By Andrew Wallace

November 18, 2023

You may prefer the analogy of a frog in water waiting to be slowly boiled alive. If conditions continue as they are, our future is certainly that of the turkey or the frog.

Too many of our people are timid, fragile snowflakes, having never experienced danger or hardship. They expect a prosperous life, free of conflict, where they can remain safe, uninvolved, ignorant and apathetic. Being brainwashed, they can’t accept the fact that the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their subservient Fascist/Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, military brass, et al., control everything.

These are vicious blood-thirsty people who are responsible for killing millions and destroying entire countries for profits and power. They will kill you if required to remain in power unless you find your balls and get off your ass.

There is damn little about our government that is Constitutional, which means it is a criminal enterprise. A majority of passed legislation is unconstitutional. Most members of Congress are unquestionably traitors, based solely upon their actions. Most judges, bureaucrats, flag officers, ‘woke’ corporate officials, academics, et al., are also complicit…for money. The Bible calls it ‘the root of all evil’ for good cause.

This leaves us in a very precarious position;  either we change our government in compliance with the Founding Documents,  or we die.

Only the fortunate will die a quick death from a nuclear war caused by our war-mongering Congress, paid off by the PSRRC. In a steady process, the rest of us will continue to suffer a decline in wealth, remuneration, standard of living, medical care, freedom, and finally die of starvation or deprivation in a federal prison. The dead will be fortunate; they will not be required to live in Stack-and-Pack Public Housing Projects with only public transportation, and no private autos. Also remember you will not be allowed to have money of any kind in your pockets (new CBDC digital currency).

Note: that our founders left Europe to escape life in dangerous cities. Now our cities are worse than Europe ever was. The people who can are deserting Communist/Democrat cities in record numbers for safety. Police protection is inadequate and declining, as no one wants the job. As the tax base declines, so do public services.  Be advised also that federal welfare and other payments will decline in purchasing power as inflation increases and ultimately stops because currency becomes valueless. This is when we have a barter economy and regular retailing would stop, which makes little difference because deliveries to stores would be impossible. Anarchy results in crime and bloodshed. Miscreants from the inner cities will find that looting in suburban and rural areas will be difficult and dangerous…to them.

Our military can no longer protect us as in the past because they gave their ammunition to Ukraine and no one wants to serve under brainwashed officers. Their only option is the draft.

Prepare to live or die on your terms, not those of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class and their Fascist/Communist Minions.

God Bless You and the Republic

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