By Rob Pue
March 3, 2024
Here at Wisconsin Christian News, I’m preparing for this year’s Ministry Conference, which will be held April 12 & 13 in Wausau, Wisconsin — right in the center of the state.
We held a Conference every year for nearly 20 years, but after 2020, those came to an abrupt halt, as we endured lockdowns under the guise of “public health mandates.” In fact, our event in 2020 took place on “lockdown weekend.” That’s a weekend I’ll never forget. We were all set to go with the Conference scheduled to begin Friday evening, and continue throughout the day on Saturday. We had some incredible speakers lined up and folks from all over the country had traveled to our area to attend.
Then, the big announcement came Friday afternoon: the country was shutting down for “two weeks to flatten the curve,” referring to COVID. We were ordered to quarantine, businesses considered to be “non-essential” were told to close their doors and travel was limited. There were four other events at the venue we were holding ours at, and they all immediately cancelled. But we pressed on, undeterred. Everyone had a wonderful time, no one got sick, and all was well. We ended our Conference on Saturday night with prayer, but at the time, no one could have known what was coming upon our nation and the world, and how things were about to drastically change for us all. Those “two weeks” seemed to never end. Ours was the last live gathering of any kind, anywhere in the country for the rest of that year.
For the next two years, we weren’t able to put a Conference together, because there was no venue willing to sign a contract allowing us to use their facilities. Such was the uncertainty of those years — they didn’t want to rent us the space for our event, and then have to cancel if the lockdowns were still in place. Indeed, the lockdowns were still in effect in many areas. So, we took a couple of years off from hosting our annual gathering.
Then, last year, we began again. Now in a different location and a with a new way of doing things — and it was the very best event we ever put together. MANY people commented using the exact same words: “this was the BEST event of any kind we’ve ever been to!” And it was for me too. We had excellent speakers, the entire event was blessed with the beauty of the old hymns most of us grew up with — that few sing or even hear anymore in their churches. We heard many wonderful testimonies, several people were saved — including entire families — and about 15 people were baptized.
There was such an atmosphere of Godly peace — even though the topics being discussed by our speakers were some of the most serious and vital issues our world is facing. Because the Holy Spirit was present among us. It was a family atmosphere. The family of God, assembling together from all parts of the United States and the entire time was truly heartwarming. And the testimonies I heard after last year’s event astounded even me.
Let me share one with you here. This came just this past November. Yes, even though our Conference was in April, I was still getting amazing testimonies and positive comments as recently as November.
A lady wrote in to me to tell me that her entire family had been saved at our Conference. She initiated things, convincing her husband to attend — even though he really didn’t want to. Then, they dragged their two teenage kids along as well… a 14-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter. It was a six-hour drive for them to get to our Conference, and this lady told me that on the drive there, it was a family outing “as usual” — the husband and wife not really talking and both kids in their own little worlds with their iPhones and headphones, tuned out from everything around them.
On Friday night, we had two speakers, Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim and now Christian pastor and speaker; and Lynn Fredrick, who was rescued from an addiction to pornography. Shahram spoke about the situation with the Globalist New World Order being set up and it’s implications for free citizens around the world. Then, Lynn shared his testimony and also dealt with the topics of pornography, sexual addiction, the LGBTQ agenda and how it recruits children from the youngest of ages, lies to them, and then “grooms” them into becoming practicing homosexuals or transgenders — or “allies” of that movement.
This lady said her family members were all pretty quiet when things were over Friday night, but she was surprised by the way her husband and kids were so attentive — taking in all the information being shared. The next day, all were eager to be on time for the start of the Conference and everyone participated in the singing of hymns. She noted that her son told her, “This is a different kind of music. We don’t sing these songs in church. I like them!” The whole family was riveted with each presentation by the speakers throughout the day. And she was astounded when her husband came forward during the altar call to re-dedicate his life to Christ! This was something she never thought she’d see.
But the miracle took place on their way home, which is what she wrote to tell me about. The six-hour drive home was completely different from the drive there. Instead of the kids immersed in their phones and tablets, the family talked together in a way they had never done before. In fact, they talked all the way home.
Their 16-year-old daughter, who never shared any personal information about herself with her family, confessed that she had been hanging around with girls in her school that were not only not “Christian,” but were dabbling in homosexuality. One of her friends, in particular, was becoming more and more “masculine” in appearance and she admitted that she, herself, was intrigued by the idea of “transgenderism,” but also that she was afraid she — and her friends — were becoming victims of the perverse indoctrination that Lynn had explained on Friday night.
