By Sidney Secular

March 2, 2024

These are strange days with strange skies and this situation is leading to Florida’s losing its allure as the Sunshine State. All across that state Florida’s “winter people” are noticing that their skies have been unusually cloudy and overcast, the cloudiest in 84 years in fact. Florida is in the subtropical zone where you usually have either bright blue skies or stormy, showery weather with little or nothing in-between. The weather gurus blame it on El Nino (The Christ child, literally), a recurring system that often brings unsettled weather. Yet, El Nino doesn’t explain why we are observing unnatural crisscross line formations in the sky (very like atmospheric checkerboards), that, if they happen frequently enough and with enough concentration, begin to blend one into one another creating an overcast pall. Once the exclusive province of the conspiracy minded, the issue is now being openly addressed, especially in the Sunshine State. The truth is that the whole world is in the cross-hairs and “cross-trails” of chemtrail attacks. It is just more noticeable and worrisome to Floridians who are “livid” over it.

In 2020, the Spanish Government openly admitted to spraying chemtrails in the air over Spain at the behest of the UN. This request was presented to that government as a means of killing what was, in fact, the imaginary COVID-19 agent that was – allegedly – creating a health-care crisis in that state and the rest of the nation and the world. This confession represents prima facie (“in your face”)  evidence that chemtrails are not a tin-foil hat “conspiracy theory” but rather that they are both real and represent multiple violations of the Nuremberg Code – a human rights and medical ethics treaty that today is not being enforced by anybody in any way. Setting aside for a moment the subject of the deliberate poisonings of populations, chemtrails are a component of a plan called Solar Radiation Management (SRM) designed to reduce incoming solar radiation, reflecting it back into space as a means of reducing “global warming.” This plan is promulgated by the NIH, apparently as an authorized agent of the UN. SRM includes utilization of stratospheric aerosols, reflective satellites, whitening of the clouds, whitening of built structures, and increasing plant reflectivity (the color white is the best reflector of light). The NIH admits there are negative health effects associated with their program, which they don’t intend to say, much less do anything about – they just want their actions not be noticeable enough to raise objections to it. In other words, the unhealthful effects are to be covered up until such time as they have glaciers in Madrid.

As usual, where there’s big money to be made and plots to be laid, Bill Gates is front and center in promoting it. He’s spending tremendous amounts of money in implementing sun dimming projects around the world. That sort of verifies that it is genocide on a global scale. Modern devilish doings are all dressed up as virtuous undertakings, but they eventually lead to or benefit the undertakers, so to speak. One of the major ulterior motive/intents of the dimming projects is to create food crises by replicating the effects of a massive atmospheric disturbances such as volcanic eruptions or the results of meteor strikes as was experienced in the US in 1815, often called “the year without a summer.” At that time there were massive crop failures on a global scale, a return of which would allow our globalist overlords to con people into believing we are experiencing an effect of climate change that would justify rationing food supplies, the introduction of insects as staples in our diets, herding people into 15 minute cities and helping create a global totalitarian regime to run these “responses.” Gates is also buying up huge swaths of farmland, apparently to keep it out of circulation for farming as a means of intensifying the prevalence of starvation as his plot unfolds. He undoubtedly has various nefarious plans in mind to sell this land later, maybe for use by the GovMint to build concentration camps, 15 minute cities, or insects-for-food farming facilities thereon.

The two purposes of chemtrailing are to directly poison humanity and to block out much of the light from the sun. Plants need sunlight to perform photosynthesis and our bodies need Vitamin D, for which sunlight is a prime source, so blocking out the sun could threaten the survival of life on Earth. It could also set off a new ice age, especially if sunspot activity is concurrently decreased, a matter that lessens solar radiation emitted, and happens in cycles. Such a reduction in solar emissions is actually predicted by some scientists to start soon and last into the 2040’s.

Another interesting aspect of this global attack is that the aircraft involved in spraying chemicals into the air over the United Kingdom do not appear on radar. A pilot whistleblower has explained that the software in the transponders have been fixed in these aircraft so that they don’t show up on radar. The whistleblower also has stated that all the pilots involved in the program are ex-Royal Air Force used to performing clandestine operations after having signed an oath that they will not reveal what they are doing. It is not a stretch to expect the same or similar situation/scenario in this country. It always amazes me how many “good,” “decent” patriots are willing to murder their fellow man in the name of obedience to the GuvMint. One must assume that they do not understand that they themselves as well as their loved ones are going to die just like everybody else! This suggests that mind control is already well ensconced in our ruling bodies.

Also, on another front, it’s not a stretch to surmise that the nano-particulates in the chemtrails enhance and synergize the effects of the nano-particles in the COVID-19 vaxx shots and that they work in sync to sink us. There are an unbelievably large variety of infectious pathogens and at least 26 harmful chemicals in the chemtrail fallout. These include nano-particulates of aluminum and barium, and cationic polymer fibers containing unidentified bio-active material. An investigator found over 300 types of virally mutated fungi in the chemtrail fallouts. Drugs including sedatives have also been found in the fallout. These substances could be the cause of the sudden epidemics of brain fog and chronic fatigue syndromes. As well, the very plague of such things as skin diseases and tinnitus indicates that there is more to this matter than that which is obvious. Chemtrail components have been linked indisputably and directly with the previously unknown malady of Morgellons Disease, a condition characterized by blood clots and plaques, problems that are also exacerbated by the COVID vaxxes. There are at least 60,000 known victims of this illness. The Government has not funded any research, since it is probable that they already know all that needs to be known and as far as the victims are concerned, anything that the government does would be putting the fox in charge of the hen-house. The skyrocketing rates of lung cancer, COPD, asthma, and pulmonary and respiratory problems could also be associated with the chemtrail deposits coupled with the deadly vaccine assault.

Whether chemtrail spraying is similar to fluoride contamination in water and toothpastes in creating a more docile, easily dominated, and less intelligent population; a means of dimming both the human intellect and the planet; or outright extermination of its life forms, it goes without saying that it qualifies as a crime against humanity, being that it at least constitutes experimentation without informed consent, a violation of the Nuremberg code, and certainly contrary and destructive of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Bible.

Secessionist sentiment is brewing and coming to a boil in the state of New Hampshire (NH), whose motto is “Live Free or Die” as seen on its vehicle license plates. Due to the publicity surrounding the chemtrail spraying, the state is starting to feel the heat. Recently, a bill began wending its way through the NH legislature calling for a prohibition of weather modification, stratospheric aerosol injection, solar radiation modification and geoengineering in that state or in the skies above it. The sky’s the limit insofar as how far this movement can go. However, we must remember that the sky does not follow earthly boundaries and New Hampshire will not save itself if the rest of us don’t save ourselves!

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