By Coach Dave Daubenmire

March 21, 2024

Our Fellow Buckeyes need our help!!

As many of you know, Pass The Salt Ministries is always on the front lines in disaster relief.  Hurricane Katrina was the first relief effort that we were active in where we kept a boots-on-the-ground team for 6 weeks.  Since then, our efforts have taken us to Texas, Fla, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi.  NOW, MY HOME STATE NEEDS OUR HELP!!

Last week tornadoes ravage Western Ohio.  Indian Lake is a name that may be familiar to some of the old folks because it was the name of a Song made famous by the singing family THE COWSILL’s.  Do you remember the lyrics “Indian Lake is a scene you should make with your little ones.   Just keep it in mind if you’re looking to find a place in the Summer sun. Swim in the cove, have a snack in the grove or you can rent a canoe.  At Indian Lake you’ll be able to make the way the Indians do.”  Here is the vid.

Well, Indian Lake is a real place and much of those who live in this quaint little village have lost everything.  We are asking you to help us help Indian Lake.

We are organizing a team for this weekend…March 21-24…for efforts in Western Ohio.  Tornadoes ravaged the Indian Lake area and massive cleanup efforts are underway.  We do general clean up…brush…trees…shingles…plywood…    Many hands make light-work.

Could you help us help the folks in Indian Lake?  Many have lost everything.  At least three people died.  Please watch this tornado.  This is small town America, folks.  Flyover county, home of what Hillary called The Deplorables.  No one is coming to rescue them.  The Ukraine isn’t sending any money their way.  It is up to folks like you and me to help our neighbors in their time of need.

Will you help us help them?   Watch this.

Our team will be on the ground for 3 days.  Many have come from across the country.  We ask nothing from the locals.  We pay our own way.  The area needs help clearing the debris.  But the folks have lost everything.  We got this list of things they need.

The list seems so simple…and desperate.

Donate.  Please do not give to the RED CROSS…they are, for the most part, a Government-controlled agency.  We work directly with churches and put the money in the hands of LOCAL PASTORS who can meet the needs of the community.   You can give online at or mail a check to Pass The Salt Box 744  Hebron, Ohio  43025.  Your gift is tax deductible.

This is also a wonderful GOSPEL opportunity.  Heartbroken people are always more open to the Gospel…and we minister as we work.  A team of 30 or so of us are already boots on the ground as you read this commentary.

This work may be on-going.  We will know more next week.  Please help us help our BUCKEYES!!

If everyone reading this would give $10 to the cause we can give hope to hurting Americans?  Isn’t it about time we focused our generosity here at home?

Click here.  Let’s make Indian Lake Great Again!

© 2024 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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