The family discussed this together, recalling what each of our speakers had shared during the Conference. And then, the most amazing thing of all happened. The Dad, for the first time in his life, led his family in prayer as they drove! They prayed for their daughter and her friends, the Dad confessed his lack of spiritual leadership and asked his family to forgive him for that, and the 14-year-old son confessed that he had been looking at things on the internet that he shouldn’t and he asked God to forgive him, and save him.
This lady didn’t write to tell me of this amazing news until November, because she wanted to be sure this wasn’t just a passing thing, but a life-change. And by November she was sure. Over the ensuing months, the Dad continued to lead daily prayers. Then he started doing daily devotional Bible readings with his wife and children. They left the church they had attended occasionally — which really wasn’t Biblically sound and was more about social gatherings, and they now fellowship with a small, rural church, 45 minutes from their home, but the people there take the things of God much more seriously and have much greater reverence for the Lord.
It’s rare to get a testimony like this because most people don’t share so much detail, but suffice to say, there were many similar stories, and I heard only extremely positive comments from all who attended. Indeed, the Holy Spirit was present among us last year and you could actually feel the presence of God in that place.
We’re doing it again this year — April 12 and 13. Our speaker lineup will again include Shahram Hadian and Lynn Fredrick. But we’ll also have Alex Newman from the New American and Liberty Sentinel, Coach Dave Daubenmire from Pass the Salt Ministries in Ohio, Jim Schneider from the VCY America radio network, Doug Hagmann — a private investigator and host of the very popular Hagmann Report based in Pennsylvania, and Dr. Mike Spauling, a pastor, radio and TV host from Ohio.
And we’ll be blessed by the old hymns of yester-year again, led by our friends from the MPK Christian Celtic Band and national recording artist Layton Howerton. This is a truly amazing lineup of America’s most sought-after speakers and teachers, presenting vital truth and information about the times we’re living in. And every one of our speakers will be weaving the most vital information of all throughout their presentations: the truth of the Gospel message.
Those who attend will find this to be a truly life-changing time for them. It will be a time not only of learning, but of creating an action plan so you can make a real difference, in your own life and in the lives of others around you. There will be rich, deep fellowship and new, life-long friendships made. And as we’ve seen happen so often before, this weekend will strengthen your marriage and family bonds in a way you’d never expect.
This definitely isn’t just “church as usual.” Those who attend will hear, learn and experience things they’ve never experienced before. I fully expect the Lord to do miraculous things again this year as we gather together in April. And this year is even more important than ever, because 2024 is going to be a year like none we’ve ever experienced.
Our theme this year is “We Won’t Back Down,” based on Ephesians 6:13, which says, “Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” As this year rolls on, great turmoil is ahead for all of us. I strongly believe that God has warned His people what’s coming, and now it’s our duty and responsibility to prepare our hearts, minds, and souls, and to prepare physically as well for the days ahead, so that we can stand our ground, and not back down to the demonic schemes the enemy has in store for us. Those who fail to gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the times we’re in and headed for, will have failed to prepare. And having failed to prepare, they are very likely to fail the Lord in that “evil day.”
Recently, I was saddened when I extended a personal invitation to this year’s conference to an old friend that I haven’t seen in a while. This person is a regular church-goer but responded that our event looked like “fear tactics” and told me they have no interest in “conspiracy theories.” Their pastor never speaks on any of these issues and they’re very happy in their church and were “falling more and more in love with Jesus every day.”
I was told that as Christians, we just need to leave everything to God and do nothing to stand against the wickedness and evil in our world — just let it happen (we are powerless anyway) — and hopefully by doing nothing, that will hasten Christ’s return.
There was no interest whatsoever in gaining wisdom, knowledge and understanding, much less standing against evil. Despite God’s Word telling us we’re to seek all these things and that we’ve been given power, love and sound minds, this person, like so many others, believe that Christians are utterly powerless. They don’t know about any of these matters our speakers will be addressing and they don’t want to know — and neither do their pastors.
Sadly, this is how most church-goers feel about our ministry here, and about all the issues that I believe are so very vital for Christians to be engaged in, informed about, and knowledgeable enough to inform others about. Having “itching ears,” they heap up for themselves “teachers” who tell them only what they want to hear. Or as the people told Jeremiah, “Prophecy to us soft things,” rather than truth. I truly hope you’re different.
I believe every Christ-follower NEEDS what we will be providing at our Conference. I know I need it. We must do more than just “go to church.” We must be engaged, we must press deeper into the knowledge and power of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I urge you to reserve your tickets for this event TODAY. You can order them online at or call me at 715-486-8066 for more information. I truly hope you’ll commit to being a part of this life-changing event. It will not only inform you but greatly encourage you. It just may be the highlight of your entire year. I hope to see you there and meet you in person. God bless you.
© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved
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