By Andrew Wallace

March 4, 2023

Proven by America’s Rapid and Prosperous Growth until 1913

America grew and prospered with a small and Constitutional federal government AND a middle class financed by TARIFFS with NO INCOME TAX. But in 1913, this all changed when the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist Minions in corporations and government were able to institute Income Tax, the Federal Reserve Bank (privately-owned), and Tax- Free Foundations. This resulted in the American people being Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed! Everything has been downhill for the people afterwards, but not for the PSRRC that effectively usurped our government for its sole benefit. Let me tell you how.

The Income Tax is not needed by a government that complies with the Constitution. But our government does not comply with the Constitution. The Income Tax allows Government to unconstitutionally print Fiat Money to benefit the PSRRC and impoverish the people with inflation. Income Tax allows Government to wage no-win wars for profit of the PSRRC, unlimited graft, money laundering, increasing power and size of government, bribing state and federal officials, Foreign aid, a multitude of unconstitutional expenditures, etc. A “Constitutional Republic” absolutely does not need an income tax, as America demonstrated prior to 1913 when its limited functions were financed with tariffs.

The Federal Reserve Bank is an unconstitutional creation owned by private banks, both domestic and foreign. It is destroying America by looting the assets of the people and creating a permanent inflation that is bankrupting the government and the people. The fiat dollar is unconstitutional and the new digital money would be more than ample justification for a Civil War because it is GUARANTEED SLAVERY. We must return to gold- and silver-backed currency as required by the Constitution, which would end inflation and most government boondoggles. The unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank must be terminated!

Tax-Free Foundations are the most evil and harmful institutions in our country. They allow the PSRRC to park their assets tax-free forever. The foundations can then control the ‘woke’ corporations and the world. They can and do fund crazy schemes such as depopulation, etc. Collectively, they are independent of any government and more powerful than most. Tax-Free Foundations must be terminated!

Prosperity and freedom are guaranteed if we terminate the Income Tax and fund limited Constitutional government with TARIFFS. Most people will find it hard to believe, but tariffs will return manufacturing to the United States and guarantee living wages to the middle-class. This is so because tariffs will make American workers competitive at any wage with slave labor anywhere and force the return of manufacturing to the United States. PSRRC won’t like any of this because it will end their monopoly of power, and the Labor Unions can again keep them honest when tariffs are in place. Of course, all of this is also predicated upon a proper Constitutional Republic functioning as intended by the Founders. Not a bad idea, easy to do, a proven concept, painless for all but the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class and their Communist Minions in corporations and government.

When we return to a Constitutional Government without an income tax, the federal government will be forced to return their unconstitutional usurped state functions to the states. The people would prosper because they would be retaining all of their income without income taxes. We would have a growing middle-class with living wages due to tariffs. The PSRRC would have much less money to bribe government officials of both parties and could not finance wars for profit.

“If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S. membership in the UN; no gun control; and no foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the “poor”; No American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or “fast-track”; no arrogant federal judges usurping states’ rights; no attacks on private property; no income tax. We could get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited.” —Congressman Ron Paul (1998)

I must mention another subject that is of real concern. and that is the rise of Anti-Semitism. It is very well-known that Jewish Bankers and Business People are highly visible, if not the leaders among the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class that is doing everything to destroy our country to make way for a New World Order, aka “The Great Reset”. I would like to point out that all of them are not Jews, and even if they were, it is wrong to stigmatize the vast majority of hard-working Jews that are innocent and so important to our country.

The media power of the Jewish Elite is almost absolute, making it impossible for rational discussions and debates. I am in awe of the power and effectiveness of their propaganda, which effectively eliminates any non-Jewish voices of reason or criticism. If the vast majority of Jews don’t moderate and disavow their elites, we will all suffer, and ordinary Jews will suffer the most because they will be associated with their elites who are destroying the country. I know it is impossible to moderate the greed of the elites, so ordinary Jews must publicly dis-associate from them. Jews have suffered for centuries because of the actions of their elites.

Politicians are not stupid, even if they are the lowest form of life with no loyalty to the Constitution or the people who elected them. Their only subservience is to those who bribe both parties to betray the people.

Only one politician, President Donald Trump, (warts, loud mouth and all) had the economic knowledge and the real courage to stand against the PSRRC and the Communists in government. Remember, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated for attempting to return government to a Constitutional format without no-win wars for profit of the PSRRC and their minions in corporations and government.

As an Economist, I can assure you that President Trump attempted to do what no other president had the knowledge or balls to do. He attempted to return us to Tariffs to replace Income Tax and rebuild the Middle-Class with a living wage, made us Energy Independent, maintained our borders, did away with Climate and Green Energy Scams, attempted to end no-win wars for profit, etc. President Trump’s efforts would have stopped the PSRRC and their Communist minions from beggaring the American people into slavery. I am surprised that they didn’t assassinate him as they did President Kennedy.

When the PSRRC and their Communist minions usurped our government through crooked elections, they reversed everything that President Trump had done and unconstitutionally proceeded to destroy our country with the Barrel of a Gun.

If you really want to resist Unconstitutional Usurpation of our Repubic go here

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

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