By Lex Greene

November 9, 2021

Just in case you have not figured it out yet, your health and medical interests are not being controlled by doctors, scientists, nurses, or any other medical professionals. It’s being controlled by power-hungry global Marxist politicians, their scumbag lawyers, and their lockstep fake news media.

OSHA exists for the sole purpose of preventing employers from endangering the health and wellbeing of their employees. As the dangers of all existing COVID19 vaccines are well-documented, any employer attempting to force or coerce these vaccines upon employees is an overt effort by the employer to knowingly place the employees at significant health risk, including potential death.

No one can say “we didn’t know.” VAERS Reports have been flooding in since the very first vaccine given. ALL VAERS reports document adverse effects from these so-called vaccines.

Biden’s recent “OSHA mandate” is just the latest in a long line of outright lies, yet another effort to create a false public perception that OSHA has any such legal authority, when in fact, no one on earth has any lawful authority to force or coerce inject anyone with anything against your will. It’s just another anti-American lawyer drafted hoax with no force of law behind it whatsoever, no doubt directed by “constitutional scholar” Barack Hussein Obama.

OSHA was created to protect worker safety conditions in manufacturing, construction, and warehousing jobs, where workplace injuries often happen due to unsafe working conditions, largely related to physical labor jobs that require the use of heavy machinery. OSHA has no other purpose or authority whatsoever, certainly as it pertains to any medical mandates to be forced or coerced by employers. In truth, OSHA is obligated to protect all employees against “lethal bio injections” which employers are currently attempting to force upon innocent frightened people.

No one voted for or elected anyone at OSHA.The Constitution doesn’t grant OSHA any authority over medical advice or procedures, and unless I missed it somehow along the way, there is no amendment to the Constitution that grants OSHA any lawmaking authority at all.

So, once again, here we are, with the entire U.S. Corporate FAKE News Media rushing to announce even more draconian unlawful mandates from yet another federal agency with no medical mandate authority whatsoever. Journalism in America died a long time ago. All American news media at present, is a mere federal propaganda machine spewing nothing but lies 24/7. The only thing more dangerous than these “vaccines” is the 24/7 fear-mongering news media, based on nothing but outright lies.

Joe Biden lacks any authority to “mandate” any medical procedure on anyone. But while occupying the White House, he does have authority to issue Executive Orders that only pertain to Executive Branch employees, under Title 5 in U.S. Code. Such orders pertain ONLY to executive branch employees, and only if such an order is itself lawful.

On September 9, 2021, Biden signed two Executive Orders pertaining to COVID19 vaccine mandates, EO 14042: COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, and EO 14043: Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees, meaning, Executive branch employees only, under Title 5 Executive Authority.

These orders pertain to no one except employees who fall under Title 5 Executive Branch authority. There are no other Executive Orders pertaining to anyone else, including the other two branches of the Federal government, any of the 50 states, or any of the 332-million American citizens who are not Executive branch employees.

OSHA is a Federal Agency, under the authority of the Executive branch. Biden can command OSHA employees, but not OSHA policies specifically.

Nothing has really changed since 1787, at least officially. The Legislative Branch remains the only branch of the Federal government with any lawmaking authority. Anything made by any other branch or agency is NOT a “law.” It’s a political agenda “policy” with no force of law behind it.

In fact, the legal definition of “mandate” is –A judicial command, order, or precept, written or oral, from a court; a direction that a court has the authority to give and an individual is bound to obey.”

In other words, “mandates” can only be issued by the Judicial branch, not the Executive or Legislative branches. Further, a court can only issue a “mandate” under the authority of existing law, which must come from the lawmaking branch, the U.S. Congress. The courts have no unilateral powers to issue “mandates” other than to enforce “laws” passed by Congress, and neither does the Executive branch.

As we all know, Congress has not passed any laws pertaining to the medical management of COVID19, and they can’t. Therefore, Biden cannot issue anything more than an Executive Order limited to Executive branch employees, and the courts cannot issue any “mandate” as there is no “law” to underpin any such order.

As neither Biden or the courts have any authority to dictate via “mandate” to private companies or citizens on this matter, neither does OSHA or any other Federal agency.

Keep in mind, the Federal government has no authority to govern any sovereign state, which is governed by its own Executive, Legislative, Judicial branches, with its own Constitution, Bill of Rights and set of Laws, all of which is protected by the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Wherein no Federal authority exists at all, there can be no “federal supremacy.”

