The Democrat-leaning demonstrators crowded the streets of Chicago this month to close down a Trump campaign rally. The next day, they chanted, “We stopped Trump.”
In reality, they stopped his 1st Amendment right of free speech guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution. The single greatest reason the framers of our country placed free speech as the number one amendment: the right and need to express yourself in order to enjoy a free country. Without free speech, we become a dictatorship ruled by really nasty people.
In Arizona, last weekend, Democrat-leaning liberals tried to shut down a Trump rally by blocking the freeways leading to convention center.
At several of Trump’s speaking engagements, liberal hecklers tried to create a riot by shouting down the front-runner of the Republican Party.
First of all, America and her people stand for freedom of speech. We stand for respect of all citizens’ rights to speak their minds. Yes, you will hear name-calling of anyone who pokes his or her nose into the political arena.
Twenty years ago, when I spoke out against illegal immigration, pro-illegal alien officials and citizens called me all sorts of names. They used the “r” word, the “n” word, the “x” word, and the “h-m” word.
When in fact, I called for “law and order” and the enforcement of our U.S. Constitution and immigration laws. As you can see, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama didn’t and haven’t enforced our laws. They remain in violation of our laws. Obama continues in violation of our laws. His executive amnesties violate our Constitution. Hillary Clinton, if she becomes president, will continue violating our immigration laws by providing open borders and amnesty. It’s a guaranteed fact.
Interestingly, men like U.S. Senator Harry Reid, as well as Senators Boxer, Feinstein, Hatch, Levin, Schumer, Rubio, McCain and most of the rest of Congress created “Donald Trump” because those representatives did nothing for the past 35 years to ensure our security and our borders. Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution mandates they protect our borders. They failed and they failed to the tune of 15 to 30 million illegal aliens jumping our borders and illegally inhabiting our country.
They failed us with the 9/11 Muslims, Boston Marathon Muslim bombers, Chattanooga, Tennessee Muslims killers, Fort Hood Muslim killer, New York Times Square Muslim car bomber, San Bernardino Muslim killers and dozens of more Muslim killers they let into our country and continue importing into our country.
Why would you allow the worlds’ most violent religion to accelerate inside your own country when Muslims state they intend to make America an Islamic state?
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” —Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.
After 30 years of not enforcing our laws, we American citizens feel just a wee bit pissed off. Angry, frustrated, despairing and exasperated! In the past 51 yeas, we watched over 100 million third world immigrants invade our country legally, while another 15 to 30 million illegal aliens violated our country’s borders.
Democrats may use all the nasty “words” they want, but Trump stands up for America’s sovereignty. He’s the only one!
Therefore, if you try to silence his 1st Amendment rights, you silence your own voice because at some point, when you kill our U.S. Constitution, you kill the foundation of your free life. At all times in history, a Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, king of any country, Mao, current North Korean dictator, Muslim kings and other dictators crush people without free speech and free press.
Therefore, celebrate Trump’s right to speak his mind. Celebrate Hillary and Bill Clintons’ ability to lie under oath and get away with it—until one day, the law catches up to them. Celebrate the criminality of Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Charles Schumer, John McCain, Lyndon Baines Johnson and even the sexual dalliances of John F. Kennedy—because in the end, our 1st Amendment rights allow historians, journalists and citizens to dig into the truth.
If not for free speech, Barack Hussein Obama would get away with the biggest lying scam in history by keeping his records sealed as he has for the past seven years. No one really knows the country of his birth, his real social security number, his back-dated Selective Service numbers, his student ID card as a foreign student, all his sealed college records, how he obtained the presidency with no credentials other than a lying tongue, why the Nobel Prize people awarded him the “Nobel Prize for Peace” when he didn’t earn it or deserve it. Historians will expose Obama’s violations of our Constitution because of the 1st Amendment.
Therefore, as we see our civilization fragmented and fractured by legal and illegal immigration, we enjoy exposing career, corrupt politicians. As we see Muslims inject themselves into our country in order to squash our 1st Amendment rights, we maintain the right to call them out—at least until they behead us or bomb us. As the illegal aliens continue their onslaught of our borders and jobs, we need our free press to expose them and their employers.
Because, without our 1st Amendment, we fail as a free people.
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