By Frosty Wooldridge

October 17, 2023

“War is the dumbest thing we humans do,” said Captain Chuck Nash, U.S. Navy.

As I sat watching his interview with Shannon Bream, I thought back on my own time trying to survive the Vietnam War. Robert McNamara concocted the Vietnam War out of some insane idea that a country 10,000 miles away needed saving by America. He convinced President Lyndon B. Johnson to go full-out with 500,000 troops, bombers, napalm, Agent Orange, aircraft carriers and more bullets than grains of sand on the beach.

After Boot Camp at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1968, I figured I was a walking dead man. Forced marches, crawling under concertina wire, gas masks in huts filled with mustard gas, crawling along the ground with bomb craters blowing up within feet of me, drill sergeants crawling down my throat, fire watch, 18 hour days, shooting every kind of weapon along with grenade throwing…how do you live through war?

Then, in 1968 Life Magazine published a full issue with the 300 kids that died in Nam in one week. The whole nightmare made me sick to my stomach. The Draft grabbed my college roommate right out of our room and sent him to Nam. He died in a firefight. He’s on the Vietnam Wall in D.C. I cry my eyes out every time I visit. I run my hands over his name and wonder how his life would have been if McNamara hadn’t created the War. Or, if LBJ was bright enough NOT to enter it! Or, if Westmoreland wouldn’t have been such a moron to engage us further into that hell hole.

In the end, 3.3 million Vietnamese civilians and soldiers on both sides died. We lost 58,479 young men. Another 150,000 of our young men suffered from P.T.S.D., horrible injuries and drug addiction. The Vietnam War brought drug addiction to America. All of it for what? What was accomplished? Nothing but death!

Now, Israel fights for its life. You’ve got a bunch of Hamas Muslim fanatics, in fact, all Muslims are fanatics for Sharia Law and the Qur’an. There’s not another religion on this planet as deadly as Islam. “Convert or kill all non-believers, especially the Jews,” commands the Qur’an.

Why the Jews? What’s the beef? What’s the reason?

Why would anyone want to kill the Jewish tribe that is highly intelligent, extremely creative and has brought SO many advancements to humanity? Here in the USA, Jewish people bring us brilliant entertainment, fantastic medical achievements, engineering prowess, fabulous movies, inventions and SO much more. I don’t get it.

If Muslims enjoyed total force, they would exterminate the Jewish people. If Muslims took over the United States Congress, they would change our country to Sharia Law in a heartbeat.

They would do it by sheer numbers or they would do it by the sword. That’s how they operate. There’s no other church in America that wants to dismantle the U.S. Constitution. But the Islamic Church is here to do just that. Let that sink-in for a moment. Pretty sickening, don’t you think?

My longtime friend Leon Kolankiewicz said, “Contemporary lefties evince the very opposite of the ethnocentrism which has characterized virtually all of humanity until very recently in our evolutionary history. Human ecologist Garrett Hardin called this phenomenon “ethnofugalism” — practiced by those who regard themselves as lofty and transcendent for rejecting old identities and obsolete blood-and-soil ties, and instead adopting cosmopolitanism, universalism, and enlightenment: embracing, coddling, exalting, appeasing, and pandering to every culture, religion, race, and ethnicity but their own.”

Right now, we’ve got thousands of college kids promoting Hamas’ Islam’s violence against Israel. Hamas just slaughtered 1,600 women, children and elderly last week. We’ve even got Gay Groups siding with Hamas. That’s ironic because Muslims behead homosexuals, throw them off buildings and/or simply shoot them.

Have you taken a look at Europe lately, or even Canada? Their Muslims are working their way into every powerful government post to, in the end, force Sharia Law across the land.

Leon continued, “Especially in Western Europe, these tendencies are likely to prove suicidal, as predicted by Douglas Murray’s 2018 book The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam. This best-seller has over 6,000 ratings at, and there is a groundswell of public support for the ideas and profound concerns expressed there, yet the jury is still out as to whether it is already too late for Western Europe. Mark Steyn wrote even earlier (2006) about these trends, in America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It. Yet all these and other brilliant and brave analyses seem able to do is document historic tides and trends, not arrest or reverse them.”

Here’s what America faces:

There should be little doubt that the war that began when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, actually originated in Iran. The multi-pronged, highly coordinated and murderous attacks could not have happened without Iranian government assistance and approval.

The pattern of actions is clear: the Iranian regime, now funded by the Biden administration — who carefully looked the other way while Iran acquired $60 billion by evading US sanctions, — has been, and continues to be, a state actor sponsoring terrorists, terrorist organizations and terrorist attacks.

If You Don’t Think We’re In A Lot Of Trouble; Think Again

While you see the nightmare unfolding in Israel, you better look closer to home. We Americans have imported the Islamic Beast into our own land…and we’re going to pay in the ensuing years.

Muslims have built a new $50 million complex, 150,000 square feet in America. The largest mosque currently is in Dearborn, Michigan (92,000 square feet) wherein Islam has infiltrated all levels of government and society, taking over businesses and out numbering citizens through higher birth rates. Muslims have taken over Dearborn, Michigan. This is Silent Jihad. The the only way to stop it is to ban all manifestations of Islam.

One journalist said, “Nations around the world are recognizing this as the only option. Trying to separate so called progressives (good Muslims) from bad Muslims is an impossible task and one in which Canadians should not be held hostage by some false moral obligation. The enormity of such a task is comparable to trying to take a silo filled with salt and sugar and then be instructed to separate the two. It is impossible and Canadian’s must no longer be put in the position to be expected to do so.” Same with us here in America!

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” —Roman Senator Marcus Tullius Cicero, 40 B.C.

That’s how Muslims work; and they are coming for America. They will force us into Civil War II. Americans versus Muslims. Who do you think will survive?

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