By AM Byrd

August 5, 2024

The Unified Political Class shouts from the rooftops that “THEY” are going to be the most transparent party and leaders in the history of the USA. It’s like a church choir that is in perfect tune, even though different singers are singing different aspects of the melody…they sing ONE SONG in harmony. Henceforth, I will only refer to them as the “Imperial They”. The Corporate Cathedral of Conquest.

I woke up to find out the nightmare had become reality. The Progressives, Socialists and Marxists that have purposefully infected and now permeate throughout The US guv’mint, and I include the highly mischievous RINO’s who collaborate seamlessly with them. They have preached and PREACHED about how “They” are going to make their behaviors and policies transparent! It is my firm conviction that “They” have finally achieved their lofty goal.

“They” have shown, with overwhelmingly AMPLE evidence, that “They” are willfully, heinously, deplorably, diabolically and TRANSPARENTLY…DECEPTIVE!! No Lie is too great, no deception too ambitious. The public will eat it up while they swill their Kool-Aid. The Imperial “They” are stunningly prevaricating liars and their target victims have been the American Public for well over 100 years. They have achieved their objectives! Most of the American Public now think the moon is made out of Limberger Cheese, and it stinks like nothing else in the universe.

Their stunning distortions are positively breathtaking! The Imperial “They” actually want us to believe that the world around us, the things that we see and hear with our own senses are not only erroneous but are an absolute hallucination! Black is no longer black (unless it is politically expedient); White is no longer white (unless it serves the political purpose of labeling individuals as white supremacists) …It is a psychological abomination!

People are whatever “They” want them to be! I wanted the world to be REAL…Apparently, I lose that wish. Men are not men; women are not women; they are gender fluid non-binary entities who can choose to be anything they want to be, whenever they want to be it!! Human Chameleons! Or should I say Chimeras? Oh, and men CAN become pregnant! All you have to believe is that it can BE and your fairy godmother is standing right behind you!! (Where did I put my magic wand?) Soon, they will not even be 100% human beings. They will be transhuman, implanted with AI and live forever! The world has lost it moral docking and our ship of humanity is finally lost at sea.

Probably the most famous lie ever told: ” And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Gen 3:4-5
THIS is how the Global Corporate Command sees the average person. We are something to destroy through gullibility and temptation. Humans, beyond “Their” proscribed numerical limit, are a blight upon the earth who demand being fed and clothed and sheltered…and there are simply too many humans (cue the Covid Shot advertisement)!! George Bernard Shaw infamously reported to the world, ” If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight … then clearly, we cannot use the organizations of society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to you”. He went on to remark rhetorically in 1948, “The ungovernables, the ferocious, the conscienceless, the idiots, the self-centered myops and morons, what of them? Do not punish them. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill them”. Capital Punishment by George Bernard Shaw ( Shaw was religiously enamored of Socialism. Capitalism HAD to be destroyed. Due to the “dwindling natural resources” the Global Elite must protect to ensure THEIR continuity, the vast multitude of humans must be eliminated.

Why?…because the Elites must survive to become the superior DNA of the future. Hitler was right after all! Only the Elites have a right to the earth’s resources and the rest must perish to preserve the Pure Human…Is there ANYTHING more demonic than sanctioning mass human elimination from the earth in the belief The Imperial “They” are superior?

Let me start with the ultimate fantasy that Kamala Harris is now the presumptive nominee for president of the USA. I would like to know: who voted for this cackling wretch wrapped up in a meat suit? WHO?? NOBODY!! That’s who! No one voted for her, not even in the primary race in 2020, in her home state (mostly because she couldn’t even get to the primary, as she dropped out with NO SUPPORT). In her political reprieve, she was positioned by the WEF’s golden boy (or should I refer to him as The Prince?) the unconstitutional Wizard of Oz, Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Hussein Obama, to do exactly what “They” want her to do and they did it way back in 2020. She has displayed the most dangerous of traits: the unadulterated display of unconditional raw ambition, complete moral vacancy, duplicitous denial of Joe’s true psychological condition for over 3.5 years and the Devil can take the hindmost. I mean, how…IN GOD’S NAME…do you save ‘democracy’ by DESTROYING IT?

I’ll tell you how: When you hate something, you tear it down and “build back better’. Seriously, by the way, who came up with that odious drivel, that anemic, pathetic bumper sticker, “Build Back Better?? Let me tell you where: It was originally intoned in 2005 by the World Bank’s Preliminary Stocktake of the damage and destruction from the December 2004 tsunami to Aceh and Nias. Note; THE WORLD BANK!!! It was former United States President, Bill Clinton, in his role as United Nations Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery when he addressed the United Nations in July 2005. Of course, the Clinton’s are well known for their sterling efforts at helping disaster victims. Ask anyone in Haiti!

We always talk about “The Powers That Be”. Well, “They” just produced an in-your-face, broad daylight, rapaciously reported on, palace coup and Joseph Robinette Biden was the sacrificial lamb led to the Alter of Higher Purposes. I believe this has been in the works since they pushed Bernie out of the way and stuck us with SloJoe. “The Imperial They” decided they had waited long enough to turn the USA into the North American Union of their NWO WET DREAM, more than 5 decades ago. Coincidentally, they put Cackling Harris in the Veep slot and SloJoe swallowed his medicine.

