By Lex Greene

May 2, 2024

By now, every American should have figured out that we are being “spied on” everywhere we go, everything we say, everything we post, text, Google search, buy online, or share on social media, every platform, including Tik Tok. Why do you think ads for products you just mentioned to a friend in a “private” conversation start “randomly” popping up on your devices? You smart phone and smart TV watch every move you make.

They also should have figured out that real journalism is dead in the USA, all news outlets, and social media platforms are heavily censored to maintain the government approved narrative on any and all issues, foreign or domestic. They should have figured out that we no longer have “constitutional” courts or “inalienable rights” in the USA, but instead, British Common Law courts used to undermine everything in the Charters of Freedom.

But it turns out that the vast majority of Americans aren’t as awake and aware as we would hope. As a result, most live under the façade of legitimate government, even as they watch that government violate every protected right in the Bill of Rights, spy on and attack American Citizens denying them a right to free speech, to peaceably assemble, or seek any real form of justice.

According to our weaponized federal government officials, “Tik Tok must be banned because it’s owned by the Communist Party of China.” But what if that isn’t true?

Who Really Owns Tik Tok?

Tik Tok is reportedly owned by ByteDance Ltd., a Chinese internet technology company headquartered in Haidian, Beijing and incorporated in the Cayman Islands. In 2009, software engineer and entrepreneur Zhang Yiming collaborated with his friend Liang Rubo to co-found, a real estate search engine, and later create and launch Tik Tok.

According to official filings by the Founders and operators of the company, 20% of Tik Tok is owned by the developers and founders of the company. Another 20% is owned by thousands of employees worldwide, including in the USA, and the remaining 60% is owned by global private investors.

ByteDance is backed financially by Jeff Yass’ Susquehanna International Group, Primavera Capital Group, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, SoftBank Group, Sequoia Capital, General Atlantic, and Hillhouse Capital Group, all of them huge international business capital groups invested in many things.

In other words, it’s simply not true that “Tik Tok is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”

USA Things that ARE Owned by the Chinese (10)

  • Chicago Stock Exchange
  • AMC Theaters
  • Smithfield Foods
  • Legendary Entertainment Group
  • GE Appliances
  • The Waldorf Astoria
  • Strategic Hotels & Resorts
  • Riot Games
  • Ingram Micro
  • Motorola Mobility

More importantly, in addition to flying RECON spy balloons across the entire USA without any effort by our federal government to prevent it, the Chinese have been buying up USA land at a record pace, with no opposition from the Biden Administration or Congress.

Most critically, much of the Chinese land purchases in the USA are adjacent to “TOP SECRET” Military Bases, including some of our nuclear weapons bases. (NBC News)

Maybe even more dangerous to the USA is the fact that over 50% of the USA Agricultural Land is own by foreign countries, including China.

So, we can agree that the Chinese Communist Party is indeed a growing superpower that threatens freedom and liberty everywhere it sets its roots beyond China’s borders. Their involvement with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) makes them even more dangerous, as the chosen model for a future global government under the maniacal Nazi Klaus Schwab and his evil 2020 Great Covid 19 Reset.

And just in case you still think China and Tik Tok are the greatest threat to American freedom and liberty, you had best think again… Check this list of USA Global Corporate Partners with evil Nazi Klaus Schwab. Every company on this list is a “partner” in the global Nazi WEF GREAT RESET designed to end all national sovereignty, security, independence, peace, and prosperity anywhere in the world.

So, Why Do All the Politicians Hate Tik Tok?

It’s quite simple really… #1 – Tik Tok stock is privately traded, so the politicians and their WEF corporate cronies, like the infamous Blackrock, don’t own it, and can’t control it. But even more important is the reality that western civilization exists in a vacuum completely void of any real journalism or news today.

The kids think they invented the “cancel culture,” but no, our government created it, and Pavlov trained the kids in government-controlled education. Some of the biggest chronic liars in history are now the gatekeepers of truth in America. No one human being has ever told as many lies as Joe Biden, or a bigger set of lies than Barack Obama. Yet, they now control all content on all of the following “fake news” outlets and social platforms…

  • ABC
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • CNN
  • FOX
  • NPR
  • PBS
  • Almost every American newspaper
  • Twitter (X)
  • Snapchat
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • And yes, even Truth Social
  • Some influence over Newsmax
  • Little to no influence over OANN, which is why the government targets OANN too

All so-called “community guidelines” or “community standards” are blatant tools of censorship. Gatekeepers of truth at each company, tightly control what is and isn’t “acceptable free speech” and they all answer to the new draconian US Federal Government, which has weaponized every branch and every agency against the American people, while funding known Nazis and terrorists.

But… TIK TOK is the threat!

Yes indeed, TIK TOK is a threat to the people determined to block all public access to free unfettered information. This is the threat that has a government that can’t agree on anything else, that won’t protect our own borders, that weaponized the entire government against the American people, in total agreement against TIK TOK…

As for the alleged “spying” on users of TIK TOK, in case you haven’t figured it out by now, nobody is spying on the American people more than our own government. Every online APP uses a form of “spyware” programming in order to track a user’s interests and provide content, including ads, that the user may be interested in. Every online APP does the same, usually for profit.

When they told you that the “APP is FREE,” they also told you it’s paid for by someone else, mostly advertisers, just like the news networks.

I’m a country music fan and so I follow new rising country music artists, as just one example of the backend problems to what our government is doing to TIK TOK. Here’s an article I just saw, while thinking about writing the truth here regarding TIK TOK. The article talks about 13 New Country Stars whose careers were launched simply by their posts on TIK TOK. They wouldn’t have successful careers today had it not been for open access to TIK TOK.

Now, in case you’re not a country music fan, there’s much more…

According to the most recent data, there are approximately 170-million TIK TOK users in the USA alone, over half of the US population. Approximately 13% of them, or 22.1-million users make part or all of their income via marketing their products and services on TIK TOK.

If our government were to actually “BAN TIK TOK” in the USA, that’s over 20-million Americans that would lose all or part of their income, at a time when O’Biden inflation is ravaging family finances…we are about to see a record number of home foreclosures…in addition to the thousands of companies and millions of jobs lost due to the DoD’s CV19 scamdemic.

All for what? Because the biggest liars in our country can’t control TIK TOK political speech?

When they told you 2-million Americans were going to die from COVID in just two weeks in April 2020, they lied. When they told you wearing a mask and social distancing would save you, they lied. When they told you they didn’t know where COVID came from, they lied. When they told you taking the JAB would save you, they lied about that too.

Now the same people want you to believe that TIK TOK is the new “silent killer” you should fear, and they are lying about that as well! By the way, do you know which country was the first to “ban Tik Tok?” — It was CHINA! Communist governments always try to silence free speech…

So, at what point do you add up all of their proven lies and decide to think for yourself? Before, or after they take everything, you thought you owned????

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