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Amendment 10.Nothing in the U.S. Constitution delegates any powers to any branch of the Federal government, to dictate medical procedures of any kind. Therefore, no such power exists.

The problem is, most Americans don’t know it and most lawyers, politicians, and news media personalities, don’t want you to know it either! Most Americans just stumble their way through life without paying much attention to anything important. This is the same herd that has stumbled their way right into these lethal vaccines, without following any science at all.

The bottom line here is this… Biden has no such authority; the courts have no such authority; and certainly, agencies like OSHA have no such authority. Employers also have no such authority and again, no one has the legal right to force or coerce inject anyone with anything against their will, no one!

First and foremost, no vaccine, injection, medical treatment, or procedure can be performed on any human being without the patients “informed consent.” Informed consent is not one thing, it’s two things…

The Patient’s Consent – is the act of an individual patient granting their specific permission for someone to administer a medical device, treatment, or procedure upon them, including but not limited to vaccines. Proof of a patient’s consent must be in writing. No one has any right to perform any medical act on another human being without their expressed consent, not even your doctor. If consent is not in writing, then no consent exists, and any medical act administered to that patient is without the patient’s consent. In cases where the patient is unable to provide their consent for any reason, then the health proxy for the patient must grant their written consent in advance of any medical procedure. A patient may withhold consent at any time for any reason, without abuse or retaliation of any kind.

The Informed Patient – in order for any patient to grant their consent for any medical device, treatment, or procedure, including but not limited to vaccines, the patient must be fully and properly informed. They must understand the medical device, treatment or procedure being recommended, the ingredients in the cocktail, any and all possible negative impacts to their health and well-being, and any known history of adverse effects from the device, or procedure to be administered. Without complete and proper information, the patient is not in a position to offer any consent.

So, if you have been vaccinated for COVID19 under fake mandates, without being fully and properly informed of all potential dangers known to exist related to these particular vaccines, or without signing a patient’s consent form providing proof of your “informed consent,” then your rights as a patient have already been violated under the law and The American Medical Association Patient Bill of Rights.

You need to choose who you can believe today.Is it me and the sources I have made available to you today…Or, the people destroying our country and killing thousands with their lethal injections, lying to you for two years now, and openly admitting that their overall agenda is “mass depopulation?”

Choose wisely my dear friends… and STOP THIS INSANITY!


  1. Italy just rereported their COVID19 death toll to under 4000, admitting to their public that 97% of the 130,000 previously reported COVID deaths did not die from COVID. The same is true in the USA and all countries who have not yet restated the actual COVID deaths.
  2. Federal Appeals Court issues a STOP to Joe Biden’s (OSHA) medical mandates citing “grave statutory and constitutional” concerns about the government’s mandate;”

Biden or OSHA can issue any policy they want. But no one has to follow it… We are NOT a dictatorship, yet! And everyone involved in this mass-infection effort, is liable…

AMA Patient Rights

Physicians can best contribute to a mutually respectful alliance with patients by serving as their patients’ advocates and by respecting patients’ rights. These include the right:

  1. To courtesy, respect, dignity, and timely, responsive attention to his or her needs.
  2. To receive information from their physicians and to have opportunity to discuss the benefits, risks, and costs of appropriate treatment alternatives, including the risks, benefits, and costs of forgoing treatment. Patients should be able to expect that their physicians will provide guidance about what they consider the optimal course of action for the patient based on the physician’s objective professional judgment.
  3. To ask questions about their health status or recommended treatment when they do not fully understand what has been described and to have their questions answered.
  4. To make decisions about the care the physician recommends and to have those decisions respected. A patient who has decision-making capacity may accept or refuse any recommended medical intervention.
  5. To have the physician and other staff respect the patient’s privacy and confidentiality.
  6. To obtain copies or summaries of their medical records.
  7. To obtain a second opinion.
  8. To be advised of any conflicts of interest their physician may have in respect to their care.
  9. To continuity of care. Patients should be able to expect that their physician will cooperate in coordinating medically indicated care with other health care professionals, and that the physician will not discontinue treating them when further treatment is medically indicated without giving them sufficient notice and reasonable assistance in making alternative arrangements for care.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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