By Lee Duigon

October 24, 2024

At my first newspaper job—“associate editor”: starting almost at the top—our editor-in-chief was a self-styled socialist who always pumped the pedal for “major change.” He was never clear about what sort of “major change” that should be.

I wrote up a series of interviews with local office-holders, all Republicans, to explore what they believed in and how they differed from the Democrats. I was a registered Democrat at the time, but I tried to keep that out of my reporting. “Let them speak for themselves” was my motto.

My editor-in-chief objected. “You’re making them sound rational and decent!” he said. “Maybe that’s because they are,” I answered. That was back in the 1970s. A lot of the Democrats, back then, were rational and decent, too. The towns and counties that we covered were, on the whole, in pretty good hands.

How times have changed. Major change. Just like he wanted.

Only two of those public figures, with whom I worked every day, turned out to be bad apples: both Democrats, and both wound up in jail. I remember their perp walks. But two out of a dozen dozens wasn’t enough to make me lose faith in our government.

It took time, and lots and lots of major change that proved to be major mischief, to accomplish that.

Anyone who thinks we’re a better country than we were in 1980 is cotton-pickin’ crazy.

Wide-open borders, censorship run wild, “transgender” pushed like their lives depended on it, the fiasco in Afghanistan, people running the country who shouldn’t be trusted with a bait shop… and I blame it on Democrats—plus a fair number of notably useless Republicans.

We really do need to take care whom we elect to public office. Great Caesar’s ghost, we almost had John Kerry in the White House! And Kacklin’ Kamala and Tampon Tim Walz might be even worse, if such a thing is possible.

It must all be cleaned up from top to bottom. School board elections, town and city council memberships, colleges and universities—it won’t do much good to fix up Washington D.C. if the local governing bodies remain dominated by persons who are neither sane nor rational. Millions of us voted to put these rascals in positions of power and prestige.

And we have gotten what we deserved.

I have discussed these and other issues throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

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