Dr. Laurie Roth

March 29, 2024

The Democrats and their cowardly cousins the Rhinos who bow at their stinky feet, have seemingly become the Treason and Anti God party.  I see the Democrats as the movie production company who is searching for their new leads to star in  ‘American – the Fallen.’ Too bad Pee Wee Herman passed away, him and Pelosi could start in one of their movies.

The Dems already tried as ‘leads’  Bill, Hillary, Obama, Michael, Joe Biden and his handlers. Their dream of making billions, continuing to seduce Americans to watch their evil dramas and steel our freedoms isn’t working so well for them.  The majority of America in all its forms has awakened and smells the dying rat as we look for money to buy gas or pay our mortgage.  Which will it be?

Hark, they couldn’t stop most of America either from waking up and praying for help from the real God, not their Satan.  Gee, what will Americans do next,  pray down fire from heaven, fire and arrest them and crush their evil actions, while backing the elected President Donald Trump back to finish his clean up job?  Most of America knows Trump was the real, elected President from all the audits and water marked real ballets.  During the last election cycle, what we witnessed on almost every front was total treason in the House, Senate, Media,  Justice system, foreign and domestic treachery involved in all aspects of the election.  Now, it is known and old news as America still waits for justice, the arrests and the real President to return.

Resident Biden and the litany of fools pulling his strings, have shown an amazing amount of achievements, that is if you define achievements as serving Satan. Their list includes looking the other way with sex trafficking, rape, and torture of our children, ruining our economy, giving our enemies billions in military equipment, destroying real morals, our Christian heritage and faith, rewriting curriculum to force shame down our children’s throats, mutilate all patriotism and make ‘saying the pledge of allegiance and honoring the flag a thing of the past. Of course, one of their favorites is manipulating our children to even question whether they are a boy or girl.  Is it a crime yet to even admit you are a man or woman or is that racism or a hate crime now?

Freedom of speech is quickly becoming a tainted fossil for conservatives, patriots and Christians. We are regularly called criminals, racists, terrorists, falsely accused and arrested by liberals who invent charges as they roll.  Who cares about law and our Constitution.  They don’t and never have.  Since most of America is now running from their indoctrination theatres, it is now time to run to God, then turn, stand and fight the enemy of God, country, freedom and our children. No one is entertained anymore but America is not just wanting real justice to unfold but demanding it.

It is time to rise up and stand for America, our rights, freedoms, Constitution and to fall on our faces before the living God and ask for his Intervention, mercy and protection.  We will win and they have already lost.

© 2024 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

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