By Sidney Secular

January 30, 2023

A Tragic Tale of Two Titans

The Ukraine War is all about the sagging struggle of the US to maintain its status as the world’s bully and supposed “superpower.” Moreover, it is an attempt to prevent China from usurping that role. China is gradually moving into a position in which it can lord it over the world economically through its increasingly far flung economic alliances and agreements with increasing numbers of nations, alliances and agreements that leave these nations dependent upon China for their economic viability. Eventually it will not have to fire a shot to attain world dominance despite having the military capability for such a takeover. Constrictors (in this instance more of a dragon than a boa!) strangle their prey and the nations of the West along with the rest of the world will be left to writhe and then die in the grasp of the great dragon. The neocons believe that they can put a major crimp in this plot by disabling Russia as they see that nation as China’s primary partner in its move for global economic control.

The unreasonable and unrelenting enmity of America’s neocons towards Russia has been repeatedly demonstrated since the fall of the USSR! It is almost as if the breakup of that “union” never happened and it is obvious that they will not be content unless and until they can carve Russia up into “republics” again, but this time these “republics” will be slavish and amenable to the New World Order’s “rules based international order”. Whoever the American “leader” becomes, whether Biden or his puppet successor, will be all too willing to do the neocons’ bidding. Any study of the “American right” makes clear that the most powerful segment of that group are the neocons. Traditional conservatives spend most of their times finding fault with fellow traditional conservatives for not being “conservative enough” and thus have pretty much made themselves irrelevant in the present global strategy.

The foggy-headed semi-conscious “ad-libber” Biden has already proclaimed that “Putin cannot remain in power”. However, the Ukrainian military falters because of inferior numbers and weaponry both of which are the result of attrition while a full scale assault by the Russian regular military, and not the present “junior varsity” squad, is imminent. This will entice and perhaps force NATO to attempt an invasion of Russia, something that history has shown will fail as those forces will have to operate over a humongous geographic area. Napoleon and Hitler discovered that fact the hard way. Neither will the Russians stand for “color revolutions” or insurgencies that would eventually install Yeltsin-style leaders or attempts to foment movements to break Mother Russian into pieces. The Russian people have suffered enough since the installation of communism to let that happen again. If they are brought to that point, it is no doubt they will employ the nuclear option in response to any invasion and, of course, we will retaliate setting off World War Three.

Four American presidential administrations influenced by the neocons have tried to con the US government into an attack on Russia to no avail. However, given our present situation, a combination of the far left Democrats and neocon Republicans will avail themselves of whatever propaganda and actual weapons they can muster to maul Russia. Unfortunately – or fortunately! – there is at present no clear strategies or step-by step goals in their anti-Russia endeavors, and NATO is blindly moving ahead in an uncoordinated manner – all they can do is “see Red (or the reds)” like a bull charging ahead. This lack of cogent strategy along with the domestic problems throughout the West will ensure the failure of any “Russian strategy” that may arise. If we attack with nukes first, and we have been cultivating the public for years now in preparation for such an attack (as we continuously cultivated the public for two years before attacking Iraq), Americans may accept the ensuing carnage for they have been carefully prepared by the constant calumny about how Putin has turned into a dictator and madman, an easy enough sell in these days of a manipulated media! However, with the availability of immediate images of any nuclear exchange, it is probable that cooler heads in the West will step in as they have no desire to start the Great Reset of the New World Order on a global ash heap.

But there are other issues involved. For instance, with the fall of communism, Russia has once again embraced its national Church – the Russian Orthodox Church – and that brand of Christianity rejects the West’s current immorality including gay rights and abortion. Indeed, it seems now that the LGBT&etc. community is being persecuted in that nation (that means that they cannot force everybody including Christians to kowtow to their demands). As well, since the election of 2016, it has been claimed that Russia has interfered in our internal affairs and even put the eeeevil Donald Trump in the presidency until he could be removed by true patriots! And if Biden is still able to read the teleprompter and hasn’t stepped down yet, he will claim that Putin’s mental state is “extremely concerning”, when in fact it is his own mental state that is in question. It’s just the usual leftist methodology of blaming your opponent for that of which you are guilty and responsible for doing. Many believe that if there is a first strike on our part, Americans, though appalled, will breathe a sigh of relief that the madman is no more, and go back to their puppet-like – that is obedient! – existence.

The foreign policy gurus and their minions have taken Putin’s measure and have found him wanting and so they are now satisfied that they can get away with their schemes to bring Russia down. Putin brought it upon himself because he hasn’t taken any counter-measures as NATO has expanded again and again to surround him despite his warnings regarding that strategy. For instance, Washington staged the coup in Kiev in 2014 and Putin waited 8 years to react to it. Also consider: Washington sabotaged the Nord Stream 2 pipeline; Washington set up scores of biolabs to potentially infect the Russians with Covid-like critters; Washington and NATO supplied Ukraine with billions in arms equivalent to the entire Russian military budget; the West seized the bank accounts and private property of Russian citizens demonstrating its hostility towards anything Russian; and NATO continues to micro-manage Ukraine’s military response from behind the scenes. Yet, despite all of the above, Russia still has not reacted by completely overrunning at least half of Ukraine with a “blitzkrieg” type invasion as they are fully capable of doing! Yes, Russia must bear part of the blame if the whole thing goes up in flames! Indeed, Russia doesn’t even call the actions in the Ukraine a war but a “special military operation” rather like Korea’s “police action.”

The West’s drive to conquer Russia will not end until the fools of the New World Order exhaust themselves and eventually get beat down in the process. The slovenly media will increasingly slobber over the prospect of subduing the Russian bear, but will remain silent when they have been silenced by events which will have turned against them although, it is secretly believed that they will blame Donald Trump in the end even if The Donald is long gone from our political scene. Russia now has developed the religious and cultural backbone imprisoned for over 70 years of Communist rule. Going through that ordeal has toughened them to withstand any onslaught or adversity the pesty West can inflict on them. Even more to the point, their people have the guts to persevere, something our people seem to lack.

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