By Andrew Wallace
January 8, 2025
In simple terms, President Trump has the Constitutional power to terminate all unconstitutional programs and functions without any legislation whatsoever.
To date, President Trump has not promised to follow the Constitution to the letter. If he doesn’t do this, a majority of unconstitutional programs and functions will remain with no possibility of Draining the Swamp and eliminating the greatest of all future depressions.
Just some of these unconstitutional departments/functions are the Federal Reserve Bank, Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Transportation, Dept. of Health and Human Services, and Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, etc.
Except for the Federal Reserve Bank, all of these departments are powers retained by the states and usurped by the federal government. The Federal Reserve Bank is non-constitutional and privately-owned. Trump can eliminate it with a stroke of his pen, without Congress. Congress could not and will not terminate these departments because their Swamp paymasters would not allow it.
Trump could eliminate most of the inflation and all of the unconstitutional wars for profit by returning to the gold/silver standard, as required by the Constitution. To finance wars, they must print money…and they can’t print gold.
Trump can return all 250,000 of our military from 150 countries because there has been no Declaration of War and there is no threat to national security from foreign enemy invasion. INVASION IS IMPOSSIBLE. Our foreign-based troops can’t prevent a nuclear attack on our country. Trump can also terminate all unconstitutional Foreign Aid and spend the money on our people.
God gave us a country that can’t be invaded, so there is no national security requirement to project force and invade foreign countries for no lawful reason. The only reason to invade foreign countries is to enrich the Military Industrial Complex of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their traitors in the Swamp.
Trump is hated by the PSRRC and Congress because of his use of tariffs to return manufacturing to our country, protect our workers, equalize trade, and prevent our participation in wars. In other words Trump will eliminate much of the PSRRC’s ill-gotten gains at the People’s expense.
Foreign manufacturing, wars for profit, and foreign aid for kickbacks are major sources of income for PSRRC and bribes for Congress. All of which has impoverished the people.
The Democrats/Communists can only survive with other people’s money (unconstitutional), and they think Trump is going to stop their blood money. If Trump follows the Constitution the non- working (though able-bodied) Democrat/Communists would starve. The PSRRC, Administrative State, Educational Establishment and their media have defamed, framed, and convinced almost half of the country to hate Trump to the extent that at least two people have tried to assassinate him. (We may find out later that the administrative state, ie. FBI and CIA, etc. were involved in these assassination attempts…and much more).
If president Trump has the courage to follow the Constitution to the letter, he will solve all of our major problems and be the greatest president of all time, anywhere. But the PSRRC and their minions will do EVERYTHING to stop him. President Trump is the only President where the circumstances exist to return this country to a Constitutional Republic and the courage to make America be independent with the support of a willing people.
President Trump could not have been elected without monetary support from the so-called Jewish/Zionist lobby and others with big money. It is reported that the Jewish/Zionist lobby controls our foreign policy and if true it must end; It is not anti-Semitic to refuse foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel and all foreign countries. In fact the Constitution demands it.
The Constitution requires a Declaration of War, and not one has been declared for the last 30 conflicts during the last 79 years. But during this period, we lost over 100,000 military dead and millions of dead innocents. I estimate that the money spent without sufficient cause would have put every able-bodied working citizen into a home with prosperity.
How prosperous would you be without the burden of an income tax? Prior to 1913, the federal government was financed totally with tariffs and excise taxes. There were no income taxes or Federal Reserve Bank to print money to finance wars for profit and to impoverish the people with inflation. President Trump has the power to use tariffs, but will require Congress to terminate the income tax.
Again, I have written a paper covering only a few major points (of many) with minimum details to increase readership. I have not attempted to cover most of the unconstitutional functions of our government (which is a criminal enterprise). I doubt that many politicians understand or would appreciate the message, so please pass my articles on to them.
I welcome your comments
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