By Jeffery Dover

December 13, 2022

Surely the readers of NewsWithViews are aware of the way the terms “political Right” and “political Left” are used.  Ditto “right wing”, “left wing”.  Where do they come from?  The use, or rather, the overuse of these terms in political discourse is crafted to create illusions, not to clarify anything.  Americans have been taught to think of Hitler and Nazis when they are confronted with “far right”.  What about “far left”?  We’re conditioned to think instead of disparate small groups of some sort of zealot, but not any existing nation or authority.  “Left” in general, connotes “caring about people” as we have been conditioned to believe.

The way the two are positioned means that if you are a “far right winger” you cannot also be a “far left winger”.  How convenient if also obvious.  That means, in turn, that those with whom the press sympathize can’t be bad or evil in most cases.  They cover up for and outright support Leftist people and organizations. Yet, those on the right, are always to be regarded with suspicion if not downright fear and hatred. “Right” is frequently used to elicit visions of Nazis and dictators.

A Better Way to View Right and Left

If one must use such terms to discuss ideas and people who bear little relation to spatial locations, relative to – what? – there’s a better way to view the two.  Far Left, as far to the left as possible, represents totalitarian government, that is, absolute control over a population of de facto slaves.  Think the long-gone former USSR, Nazi Germany and present-day N. Korea.  At the other end of the spectrum, the farthest right a group could be, is anarchy, no government at all.  Thus, at one end people enjoy no freedom and at the other, they have complete freedom.  With this measure, Nazi Germany and the USSR would fall into the same “far left” as N. Korea and early communist China, one being just as evil as the other.   The problem this creates for our propagandists is that now, they would have to lump their “Hitler” in with their “good” socialist regimes.  So for propagandists to say, for example, that Trump is a “Nazi” would be to put him in the same company as some of their heroes – Mao, Lenin, Gorbachev, Guevara, Obama!  Unthinkable and not useful for misrepresentation. It would require that they find or invent (“pee pee dossier”, “Russian collusion”) some other, evidential behavior for them to use as a tool for vilification.

For an individual to be labeled a “Nazi”, for most Democrat voters doesn’t require evidence other than first being called “far right”.  And who have Americans been taught to hate since childhood?  Nazis.  Have Americans been taught to hate communists, the media’s “left”?  To only a very limited extent with most people left to find its inherent evils by dint of their own reasoning.  There are few movies or documentaries about communists, yet on any day one can find on television some reference to Nazis, the holocaust and other depictions of Nazi Germany horrors and build-up. (Interesting, as the New World Order favored by many elites and the World Economic Forum seem to espouse many of the same Nazi goals: world domination and depopulation under an authoritarian one-world government.  WEF chairman Klaus Schwab  thinks China is a great model.

Using the more credible left-right yardstick described here, the United States would then fall somewhere near the middle, featuring a modicum of control over its population.  At least that would be the nation’s founding design.  As it happens and as we have seen over the past few decades, the nation has been moving leftward, toward a more authoritarian setup.  The speed with which it is moving there is increasing.  It’s neither accidental, nor a reflection of the peoples’ will.

Recent elections are being proven, if slowly, to have been rigged.  As a part of the “rigging” it’s coming out that government agencies have been a part of that rigging.  Does anyone know what the CIA does these days?  Another topic entirely, but akin is that so much in today’s Washington, DC is “secret”, “classified” and etc.  The CDC for example, supposedly there to keep us safe from disease, has employee classifications of “secret”, “top secret” and “beyond top secret”!  What are we not supposed to know?  Are they a defense operation?  Or, do they create viruses for Big Pharma’s enrichment?  In March of 2020 one could go to a page on the OSHA website where there was a section on “masks” describing them as ineffective barriers to viruses.  A month later the same page was empty, labeled “This Page Left Intentionally Blank”.  How convenient for the government overreach which demanded a “masked” population, in reality, simply an otherwise meaningless exercise of their control.  Worse yet, the business shutdowns.  “Social Distancing” was another such onerous exercise.  Then, worst of all if not criminal – yet – were the forced vaccinations of gene altering material which was not a vaccine and which did not prevent infection.

What is termed “national security” nowadays seems to have little to do with the nation, per se, but rather instead, “bureaucratic security”, protecting those bad actors in our government agencies from public exposure of their wrongdoings.  Else, why all the redactions, refusals to submit documents to congress and the like we’ve been witnessing for the past twenty years or more?  The upshot is that the government is less and less accountable to the people, becoming nearly autonomous.  When a government isn’t answerable to the people yet the people are answerable to the government, the people are thralls, the government “left”.

It’s ultimately about freedom. 

Freedom is what people care about.  An economic system of one sort or another, Capitalist (the best for the most), Fascist (where the USA seems to be heading) or Communist (few remaining and none which Marx would recognize as “communist”), is always of interest and will always appear.  However, the freedom to live one’s life on one’s own with the freedom to move, to work, to create, to speak, to love and to worship of one’s own accord is of ultimate interest.  It is also that interest which historically is most likely in peril.  Thus, when our politics are discussed in terms of “right wing” and “left wing”, as consumers of information we must demand more clarity from those who disseminate it.  We must also understand that whereas freedom, not an economic system, is what human nature most values, communism, fascism, and autocracy are all “left”, all totalitarian, all evil and inhuman.  Think “right” for freedom.

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