“A genuine man goes to the roots. To be a radical is no more than that: to go to the roots.” — José Martí

For the past weeks we have following the reports, mostly biased, of the dramatic events occurring in Venezuela. There have been quite a few articles trying to explain what the problem is with Venezuela, a country that a decade ago was one of the richest in the American hemisphere. Nevertheless I will offer a very simple, one-word explanation of what I consider the cause of Venezuela’s true problem: oil.

Yes, oil. Venezuela has one of the largest oil reserves in the world, probably larger than Saudi Arabia. This has been Venezuela’s blessing, but also its greatest curse, mostly thanks to the criminal activities of John D. Rockefeller, an evil man who once said: “Competition is a sin.”

One of the main goals of the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was destroying competitors by all means necessary, including threats, arson, dynamite and even assassination.[1] In order to hide his fortunes, JDR created a legal aberration called the trust. He also invented the so-called “charitable foundations,” a way to give away some of his money to avoid paying taxes while still having control over it.

The foundations directly or indirectly under the control of the Rockefeller family have been a powerful force brainwashing people into accepting the New World Order they envision. Disguised by alleged good intentions, the foundations they control have promoted most of the worst things going on in America and the world, from eugenics to cultural Marxism.

Even more, JDR invented the trust, a corporation of corporations, another aberration that has proven to be highly damaging to modern civilization. Actually, corporative capitalism, whose main goal is destroying competition, is not capitalism at all, but either Fascism [Benito Mussolini called Fascism “the corporative state.”] or Communism.

Nevertheless, John D. Rockefeller faced a big problem: contrary to being a scarce, limited resource, as he and is minions claimed, it is an abundant commodity. The Earth holds almost limitless amounts of oil. Moreover, oil is abiotic; it is not a “fossil” fuel and has nothing to do with the dinosaurs. Actually, oil and natural gas deposits are mostly formed by inorganic means, rather than by the decomposition of organisms. [2]

Explaining the current U.S. war drive as an imperialist fight for economic resources —the die hard leftist myth of “war for oil”— has actually helped the conspirators’ efforts in hiding their true current goals, which they have expressed on innumerable occasions: the elimination of at least 85 percent of the world’s population and the destruction of industrial civilization. This will result in the reduction of the few survivors to pre-industrial, medieval levels of consumption in a communo-fascist totalitarian system they call the New World Order. Obviously, this has nothing to do with greed and exploitation, but with something much worse and evil.

So, once he was in control of most oil resources in the world, JDR worked hard to hide or destroy oil resources he didn’t control. A typical case was Russia.

At the end of the 19th century, the Russians discovered a large amount of oil in Baku, near the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan. At the time, the Baku oil field was considered the largest known oil deposit in the world. By the early 1880s, Russian crude production reached 10.8 million, almost a third of U.S. production.[3]

As expected, Rockefeller and his criminal associates of the American International Corporation (AIC), Andrew Mellon, J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie, were deeply alarmed about the Russians challenging their ambitions of controlling the world oil supply, and they began conspiring to develop a plan to stop the Russians in their tracks.[4] They concluded that the only way to achieve their goal was to depose Czar Nicholas II, and the only way to accomplish that was through a “revolution.”

History books, mostly written by unscrupulous CFR-controlled disinformers passing as historians, have painted the Russian revolution as the result of a spontaneous uprising of the Russian exploited proletarian masses against their oppressive government.

According to this vision, Russia’s disastrous participation in WWI, which had cost the lives of four million men, created widespread discontent. A growing economic crisis and food scarcities contributed to increase the problems. Demonstrations of people asking for food started in many cities. This chaotic situation created the conditions for the revolt that overthrew the czarist government and eventually changed Russia into the Soviet Union, a new society based on the anti-capitalist, communist principles of Marxism.

But this vision is not exactly true.

Mainly thanks to the efforts of scholars like Antony Sutton,[5] G. Edward Griffin[6] and others, now we know that the “spontaneous” Russian “revolution” was actually a covert operation planned and carried out by international bankers and oil magnates. It would have been impossible to succeed without the money supplied by some of the most notable millionaires at that time.

Tsar Nicholas II already had initiated the implementation of a series of reforms directed to change Russia from a medieval into a modern society, which included the emancipation of the serfs, the creation of a Duma —a national assembly—, and rural communes. These reforms would have encouraged the Russian people to think about the possibility of a benign government in which the people would democratically participate.

