by Lee Duigon

December 21, 2023

A friend has distressed me by saying we don’t have anything left but our votes. Heaven forbid.

We can beat the Woke. And here’s how.

More Boycotts. Why should we patronize Woke businesses? Haven’t we learned, from the example of Bud Light, that we don’t have to take this guff? Pour it on! They’ll give up before we do.

Pull Our Children Out of Public Schools. That might do it right there. Wokies are so busy aborting their babies, and making their children sterile through “gender reassignment,” that the only hope for them is to use the schools—that we pay for!—to turn children against their families, against their country, and against God. That’s what public schools are for.

Home schooling is now more affordable and more effective than ever. Teachers’ unions want to groom your kids for sex. But they can’t do it if the kids stay home.

Above all, stop fighting among ourselves! Now is the time for all hands on deck. Our grievances amongst ourselves are nothing, compared to what the Wokies and the globalists have in mind for us. The enemy is out there, everybody! Out there in the schools and universities, Hollywood, inane celebrities—and in the Democrat Party. Yes, our votes ought to count for something. We certainly can’t afford to stay away from the polls. We have to reform our election laws, after the travesty that was the 2020 national elections. Getting into pissing contests with each other will only help to sink us. President Trump and Governor DeSantis, this means you. Stop fighting! The fight’s out there.

Stop Being Afraid. There’s a whole world out there waiting for the pushback flare to go up. Very few people actually like the woke DeLuxe Fun Pack! Those characters we’re up against are not what they claim to be. They are not Smart. They are not Righteous. Their program doesn’t work—never has, never will. They are idiots, with a hefty sprinkling of villains. John Kerry—are we going to be afraid of John Kerry? The World Economic Forum?

Give them mockery, not fear.

It should hardly be necessary to say these things. I have kept this essay short because its point is self-evident.

We are many more than they are, we are stronger—we are better. Let’s prove it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link, drop in for a visit, show some solidarity! My articles can also be found at .

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