A recent article written by a Chicago union man was recently forwarded to me by a frequent contributor to this column, Lawrence Craig who asks the question millions have asked and have been fluffed off for asking. So Who IS Obama? That is the question.
Obama managed to become an Illinois Senator. His position there did not receive a great deal of attention.His quiet placement in the Senate was to buy time.
Next he was on a campaign trail announcing his candidacy for President of the United States. His position on running the U.S. was made abundantly clear when he was asked on the street by Joe the Plumber, what would be the first thing he would do if elected?Â
Without missing a beat Obama said he would “redistribute the wealth.” And nobody questioned that Communist mission statement. This writer saw and heard that since it was shown on live TV.

This represented a royal setting where he looked and sounded like a gay Greek philosopher.
His was a strange campaign since absolutely NO personal information about him was disclosed. Yet his charisma carried him through the entire process.
As the nation watched on election day, the “results” showed that Obama won the election. We now had our first ‘black president,’ in our nation’s history. At least that was half right since he was only half black.
Now get this: a couple of hours later on that election day, Grant’s Park in Chicago suddenly came alive, with a prepared stage, seats that covered the entire park being filled with thousands of people for the “Election Night Victory Party,” which was soon underway.
A miracle obviously had occurred. An undecided election had just been called, the president named, and within two hours, Grants Park had been fully put together for this huge public gathering. That was either a miracle or a colossal demonstration of optimism.
Furthermore, we dove in a bit deeper and learned that Obama had deposited a million dollars to secure Grants Park for that, again, Election Victory Party–SIX MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION even took place!  So it was a done deal.
All personal information about Obama was blocked from view. It was not even certain if he was born in the U.S. since no birth certificate was provided despite repeated requests.Â
We understand Obama’s sponsors including George Soros and The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) spent millions of dollars for lawyers who skillfully blocked any and all information about him, including his college records, wedding records or birth information about his two daughters.
Yes, Obama, who was shoe-horned into the Oval Office, will go down in history as the perpetrator of the greatest fraud in history. And Obama was not VOTED in. He was put in by a subtle coup’d’etat.Â
There was total election fraud, voting machines rigged, dead people voting. Nothing about it was legit.
His eight years in office were the most disastrous years ever as the U.S. was being re-structured. The Democrat Party, actually The Communist Party, had prepared for America to become ruled by them which would be the last country to give in to the New World Order making it possible for them to now take over the entire planet.
The American public begin to demand his birth certificate. As the pressure began to build, Obama announced that he would provide his birth certificate from Hawaii where, he said, he was born.
This columnist examined that ‘birth certificate’ and immediately could see it was a fake. There were many clues, but the one that especially stood out was in the box labeled, “Race” the answer was, ‘African American.’Â How’s that again? In the 1950’s the answer would have been, “Negroe.”
Then, I found and saw his actual birth certificate, in Kenya, where he was born. I contacted the Kenyan newspaper and found his birth certificate attached to a story from years before where the paper bragged that ‘a fellow Kenyan, one of us, who was born and raised here, has been elected to the United States Senate.’ To show pride on this point, they published the copy of the actual certificate.
It was good I found it when I did since they scrubbed that off the newspaper site as more and more inquiries came in.
Since Obama left office after his 8 year whirlwind of destruction, he would not leave D.C. He (his sponsors) bought a mansion within walking distance to The White House for him to live in. He still seems to be making decisions as the George Soros Communists plan to move him back in along with Hillary.
He is part of this move to disarm all Americans for a smooth and easy transition where he will be reinstalled.
The recent school shooting in Florida was directed by George Soros who ingeniously devised a way for kids, high school students to protest nation-wide, against the private ownership of guns. Talking about innocent kids being used for political propaganda in order to take over The United States!
Did anyone question how these students in different high schools managed to book tour buses to take them to state Capitols and one coming up in the United States Capitol in D.C.? We need to ask more questions. First of all, this will require a lot of money to pull off.
How could they raise that much money for renting buses, paying drivers, traveling, hotels and food? They didn’t have to. George Soros and his demoncrats took care of all these pesky details in order to focus all attention to disarming America so it will be easier for Communists to come in with a bang and take charge of this country.Â
It is time to question more, write opinions to your area newspapers, and refuse to accept what the Democrats are trying to push on us. There are two sides to this. The Communist Democrats who represent only those whose goal is to dismantle the United States and put us all under THEIR command.
The other side is the true citizens of America who want our country as founded by our forefathers. The true citizens of America love our country and are the millions who voted in Donald J. Trump as our president.Â
Let us stand firm, never give up, give in, or get out. This is OUR country, not a Communist country. Let us never forget that. Everyone should be prepared to fight for our freedom.
Photo Caption: Obama and Gay Lover in College
© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com