By Lex Greene

November 4, 2023

ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council formed in Chicago in 1973, was originally formed as a nonprofit organization of “conservative republican” state legislators and private sector representatives who drafted and shared model legislation for distribution among state governments in the United States.

Over the years, ALEC has produced model bills on a broad range of issues, such as reducing regulation and individual and corporate taxation, combating illegal immigration, loosening environmental regulations, tightening voter identification rules, weakening labor unions, and opposing gun control.

But this is no longer who and what ALEC is today.

Today, ALEC declares itself “America’s largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators.” This is exactly why so many so-called “conservative republican” state legislators find themselves on the wrong side of so many critical issues today, at a time when Americans have lost all confidence in their federal government, all three branches.


Anti-America federal politicians and judges now dictate policy to republican state legislators, and they do it through the “nonpartisan” legislative think tank, ALEC. Even though 28 state legislatures are currently controlled by the Republican Party, most of them still advance leftist agendas, and refuse to advance conservative agendas, because the agenda is passed down to them from on high in DC.

ALEC enjoys approximately $9-million per year in their annual budget. The money is spent passing on state legislative initiatives to state level legislators, most often initiated by federal legislators, corporate financiers, and special interest groups. Unlike the federal legislature wherein a majority of representatives and senators are lawyers, state level legislators are our neighbors, business people, school teachers, everyday citizens, most of whom are not lawyers.

As a result, once elected, they rely heavily upon the counsel of British Common Law lawyers for how to do their job. ALEC is a top legislative counsel group advising state legislatures. In the early days, ALEC was a conservative republican advisory group. But today, they are a rubber-stamp distribution center for “non-partisan” federal policies driven down to the state and local level.

In all honesty, more than at any time in American history, there is no such thing as “non-partisan” or “bi-partisan” in government. Everyone involved in politics today, including all voters, are highly partisan, “a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person.” Even those who refuse to engage in politics at all, do so for partisan reasons, believing that no one in politics represents their personal partisan interests.

Like the political parties themselves, everything political has been infiltrated, corrupted, weaponized against U.S. Citizens and broken to a point when everything needs a complete house cleaning and Constitutional reset.

People really must do their own homework. Starting in 2008, I asked both Hillsdale College and Heritage Foundation to define the term Natural Born Citizen as part of their “free” constitutional teachings across the country. To date, Hillsdale College has refused to answer the question at all, or issue its interpretation of the Natural Born Citizen term as a part of their Constitutional Course.

Heritage Foundation issued a few papers on the subject, essentially claiming that “naturalized citizens” under the 14th (anchor baby) and naturalization codes are also Natural Born Citizens, so long as it occurs at the time of birth. They fraudulently refer to “anchor babies” as “birthright citizens.”

Hillsdale Professors like Berkley grad Gary Wolfram, Professor of Economics, Business and Accounting at Hillsdale, are on the advisory panel to ALEC, as are many left-leaning “experts,” driving the federally approved narratives and policies down to the local level through think tanks like ALEC.

Instead of ALEC and other think tanks driving our legislatures, it’s supposed to be us, “We the People” from whom all political power is derived. We simply cannot afford to allow so-called “experts” to continue running our country into the ground. They have driven the USA to the brink of collapse.

If Americans won’t control their own country, others will, and no American will like it!

We are either our own policymakers, or we are mere serfs to unelected and unaccountable ruling class elites, stuck on a federal plantation, under runaway taxation, with no representation.

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