By Kat Stansell

August 2, 2024

An Object Lesson

Joe Biden was a useful idiot, used by the Globalist regime as a mere figurehead, behind which Obama hid and acted. With his fast-failing body and mind, he is no longer useful to them. Hence, he “resigned”.

Remember, both he and Harris, were the lowest vote-getters in the 2020 primaries, out of the Democrat field of 17. We knew back then, when they appeared as the 2020 Democrat ticket, that they had a purpose, and it had nothing to do with getting elected. The stolen election, aka Coup, of 2020 proved that. Joe had already lost enough of his marbles that he bragged, in Oct., 2020, that the Democrats had built the largest and most effective fraud machine in history. From then on, they wheeled him out with increasing caution.

Kamala Harris is also a useful idiot, put in her position as a DEI token. She, too, has failed consistently, with her idiocy (not so useful, they have come to find out…) and apparent inability to even comprehend the nation’s problems, which she has personally made many times worse. She has become an embarrassment to America, or at least to those who have enough morals to feel shame. I believe the Globalists are going to take her out too. They will let her be herself, and that should do it.

Kamala, in charge of the border, has been the kind of failure that is in blindingly bright focus around the world. The flood of drugs is on her padded shoulders. She babbles and giggles at the most inappropriate times. Her “word salads” are served up wherever she opens her mouth; too much fiber in the national diet has caused much cramping and nausea. And utter disgust. We don’t have the budget for PeptoBismol for the world.

I believe that the Globalists are temporarily “supporting” her so that she continues to make a fool of herself, and will be easy to remove. Guesses as to her replacement are just that right now. Guesses. Maybe they will go with their girl all the way. God save America. We thought the USA was a laughing stock under old Joe??

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) isn’t working out for them, for sure, and they have to be aware. Just heard that the Secret Service director, who is criminally incompetent at a minimum, has resigned after a few tough questions from Congress. Hope that does NOT protect her from criminal charges which I would hope are coming.

In truth, most of the Biden regime should face charges of varying degree. Many, in my estimation, revolve around treason.

Are they in their last throes? Maybe, maybe not. There are still several million useful idiots, spawned by the media. Some are waking up, but not all, by far. We must contend with them and , at a minimum, the noise they make between now and November. MSM controls the volume, of course. They could be built to creating violence.

There is a line of thought that believes this entire coup has been choreographed to a chosen end, to bring America through the agonies so that we may be freed of them. This is the “white hat” theory. I pray to God that it’s so.

Dark or light, I am more certain that we still have a very rough patch to navigate. Scylla and Charybdis? The rock and the whirlpool? The choice between two evils? Whatever analogy you prefer, we will need the wisdom and strength of each other to make it through. That is often called common sense with eyes wide open. It is becoming more and more apparent who is friend or foe.

Meanwhile, keep at your local election officials for those voter rolls and Detainer lists, or to abandon the machines for paper ballots and hand counts. No, I’m not a dreamer, just an American in love with a constitutional republic that I know deserves saving.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” —Edmund Burke​

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