By Frosty Wooldridge

March 10, 2025

Each week in America, something weird, crazy, stupid, nuts and off the wall, crazy—pops up in politics, sports, race relations, and the environment.

To start off, a letter arrived over my transom about America’s racial divide, political chasm and the incredible bias in main stream news reporting.  Just watching the enormous fraud continuing at U.S. AID curls your guts.  What’s more, all the people that protest against Musk for exposing it, are the people defrauding the American taxpayer. Or, those same people support all the fraud into the trillions of dollars over the decades.

To all of that, this reader from Michigan said, “Many or even most ‘journalists’ today, yourself not among them, are in reality propagandists supporting the agenda of the Left. Some of those on network television, similar to the late Rush Limbaugh’s self-assessment, are ‘entertainers’ who may present the news while representing a political viewpoint with a certain flare. What is lacking is a uniform effort to portray the Truth in an objective manner which allows viewers and listeners the ability to decide for themselves what is relevant based on the unfettered facts.

“Unfortunately, critical thinking has become passe’, and many are unable or unwilling to understand the possible long-term consequences of current events, and how these will affect the future of our nation and world. This makes ‘the news’ even more likely to succeed in its attempts to influence and control public opinion. It also begs the definition of ‘Truth’, a question which has been a conundrum for ages. As Bill Clinton offered as one example under other circumstances, “It all depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ “is”.

“All of this not new. The retiring editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer many years ago stated that objectivity had been lost long ago in journalism. You and I are, similar to the state of Social Security, living out a Ponzi Scheme in which any benefits accrued today by us will reduce their diminishing number available in the years ahead. The future and freedom of our children, grandchildren, and future generations are at stake.” G.G., MI

In the end, each American must examine the “truth” from bias reporting, from his or her own wisdom, and/or gathering all the facts from different sources.  That’s why I watch MSNBC, CNN, NPR, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Meet the Press, Face the Nation, 60 Minutes, and PBS.  I’ve got to decipher all of it in order to write a decent, truthful and reasonable piece of literary work—such as this commentary bi-weekly for the past 20 years.

This past weekend, a radio show on NPR aired a piece on “The Middle” that dealt with “Transgenderism.”  Callers responded with many different points of view.  Why such a topic has garnered such massive attention remains a mystery because the adherents to “Transgenderism” remain a tiny, tiny population in America of around .000000000001 percent.  Yet, because of social media, they garner extraordinary attention.  True, homosexuality has made giant strides in this country, too.  Their numbers might be as high as 2 to 4 percent of the American public.  Since we are a free country, and not Islamic, “gay” people enjoy all the rights and freedoms of every citizen.

So, how do you feel about children under the age of 21 choosing to have their mammaries removed by a scalpel?  Or, male boys choosing to be castrated at the age of 12 because they ‘feel’ they are a female?  How would you feel if your daughter chose to have hormone blockers to change her chemistry?  Do children under 21 possess the maturity to make such life-altering choices?

How do you feel about biological males “identifying” as females and competing against girls that cannot possibly match the speed or strength of those biological males?  Is it fair?  Who are those female governors of entire states advocating for biological males to beat the crap out of biological females in swimming, wrestling, boxing, volleyball, weightlifting and so many other sports?

How is it that 47 U.S. Senators voted to keep DNA male XY athletes competing against biological females?  Are they THAT ideologically locked into their own lack of common sense and knowledge of biology? How did they graduate from high school biology class?  What do they use for common sense?  Little wonder Congress earned a 17 percent approval rating for the past 10 years!  They’ve done more for non-citizens than for American citizens.  They’ve funded fraudulent U.S. AID without questions or auditing.

Back to transgenders: where are those that choose reason and critical thinking over emotions and hormone blockers?

How could the leaders of the NCAA choose to crush young women’s lives by allowing 6’4” William “Lia” Thomas to swim against them, and then stand on the podium with the 1st place trophy?  What a complete joke, fraud and insanity against reason!

Why not create the National Collegiate Athletic Transgender Association to have transgender athletes compete against their own kind?  Why not take the rational and reasonable choices to create a fair and balanced competition?  The Olympics feature the main course of competitors! And, they created the Para-Olympics to allow disabled sports stars to shine.  In fact, during my 25 years of teaching at Winter Park’s National Sport Center for the Disabled, I taught a few men and women how to ski to compete in the Para-Olympics. Incredible heart, talent and courage!  I often walked away from a day on the slopes crying my eyes out at their courage.

As to transgenders, the fact remains: a DNA biological male can “identify” as a female all “he/she” wants, but his XY chromosomes will NEVER be changed into XX chromosomes.  “His” or “her” mind may choose another gender, but his body will never switch genders no matter how many drugs he/she/it injects or consumes.

Even with high-profile transgenders like Cher’s daughter, Chastity Bono, who was born a female, all the hormones in the world to give her a beard, deep voice and “masculine” appearance—have not, and cannot change her DNA XX chromosomes into XY chromosomes.

In the end, we can accept their choices as long as their choices do not impede into other peoples’ lives like on the athletic field. If they want to cut off their breasts or castrate themselves, it would be more reasonable to legally wait until they are 21, with a more mature mind, to make such drastic, life-altering surgeries.

As an ending to this piece, let’s celebrate the Kentucky All State Choir for singing our National Anthem each night in the hotel lobby. There must be 20 stories of singers singing proudly and together, from all walks of life, all races and many religions.  We’ve got so much to be proud about in America.   Let’s raise our voices:

God bless America

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