By Andrew Wallace
February 15, 2025
The purpose of this article is to give you a comprehensive view of our financial and geopolitical situation in just a few words.
No one of either party can question the fantastic start of President Trump’s return to power. He is following his promises by the numbers. I think a majority of the people believed that if Trump was not in office that we would soon be in a civil war, followed by financial Armageddon. It is my strong belief, supported by many experts, that …short of a miracle…President Trump has only given us a brief respite.
President Trump can give us the “required” miracle merely by following our Constitution to the letter. There is no other effective way. It is that he has sworn a sacred oath to do so.
Note: The Arabs and Jews hate one another for good cause and with a passion that will endure forever. It is both unconstitutional and stupid for the United States to support either Israel or Palestine. (All foreign aid is unconstitutional.) Both sides have legitimate issues. Trump could not have been elected without Jewish support, Quid Pro Quo. Supporters of each side are either uninformed, brainwashed, bribed, ignorant of history, self- serving, or oppressed. In other words, support of either side is a testament to one’s ignorance, avarice or cowardice. It is not an American Patriot’s war!
The Federal Government is limited to the Enumerated Powers listed in the Constitution, which are household expenses, census, commerce, immigration, defense, foreign relations, mint, patents and copyright, and post offices. Period.
A majority of federal government actions and expenditures are therefore unconstitutional and criminal, with no lawful support whatsoever. The Federal Government is mostly a criminal enterprise.
The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) initiated their major takeover of government in 1913 . This year of infamy saw income taxes replacing tariffs, excise taxes to fund government, and legislation for the unconstitutional privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank and Tax-Free Foundations.
Funding the federal government with income taxes (rather than tariffs) destroyed the Republic by allowing the federal government to suck up all the money. This left the states in a position to be blackmailed into allowing the federal government to usurp state functions, giving federal government (PSRRC) unlimited unconstitutional powers.
In simple terms, the income tax reversed the Constitutional roles of the states and federal government. Income tax impoverished the people and usurped the power of the states.
The income tax must be abolished so that states can perform their Constitutional functions with state taxes. The alternative is civil war. The federal government could return to funding itself by tariffs, as was done until 1913.
Another most important reason to abolish the income tax is to prevent a civil war caused by the unconstitutional funding of Communism in the large cities with wages (taxes) of working people. Communism always fails when it runs out of other people’s money. It is impossible to keep increasing the money supply to fund the Communists without a comparable increase in goods and services. The Communist cities produce little. The working people will revolt if the burden is not removed. Ending the income tax and allowing the blue cities and states to sink or swim on their own is the only viable solution. Why the hell should the American people fund the rebuilding of Communist California, which caused its own disaster? As the purchasing power of workers declines, so does their toleration of idle Communists in blue cities.
The following are only some of the Unconstitutional and Criminal organizations which can be abolished by the stroke of President Trump’s pen. Any laws passed by Congress related to the following are also unconstitutional: Privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank; All foreign aid; FEMA; CDC; ATF; IRS; Department of Energy; Department of Education; Department of Agriculture; Department of Transportation.
Wars for profit of the PSRRC are not authorized by our Constitution, even though we have been in thirty armed conflicts in the last 79 years and lost every one of them at a cost of over 100,000 military dead and a reduced living standard for Americans. This commercial use of our military force also earned us the hatred of most countries around the globe.
The only wars authorized by our Constitution require a Congressional Declaration of War.
We need to fear only Nuclear War and attacks from within the United States (this is sometimes referred to as Fortress America).
Our troops should be brought home from all over the world, as they serve no legitimate national security purpose. President Trump has demonstrated that economic power is most effective. The use of military power should be a last resort.
The simple and irrefutable fact is that no country in the world has the resources to invade us because of our oceans.
Note: It will take years to deport the millions of illegal invaders of military age. In the meantime you must be ready to feed and protect your family with an AR15 or 12 Gauge. Look at Europe to see our own future, as they suffer from and endure invaders who refuse to enter legally and assimilate.
As is my wont, I have written this with the minimum number of words (almost an outline). If you agree with my words I beg you to send a copy to your elected officials.
May God Bless You and the Republic
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