But some influential Wall Street bankers and oil magnates were not happy with these changes in Russia, and conceived another plan. In order to proceed with their plan, John D. Rockefeller, together with fellow conspirators, such as bankers Mellon and Morgan and steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, plus several of America’s robber barons, joined their resources for up to $50 million (an enormous sum at the time), and created the American International Corporation (AIC), a powerful cartel allegedly devoted to stimulate world trade. The truth, however, is that the AIC was created to fund the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II by a small group of professional revolutionaries: the Bolsheviks.

To this effect, between 1907 and 1910 the conspirators met several times with Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, already living in exile in New York, and with Vladimir I. Lenin, another Russian revolutionary living in exile in Zürich. Eventually the arch-capitalists struck a deal with the arch-anti-capitalists: in exchange for financing their “revolution,” the capitalists would be allowed to have a hidden hand in designing the economy of what was soon to become the Soviet Union —allegedly the staunchest anti-capitalist nation in the world.

With the help of the conspirators, Lenin returned to Russia with plenty of gold in his famous “sealed” train, and, soon after Trotsky, under the protection of President Wilson and Colonel House, followed Lenin’s path with more gold. This gold made possible the Russian “revolution” that eliminated Russia as a competitor in the oil business.

After the Bolsheviks they had sent to overthrow the Russian government took power over Russia, the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil bought 50 percent of the huge oil fields in the Caucasus, thus having control over the oil production in the area. Moreover, in 1927 their Standard Oil built a modern refinery in Russia and, soon after, the Vacuum Oil Company, a subsidiary of Standard Oil, made a deal with the Soviet government to market Russian oil in Europe.

So, controlling oil production was the key goal of he Rockefellers to control competition. That was the reason why the CIA, an organization they created and controlled, orchestrated the assassination of Jorge Gaitán in Colombia, Patrice Lumumba in the Congo, and Enrico Mattei in Italy, as well as the coup that overthrew Mossadegh in Iran. It was also the reason why, following David Rockefeller’s orders, Castro invaded Angola, [7] an oil producing country.

It was also the reason why the U.S. military invaded Iraq to overthrew Saddam Hussein, after falsely accusing him of developing weapons of mass destruction, and why, more recently, the U.S. overthrew Muammar Gadaffi in Libya. It is not a coincidence that all of them wanted their countries to compete in the oil market.

Something similar happened to Venezuela, another potential competitor the Rockefellers feared and managed to keep under their control.

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E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. Ida Tarbell, The History of the Standard Oil Company, McClure, Phillips and Co., 1904.
  2. “Fossils From Animals And Plants Are Not Necessary For Crude Oil And Natural Gas, Swedish Researchers Find,” http://www.viewzone.com/abioticoilx.html. Also, Jerome Corsi, The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People. For information about how the Rockefellers and their minions manage to hide America’s huge oil reserves in Alaska, see Lindsey Williams, The Energy Non Crisis.
  3. Daniel Yergin, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power, Part I (New York: Pocket Books, 1991), p. 59.
  4. John Christian Ryter, “The Secret Life of AIC,” NewsWithViews.com, March 31, 2009.
  5. Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1974).
  6. G Edward Griffin, The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (Appleton, Wisconsin: American Opinion, 1994).
  7. Castro’s soldiers protected the Gulf Oil refineries in Cabinda from “saboteurs,” and Castro was paid in dollars for their services. Half of the production of Gulf Oil in Angola ended up in U.S. refineries.

At the time, the Rockefellers’ Gulf Oil Company reported that Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (CFR) had given the company permission to pay the Castro-backed regime in Angola about $100 million in oil royalties that Gulf had placed in escrow. Gulf holds the concession to operate the oil fields in Cabinda, an Angolan province.

In 1976, CFR agents inside the State Department pushed the Clark Amendment, named after Senator Dick Clark (CFR). The Amendment forbade the U.S. to give any help to Jonas Savimbi’s UNITA group in Angola in its fight against the Rockefeller-backed Castroite troops.

What was the result of Castro’s victory in Angola? A few months after Castro’s troops took control of the country, Angola became one of the U.S. largest commercial partners in Africa. Chase Manhattan Bank, Bankers Trust, Citibank, and Morgan Guaranty, gave large loans to Angola. The business of General Motors, General Tire, Caterpillar, Boeing, IBM, NCR, Pfizer, Xerox, and other American corporations, flourished in the country. Ninety-five percent of Angolan oil was exported to Western countries.

For one of the best analysis of how oil has been the true motivation behind most U.S. military actions in the XX century, see William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. Unfortunately, it has continued in the XXI century.

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