Not only that, but Mr. Soetoro, alias “O’bama”, stuck his neophyte protégé, the West Coast socialist scum-sucker, who got to the top by laying on her back, the slimy Oakland slug who got away with what Rachal Dolezal could only dream of, and Kamala did it the same way. The Powers That Be, in America, in other words BHO, called her a black woman, when they KNEW she was nothing of the sort. It certainly worked for Barry! Her father is from Jamaca, and her mother is from India. Are Jamaican’s considered black? If so, then she is only HALF black. I asked that in my previous column. When only one parent is black (if Jamaican’s are considered black) then what about the other half? Is Mom just chopped liver now? Sorry Mom, but you don’t fit the narrative of a politically preferable ethnic identity. Half Indian doesn’t get The Cackler far enough???? I just want to vomit!

There is nothing more reprehensible to me than someone who hangs their importance on one side of their genetic stew and throws the other half like scraps to the dogs. As far as I’m concerned, Kamala Harris is a contemptable, villainous worm. Having said that, she is but the public face of the 4th BHO term; and it is said that America doesn’t permit kings and THE PEOPLE decide the fate of the country by their vote. BULLSHIT. That is the greatest subterfuge and fantasy of all. We are given and allowed NOTHING. We The People are manipulated, maneuvered and purposefully DECEIVED into the position of a rape victim, and the Global Masters are all unzipping their pants.

When a person previews a possible scenario being presented to them, that seems clear to anyone with brain synapses that actually work, they use the old term, “I told you so!…I told you this was going to happen!!”, Well, this is one of those moments and I take no joy in repeating it. If this is allowed to stand, what has happened is we have now realized we are in a TRULY post constitutional environment The most tragic of that news is that it is not a new occurrence. It begun developing 115 years ago and actually materialized 103 years ago…the Power Elites just didn’t want you to know about it until all the pieces were in position on the chessboard and the American People’s Rights were checkmated by all “Their” Chessman. We have nowhere to move to. We have been cornered in our own nation.

Justice and law mean nothing to empire builders. This is The Establishment, comprised of a complete cacophony of ravenous, morally vacant, insatiable at-all-cost Destroyers. The London’s New School of premier gov’t by intrigue and dictum. The move against Joe Biden was stark and clear. It has been a highly choreographed palace coup, with the realization of their most coveted objective only a few short months in the future: A single world government.

With Mr. “O’Bama” and his surgically engineered maneuvers in the strategic removal of Biden and elevating one of the most disgusting caricatures I have ever seen born through the womb of political intrigue: Kamala Harris. It is woefully apparent that her crash courses in “O’Bama’s” School of the Cult of Personality and Conversational Hypnosis have been well understood. Watch her body and hand movements and the cadence of her ethic speech modulations. One of my favorite regurgitations, proof of the success of her BHO tutelage, that she has “miraculously” championed is like an eerie echo of Oct 30, 2008: Harris’ well-worn buzz phrase, “What can be, unburdened by what has been”; Couple this with another heavily nuanced (and foolish) badinage about falling out of a Coconut Tree, and you end up with double speak even Aldous Huxley and George Orwell would be jealous of. Her newest ad is out. It is the most shameless pandering to the Black Community ever. SICKENING!

Reign by popular meme. The fallacious facade of a representative government? The Front Group, the Schwab-“O’Bama” & CGI power structure sponsored by the International Money Changers, Global Corporate Media and Industrial Robber Barons, just came out of the closet and openly told you “They” had taken over your government. Every facet of the structure is in place and each region of the Global Conspiracy MUST have a “director” at the top. NO DEVIATION from that concept is permitted. What we have seen in the past 2-3 weeks is the effort to remove a presidential candidate by a carefully crafted and drafted, professionally designed assassination attempt at the highest levels of internal and international intrigue… a cataclysmic big gulp by the deadly Prince of Darkness. I praise Almighty God for His mercy in the survival of President Donald J Trump.

Those minions spiritually indwelt by the Forces of Evil have taken over the planet. Get ready to enjoy your breakfast of mealworms and your hovel of mud and straw; You’ll have nothing and be happy!………….or else.

© 2024 Alice Byrd – All Rights Reserved

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[BIO: A.M. Byrd is the granddaughter of Italian and Dutch immigrants who came to love and revere this nation and its opportunities. She is the daughter of an USAF Lt Col (now deceased) and the mother of an honorably retired Army SSgt, 2 men who served this country with distinction. Coming of age in the 60’s, contributed by living in the nest of the anti-war fervor of the San Francisco Bay Area, Berkeley in particular, she is a first-hand witness to the ravages of the Viet Nam war on her classmates and racial upheavals born in Oakland, Ca. with the Black Panthers.

Having worked in both the professional world and the medical field, she has come to see the vast unbalances between classes of people and the political pressures applied within those fields. A student of history with a particular interest in psychology, the events of the past 6 decades have left an indelible impression on her sense of honor and virtue. The darkness of such events has only strengthened her faith in God, that all things work together for the eventual supremacy of His will for this world. The Good wins.]

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