By Sidney Secular

May 17, 2024

The critics’ reviews of the movie waxed critical. Easy to do since the director did not pick a side or make some left wing political statement. Even negativity can cause people to think and evaluate, but that is a challenge now as people are hourly spoon fed solutions on which they are expected to chow down – and believe. There is a snippet in the movie where a character holding some journalists at gunpoint asks who they are, and they respond “Americans!” He then asks them what kind of Americans? That simple question leaves these particular “Americans” stymied and stumped because “America” has already split into at least two opposing camps! The leftists fight the war without any rules of engagement much as the so-called “Union” (the North) fought in the second Civil War* in the 1860s. For them, laws, ethics and morality and former conventions no longer matter in this conflict. Today, the keyboard patriot and weekend warriors still are not able to process the possibility of a shooting war with the GovMint and their leftist fanatics. [*The first “civil war” was fought in the late 18th Century when America’s population split between those who favored Great Britain and those who favored independence from that Empire.]

The movie was deliberately vague on what started the “civil war,” as well as who were the good guys and who the bad. They didn’t even make plain whether the entire country was involved. In the manner of most modern movies, there were no clearly defined moral choices, thus leaving the viewer hanging with no satisfying resolution of conflicts or issues. An implication of the movie is that warlords will rise up and exact retribution on locals they consider enemies, a scenario that is not new as a similar plot was presented in the Kevin Costner film, The Postman, a 1997 post-apocalyptic adventure film based on David Brin’s 1985 book of the same name. The same scenario was played out in all the Mad Max films dealing with the effort to recreate some type of society after the current world ends! According to the present film local communities will split up on “diverse” lines, and become battlegrounds. Neighbors will fight neighbors, and families will fight families, and with 300 million guns floating around, there will be bloodshed. Small farmers, already harassed by the climate change fanatics, will come under attack by the hungry masses. As a result, it will be essential for small communities of like-minded folk to form militias to protect their farms and communities.

Of course, intelligent people know that our existing uni-party government is corrupt to the core, evil, and, frankly, hates its own people. Whatever they are called or however characterized, it is clear that they are our enemy. It is also clear they can only be stopped by violence. Though this movie did not take sides, it is distinctly implied the “status quo” – that is, the existing government will be defeated. If such turns out to be the case, the question then becomes who or what will take its place. From the current vantage (or disadvantage) point, it is hard to see how a republic could be reborn from this overweening atmosphere of debt, delusion and decay especially given the precipitous drop in IQ levels today. The average citizen in the 1770s and the 1860s could think rings around our present “ordinary citizens” not to mention their superior moral ethics!

“Civil War” is certainly a sobering and depressing movie, but hopefully should spark some reflection of the belief that there may be a spark of hope for the future even if that hope comes from the belief that what presently “is” may someday be what “was.” If that is so, then the real problem is the response that Bill Clinton once gave: “It all depends upon what ‘is’ is.”

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