By Sidney Secular
January 20, 2023
White extinction anxiety, white displacement anxiety, and white minority status anxiety have been the animating but unacknowledged force of right-wing politics for decades but because whites haven’t formed a voting bloc – a necessity in today’s political climate – their problems will not be directly confronted especially given how every politically incorrect they are. And even if a majority, or at least a large number of whites tried to form a real voting bloc, they would face fierce opposition from the establishment, compounded by the unwarranted guilt and shame foisted upon them by the sick virtue signalers. The empty suits of the GOP have been happy to follow the anti-white agenda, refusing to openly acknowledge the problem because there is no politically correct voting bloc to which they can cater, and so they cater to the spirit of the age. Not one Congressional legis-traitor will initiate a fight to overcome the white plight due to their fear of doing something outside the box and thus the Historic American Nation continues its descent into the abyss. Ex-Congressman King of Iowa was already persona non grata after being canned from Congress, so he has sort of taken up the aforesaid fight now that he is no longer in Congress and doesn’t have to worry about the various brickbats thrown at him. He needn’t even be pensive since his large pension took care of that.
The whites who recognize their plight are understandably frustrated since they have no real outlet wherein they can effect a difference, and therefore they remain gripped by their gripes. The largely dull, deceived and dumbed down general mass of whites, bereft of racial consciousness will grasp at any straw that seems to address their unease within their dismaying situation. As a result, with the appearance of Donald Trump, they enthusiastically took up the MAGA Movement which addressed their plight as ordinary, middle class white Americans. Of course, it is also true that a nebulous number of non-whites reject the abuses and lunacies of the Left and as a result have also embraced the promise of Trump, but on the other hand, they are sometimes part of the cause vice the solution to the “status woe”.
The GOP has been only too happy to reap whatever unearned electoral windfalls may come its way, especially considering its nonchalant and neglectful attitude towards its core support group, largely white middle Americans who are the most civic minded, law abiding and hardworking segment of the population. These are the people who perform the essential jobs and maintain the economy and the culture, but they also represent the nation’s forgotten demographic. These “Americans” populate the largely overlooked tracts of America that are now commonly referred to as “flyover country,” a term the elites coined as they coast along at 30,000 feet on their trips to and from the more populated, important and powerful coasts. The GOP basically deserted this most loyal constituency by the early 1970s, a choice most clearly demonstrated by the dastardly “affirmative action program.” This program, supposedly designed to offset previous racial bigotry in hiring, initiated the concept of equality over quality, thus stifling white opportunities for economic and social upward mobility. When the agenda of redacting reality in the name of “racial fairness” was then combined with the immigration invasion, Americans and their economy suffered a double whammy. But the economy was not the only area of American life to suffer from policies that we were sold under the argument of “fairness.” The immigration invasion also jeopardized the safety and integrity of America’s lower middle class and poor neighborhoods as well.
Furthermore, the globalization of the American economy and the prevalence of free trade policies eliminated well-paying manufacturing jobs in the US, lowering the living standards of middle class Americans without much helping the poor in those countries that received the benefit of America’s manufacturing economy. When combined with the aforesaid factors, the outcome facilitated the shrinkage of the American middle class and its living standards, a process that has been ongoing ever since.
Many whites later rallied around the sabotaged candidacies of Ross Perot and Patrick Buchanan knowing full well that the victory of any main party candidate meant more of the same. These same voters whose numbers grew exponentially under Bush and later Obama finally achieved a measure of short-lived success with the rise of Donald Trump! Of course, it didn’t hurt the Trump camplaign that the “majority candidate” was a murderous criminal whose crimes could not be denied by even the most naïve voter. Nonetheless, unacknowledged “minority anxiety” was the true subconscious motivator behind Trump’s ascendancy.
In the book, “Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism,” Angus Deaton and Anna Case document the numbers of deaths in the US from suicides, drug overdoses and alcohol-induced liver disease. The authors show that the average growth in median wages between 1979 and 2017 was a negative number for white men without a college degree. Largely responsible for these numbers was the GOP’s “free market” policies, policies that in practice meant exporting well paying jobs while importing cheap labor. The cultural consequences of depressed wages for men can be fatal as studies show because those men who cannot afford to build proper and stable homes tend to turn to alcohol and drugs. Yet, these disdained whites remain the nucleus of the Middle American bloc that continues to pump lifeblood into the arteries of the adulterated GOP, a party whose members never met a compromise they didn’t like and who long ago abandoned their core principles – if they ever had any such in the first place!
But let’s look at the statistics: Trump won in 2016 by more than 2 to 1 among whites who had not completed college. During the 2018 mid-term elections, 64% of rural whites voted Republican compared with 51% of suburban whites. Trump scored 63% of the said group that did not complete college in the 2020 presidential election at least as far as can be calculated given the tremendous amount of voter fraud involved! The mid-term elections in 2022 showed the same trends to be alive and well, driven forward by the same anxieties tapped into by the Trump campaigns. One really significant stat shows that by an overwhelming majority of 84%, Middle American Trump voters “worry that discrimination against whites will increase significantly in the next few years.” It would seem that not everyone in America demonstrates a diminished IQ! This finding was the result of a survey conducted by the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics in which immigration featured prominently and not merely because of the depressed wages for middle class workers that appear to be a chronic condition at this point. Trump voters fear they will suffer personally, culturally, and economically from the effects of immigration, something that cannot be denied by any but the willfully blind and those for whom that result is desired! Indeed, many Democrats have openly stated that their “immigration policy” is designed to produce Democrat voters.
Despite the happy – and politically correct – talk about a Republican Party “big tent,” over 60% of Trump voters agree that there exists the basic concept of a “great replacement” and believe there is a deliberate attempt to displace, dispossess and replace them with non-whites. Trump voters – especially the hardcore core of MAGA voters, that is, white evangelical and rural voters – were more “fired up to vote” compared to other voters in the latest episode of stolen elections. Even white suburban women – always a difficult demographic for the GOP – have shifted to the Republican Party over the grossly objectionable educational agendas pushing gender and race issues that their children face in the WOKE educational establishment. This coterie has spearheaded the takeover of school boards and has thwarted the grossly racist and anti-white “critical race theory” in the majority white areas of the US.
Despite much ado about an increasingly diverse GOP, white Middle Americans will constitute the country’s right- wing engine for the foreseeable future and there are more reasons for this than simple self-preservation. In spite of everything, the middle class white carries the DNA of Western Civilization. These people were, are and remain the bedrock of all that we know, recognize and understand as America and they know – quite without a degree from Harvard – that once they are gone, so is civilization as we have known it. But despite that fact, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that sometime soon America will pass the cultural, political, and demographic point of no return if present trends continue. Whether Middle Americans are consigned to the dustbin of history as has-beens or emerge triumphant will depend on someone harnessing and effectively instrumentalizing white anxieties in a direct way hitherto not seen. A pro-active voting bloc whose function is to unashamedly promote white interests must arise if the Historic American nation is to survive and even then, as actual elections become less and less honest and more and more irrelevant, such “interests” will need a great deal of Divine assistance as most of the power is currently in the hands of the enemy.
But, in the end, perhaps most important is the development of a positive vision of the race that brought man from the cave to the stars. Only by refusing to play the “blame game” will whites be able to overcome the deadly problems facing our race and survive into the future. If that does not happen, all of mankind’s future is bleak indeed.
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