by Servando Gonzalez
June 27, 2023
After watching Tucker Carlson’s extensive report on UFOs I decided to write about my own experience on the subject.
By late 1970s I had already decided to leave Castroist Cuba. So, I began distancing myself from government jobs, mostly in the installation and use of language labs and multimedia for foreign language learning. So I got a job as program director at Radio Progreso, Cuba’s most important radio station with full coverage of the whole Island.
Radio was my first profession in life. So, apart from my bureaucratic responsibilities, I began directing and producing several programs dealing with musical and popular culture subjects. One day, just by chance over a cup of coffee in a small café just across the street from the radio station, I met C. Mesa Royé, a freelance writer who wrote scripts for several programs. To my surprise, I discovered that, like myself, he was interested in subjects that at the time were considered taboo in Cuba.
A few days later, I came up with the idea of creating a radio program dealing with the less problematic areas of these subjects. To our favor we knew that the Soviet magazine Sputnik, widely circulating in its Spanish version in Cuba in a format similar to the Reader’s Digest, always included in every issue subjects such as parapsychology, telekinesis, telepathy, etc. So, we created our program, named it Enigmas del Universo, and began recording it.
The program, with just 15 minutes of length, appeared inside a 3-hour long popular music program which played from Monday to Friday 9 to 12 am. It was just a dialog between Mesa Royé and myself talking freely about these subjects. It soon became a hit, and a few weeks later we asked to extend its length to half an hour.
Even though initially we avoided the subject of UFOs, one day I was invited to attend a gathering at the home of a Cubana de Aviación pilot, who told me he had seem a UFO while flying near the Azores. A few days later I got a call from a young man who told me that he had been a soldier during the Cuban Missile Crisis and one night they saw a strange individual wearing a sort of luminous jumpsuit and helmet near their military base. Eventually their fired their weapons, but the guy simply vanished.
We were cautious, and we didn’t mention anything of this in our program. But one day, I got a call from Evora Tamayo, who told me she would like to share a strange story with us. Evora was a well- known journalist writing for a widely-read magazine. The next day she came to the radio station and we recorded the interview.
According to her, a few months earlier she had traveled together with a photographer to Holguín, the third most populated Cuban city, in the eastern part of Cuba, to report on crop dusters. Next day, they woke up very early in the morning, still dark, and drove to the air base. The dusters were Soviet An-2 biplanes, widely used for that type of job. The base was also shared by Mig 21 jet fighters.
But, as dawn started to break, something weird happened. The whole base was paralyzed and everybody was looking up to the sky. According to Evora, there was an object up above the city that covered a large area of the sky. She described it as huge, round, whitish and its surface resembling that of the moon. It made no sound.
Eventually, two Migs were scrambled to intercept it, but a few minutes later they landed back and the pilots explained that the object was far above their operational ceiling. In the meantime, the whole city was paralyzed. The streets were full of people looking up to the sky. Most businesses closed their doors. Schools sent the children back to their homes. The military and reservists were mobilized and put on state of alert.
The strange object continued to hover in the sky above the city for the whole day. The next day it had disappeared. Nobody had an explanation for what they had seen. No information about the incident was reported in the press.
We began advertising for Evora’s interview, which we planned to air the next Monday. The phones did not stop ringing, from listeners asking for more info about the interview.
The next Monday, however, we had a bad surprise. The station’s director called us to his office and informed us that members of the dreaded Ministerio del Interior, Castro’s secret police, had confiscated the tape and ordered him to cancel the program. That was the end of Enigmas del Universo.
So, I am one of the few not surprised by Carlson’s words.
My book, “Psychological Warfare and the New World Order”, was banned by Amazon but there are a few copies still available at the NWV store. You may order your copy Here.
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