligarchs for all of humanity.

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