By Andrew Wallace

July 24, 2023

I will not ask you to do anything that I am not doing. I agree that if you exercise your First Amendment Rights to Freedom of Speech and Assembly, there is a possibility that the corrupt FBI will try to frame you…as they have a habit of doing.

As an active Patriot writer, I live with this reality every day. If you are doing your duty as a Patriot, so would you.

Exercising your Constitutionally-protected rights to persuade elected representatives and courts to obey the Constitution is your responsibility as a citizen.

Apathetic fence-sitters who don’t do their share are gutless freeloaders, not worthy of Constitutional protections and will not get them.

The powerful truth is that if Patriots make their feelings effectively known to legislators, sue them and ignore their fake laws, it will then become impossible for the Criminal Enterprise masquerading as a legitimate Government to exist.

If you have written the truth, and not advocated unlawful acts or performed criminal acts, they have no lawful basis to molest you (not always a deterrent).

In any case, the FBI has no police powers in the States other than for violations of the few federal laws that are Constitutional.

There are three categories of laws that are fake and can be ignored:

  1. Unconstitutional laws passed by Congress that are not authorized by the Enumerated Powers (which is the majority of them!).
  2. All laws, rules, and regulations initiated by ANY agency, department, or entity of the executive branch (administrative state), such as ATF, IRS, FBI, etc.
  3. Ordinary Citizens in the States can ignore all Executive Orders of the President, for they have no authority in the States, none. They apply only to creations and employees of the federal government!

Circumstances are so serious and deteriorating so rapidly that if you don’t participate effectively now, it will soon be too late. Most patriots talk a good game, but do nothing.

I think the criminal “rulers” will soon take the steps that will guarantee a guerrilla war by instituting CBDC currency, and threatening to take our guns. Either violation of the Constitution would lead to instant slavery and civil war.

Our Criminal Rulers, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government are facilitating the unlawful entry of an army of illegal invaders. Giving any aid to invaders is specified as Treason in the Constitution, with the appropriate penalty. The PSRRC is subsidizing the invaders and the Communist city populations with federal tax money. It is unconstitutional to spend federal tax dollars on illegals, or for any kind of welfare for anyone!

Many writers refer to the Democrat and Republican parties as the Uniparty because they both take their orders from the PSRRC aka The Establishment aka The Swamp, etc. This is why you must play hardball and sue (petition) the government for your Rights. The First Amendment to the Constitution gives you this Right. If you are a citizen seeking your Rights under the Constitution, and the court or government says you have “No Standing”, you know it is a BS dodge.

Use most of your political donations to sue the pants off of the government for your Rights. Swamp them in suits. The lawyers could not do worse than the politicians.

If you want to hit these criminals where it hurts, file law suits demanding that all unconstitutional governmental departments be terminated. They cannot lawfully exist, anyway!  All expenditures supporting illegals must be terminated, borders must be closed, Illegals must be deported, federal welfare must be terminated and returned to states, the FBI must be terminated, the Federal Reserve Bank must be terminated.

If you want middle-class jobs back, you institute tariffs again sufficient to protect American workers from cheaper foreign labor. It is that simple.

If you want to stop drugs, you increase tariffs on Mexico and China until it stops. It is that simple.

If you want a Magic Bullet, a Blockbuster that solves most problems at one time, you sue the government to repeal all laws that don’t comply with Enumerated Powers and are unconstitutional. It is that simple.

If you want to stop inflation, wars for profit, and theft of your money, you sue government to return to Constitutional Money, which is gold and silver. It is that simple.

If you want government to spend more money on its people, you sue government to stop foreign aid, which is unconstitutional. It is that simple.

If you want justice, you sue government to follow the Constitution and use Militia of the  several States to enforce laws of the Union (as specified in the Constitution) and prosecute all of the politicians who should be in jail. It is impossible to have a Constitutional Republic as long as the corrupt FBI exists!

When unconstitutional departments and laws are terminated, there will be no need for most of the 600-700 federal district judges. Half of income tax collected in a state can and should be returned to that state.

When the federal government is operating in accordance with the Constitution, the income tax can be terminated. Remember that all welfare payments by federal government are unconstitutional. Tariffs can again finance government and protect middle-class jobs.

Political donations must be restricted to those real people authorized to vote for their candidate. Corporations can’t be allowed to support politicians in any way. Wealthy donors are restricted to the same maximum donation as average voters. Such donations, together with the bribery of lobbyists, have destroyed the concept of a representative Republic.

In this article, I didn’t bury you in details because I only wanted to point you in the right direction. During the last 18 months, I have written 65 articles covering these subjects in great detail. You can access them at

Nothing I have asked you to do is a violation of the laws. But if you should otherwise violate some federal law, remind your attorney that if the law is unconstitutional (as a majority of them are) or if it was written by a federal agency, it is unconstitutional. Presidential Executive Orders are null and void in the states.

Most lawyers were not taught Organic Law,  the Supreme Law of the Land, in law school and should consult a Constitutional Law expert like Dr. Publius Hulda or Dr. Edwin Viera Jr. They also write for

I still have confidence that many Americans are not lazy, apathetic, free-loading victims.

God Bless You and Our Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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